Man Pleads Guilty To Possessing Over $50,000

May 24, 2014

Appearing in Magistrates Court this week, a 44 year-old man pleaded guilty to a charge of possessing over $50,000 cash while knowing it to be the proceeds of crime. The Crown also applied to have all the cash forfeited.

Senior Magistrate Archie Warner was told that Ricardo Walker had the cash in his possession at LF Wade Airport in October 2013 as he sought to board a flight to Atlanta.

Mr. Walker was stopped by U.S. Homeland Security, who subjected Mr. Walker to a secondary search, found the undeclared cash, and called in Bermuda Police.

Mr. Walker was found to have over $50,000 in cash disposed about his body and in bags and pockets of his clothing.

He told the police, “I was forced to take money away.” He also told police that someone had put a gun in his mouth and threatened to kill him. Mr. Walker admitted, “I have no bank work to explain $50,000.”

The Senior Magistrate rejected the request for bail, ordered a Social Inquiry Report, and set sentencing for July 2014.

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Articles that link to this one:

  1. Court Orders 44-Year-Old To Forfeit $51,206 | | July 14, 2014
  1. Possessing money is not a crime …assuming it to be proceeds of crime is presumptive at best….it used to be banks would pay you an interest to utilise your money,now they charge you….it is this reason people don’t always bank their money!Why give a bank money to make money….if they don’t pay you for you observation…..effem!

  2. Either prove…proceeds of crime….or observe law that protects citizenry!And their right to gainful employment or probate from will and testement!

  3. As a contractor I take deposits larger than that….if you question my voracity I’ll rip you a new one!

    • Family Man says:

      Bermudians love to use big words that they don’t understand. It makes them sound as smart as Jethro Bodine.

      No-one is going to question your voracity Barnacle Boy. You probably have a stomach to match your incredible voracity.

      Your veracity however, is another story.

    • bermyluv says:

      It’s not a problem if you declare. One can only move less than $10,000 without declaring.

  4. Come Correct says:

    Quick, call 911! I know a whole lot of people with more than that up Tuckers town. I’ll be the first to admit I’m in possession of $50, what’s the legal limit? I better start donating to charity, I don’t wanna be caught with too much money.

    • Tuckers Town says:

      Another village idiot. If you don’t know the whole story please zip it child. I fly private and the land tax I pay every year, lets just say is well over your annual salary.

      • Come Correct says:

        Someone clearly can’t understand sarcasm and I’m also quite content with what I have, had less too. Next time you want to boast about your money just remember bigger men have fallen. What are you without your private flights and that land you pay tax for? You’re me…F*** your money.

        • Danielle says:

          Come Correct, don’t take Tucker Town’s bait. People in that wage bracket seldom brag about what they have or the taxes they pay. They probably wouldn’t want their comments tied to where they live either.
          I would bet my last dollar Tucker Town is actually the housekeeper.

  5. jeff says:

    the idiocy here is remarkable. he plead guilty. having $50k is not a crime in and of itself but you have to declare it when you pass customs. he had no explanation. if it was legit, there’d be no problem.

    • Terry says:

      So why was it hidden on his person and he did not declare it.
      The form we all fill out for entry to the US states: (basically) are you carrying more than $10,000 in cash or instruments>

      Simple. Why you think he pleaded guilty.

      And I can assure you without a doubt it was not Bermuda Dollars.


  6. Declare…nonsense…money is good!Not having money is the real crime!

  7. It’s really none of your buisiness how much I have in my pocket…!

    • Danielle says:

      I don’t know if you know the person in question, but I do.
      Use your common sense. The authorities probably don’t give a hoot what you have in your pocket, but I know he stuck out like a sore thumb.
      Imagine seeing Scientist or Jinx catching a flight loaded down with cash. Wouldn’t you find that strange?
      He never has two dimes to rub together, much less 50G hence the guilty plea. I’m sure there was no way he could come up with an even halfway believable story, and he didn’t even try.

  8. Coffee says:

    People still carry large sums of liquid cash across borders ? That’s dumb ! I prefer to convert it to gold ,silver or minerals .

  9. In Mark's Opinion says:

    The Crown takes all the cash. Look’s like the Government have no problem with taking all your so called proceeds of crime . All money is proceeds of crime in my book.

  10. JUNK YARD DOG says:

    I am sure many would appreciate the abstention ” Inferred explicit profanity” and insulting rhetoric as some declare their anger and frustrations using this medium.

    Bernews is with out doubt an honorable news media and does not deserve to have their pages tainted.

  11. Mumbojumbo says:

    My point is,you cannot legally self incriminate,nor can you call something illegal if it is not,stealing is stealing,if it is a great amount…such as mineral rights or some such it becomes a capital offence,the amount determining the punishment……relinquish what is not yours or seak adjuctment and response.

  12. Mumbojumbo says:

    @ family man voracity,v-o…….it would suprise you though….you would indeed be suprised…honestly.

  13. Mumbojumbo says:

    Just utososong what is there…i loke my small words as well…..and also some spicey profanity on occasion…but dats juss mer.

  14. Damned if you do…damned if you don’t….How dare you do that!… have money….damn you…you havah da sham!….Heeaaaayyyy sham foh yooouuu!You bad maannsss!….At present in Carolina….if you don’t have money….the athorities will detain you and transport you to a fema camp,and microchip you as a dissident undesirable!…..a determination that is with you and a matter of public record for your entire life,there-by hindering upward mobility of any kind….who decides this ship anyways?

  15. You must not have money!Especially whenst thou traveleth…..for sooth knave!How darest thou!

  16. At least have a feesable reason ….jingas!Tellem it’s for high end call girls…..tellem it’s for marijuanna that you can legally smoke in colorado by way of Atlanta… creative……what is wrong with you???

  17. I dingle berry squid do hereby formally offer up my expert counting and accounting services to count dat monies!In order to make sure it is all there…so to speak….so on and so forth….somewhat free of charge…a small fee will be witheld…some 99.9% is all it should amoount to…of course the other.1% will be yours at commencement of the end and finish of said proceedure….wich of course we can hold this for you and invest it for you for a small fee….an accruemental sustainance of sorts….

  18. Coffee says:

    Not if it’s part of or fashioned into jewelry .