Photos/Video: ‘Ice Skating Rink’ Grand Opening

November 26, 2016

[Updated] St George’s Skates — the ice skating rink at Somers Gardens in St George’s — is holding their Grand Opening today, with a special guest performance by American Olympic ice skaters Tiffany Scott and Philip Dulebohn.

The guest performance was free for the public, thanks to sponsorship from Butterfield Bank, and the skate rink itself is now opening for the whole community to enjoy on scheduled dates until January 2nd.

Update: Photo slideshow


Graham Redford, Managing Director of RUBiS said they were proud to be lead sponsors of the event and “extremely happy” to see this innovative event come to life.

“We would like to thank Cher Przelomski and Kathryn Massa of the Planning Factory for all of their hard work putting this together, as well as Erica Smith, Raymond Lambert and the exceptional team at Bermuda Economic Development Corporation for the support,” he said.

Live stream replay:

“We would especially like to thank the Mayor and Corporation of St. George for sharing the vision necessary to make an event like this happen.

“I’d like to encourage residents of Bermuda to take full advantage of this opportunity brought to you by RUBiS and Bermuda Gas, and come on down to the East End and get your skates on!”

Update: Video of the performance

The cost for up to one hour of skating will be $20 per person including skates and transition time on and off the ice. For more information on St George’s Skates, please visit their website.

Click to enlarge photos:

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Comments (7)

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  1. Bermuda Rocks!! says:

    Great price for an hour of good clean fun and exercise, including skates!!

  2. Takbir Karriem Sharrieff says:

    Good for the youth in St .Georges especially ,perhaps Bermuda may produce some world class champions like Sir Clyde Best.from Somerset and Clarence Hill boxer from Hamilton…….in my lifetime,,,I am 73 years old and holding……………..Peace.

  3. almost says:

    Not just for St Georges. It’s not exactly a 2-day overnighter from Somerset, is it?

  4. Island Musings says:

    Well done – whoever would have thought an ice rink in Bermuda. Great to see some fresh, fun ideas happening – look forward to trying it although I think there may be more laughing (great sound) then skating.

    • Lois Frederick says:

      It’s not ice. It’s some kind of plastic surface. Amazing as it looks like they are skating on ice.

    • wahoo says:

      We need to know de trickle down effect for onion juice.

  5. Fultongirl says:

    This is such a nice recreational activity for the Bermudians. I love ice skating, a beautiful sport, but just remember if and when you fall get up and keep trying. Bumps and bruises come with the sport.⛸⛸⛸

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