Foundation Grant Application Form Now Online
Following the launch of its new website at the beginning of September, Bank of Bermuda Foundation announced that its new online Grant Application Form is now live online.
The Foundation provides up to $2.5 million in funding to the non-profit [charitable] sector in Bermuda each year. Non-profit organisations wishing to apply for funding can now make paper-free application on the website within a user-friendly format that will capture important information about the intended outcomes and strategies an organisation is proposing to employ.
The online system will also retain the data in each application for future use, reducing the need to repeat information each time an application is made, streamlining the process.
An orientation session for the new on-line Grant Application process will take place on Wednesday, November 1st, from 5:00pm until 7:00pm at BUEI. The non-profit sector, those interested in philanthropy and the community are welcomed to attend.
The Foundation has presented this session to many in the non-profit community to date and will cover the same material in this orientation. Please contact Kim Pratt at by Tuesday 24th October 2017, to reserve your space.
The Foundation recently completed an in-depth strategic planning process which helped identify the areas in which the Foundation believes funding can be most effective in supporting the Bermuda community.
Those areas are Economic Participation – All Bermudians have equitable employment opportunities, work satisfaction and financial security; Education – People lead purposeful lives with equitable opportunities as independent thinkers who are socially aware and productively engaged; Healthy Families – People in Bermuda have complete physical, mental, social and material well-being and Connected Communities – The entire Bermuda community participates in activities that create a sense of belonging.
Vivien Carter, the Foundation’s Programme Officer, said “The launch of the online Grant Application Form is an important step for the Foundation as it moves its strategic vision for Bermuda forward.
“Organisations that have been supported by the Foundation in the past will find some new questions are included. We also hope that groups with new concepts or ideas will come forward, if they are in alignment with the Foundation’s new approach”
For new concepts or ideas, the Foundation now requires that organisations submit a Letter of Intent [LOI]. This is a brief description of a concept which the Foundation will then use to determine if the idea is in line with their new strategy. Organisations that provide an LOI in alignment with the Foundation’s new goals will then be invited to complete an application form.
Non-profit organisations are advised to carefully review the information on the new website: The Foundation has developed a more stringent set of guidelines for vetting applications and new submission deadlines. It is important that projects or programmes meet the identified criteria.
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