Video: Interview With Premier David Burt

August 17, 2018

[Updated] Premier and Minister of Finance David Burt is speaking with Bernews this afternoon [Aug 17], sitting down for a live interview with journalist Don Burgess to discuss a number of topics, and you can tune in and watch below.

Premier David Burt Interview TC Bermuda June 14 2018 (1)

Update 3.14pm: The Premier discussed a number of topics including Government’s finances, employment numbers, social insurance contributions reform, pensions, the retirement age, a living wage, sex offender registry, Grand Atlantic, the Shelly Bay proposal and more. We will post transcriptions and extracts later on, and in the meantime the full video is below.

The live broadcast has concluded, and the 34-minute video is below

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  1. Paul says:

    I and others want to know how much of our debt has been paid ….

    • Fear of the people says:

      Many people in Bermuda fear that the Government and it’s leadership are simply not equipped to handle the seriousness of the country’s debt issue or problems and spin stories to deflect.

      I say this not to make a political commentary on one party or the other but to call attention to a lack of experience in the GVT.

      We have heard about chemical castrations, squabbles about building walls, punting in crypto (which I don’t criticize the Premier or MP Caines as this is an attempt to address the revenue side of the problem) but it appears that this GVT is only localizing it’s attention and is not,cannot focus on the larger issues that will impact Us in the long run.

      So Mr Premier please advise us on the following:

      1). Your plan to manage the debt overhang;
      2). What is going on with EU blacklisting threat; promises made and how we are progressing toward those promises;
      3). Status on our preparation for the upcoming FATF visit. Are we on track or are there concerns;
      4). Your stance on human rights issues and equality of treatment of all Bermudians and why you do not take a stance on hateful speech used by politicians in the public forum.
      5). Your plan to address the pension fund crisis to give comfort to those of us paying into the system today that there will be support when we need it.

      Please communicate with us on points we have question about not what you want us to hear.

      This GVT is becoming very much like the OBA who were just pathetic communicators.

      Blessings abound.

  2. Oh really says:

    He cannot answer that question nor does he have a clue on how to pay down the debt. Time will tell be patient they will be exposed. Hope it’s not too late and we are in worst shape than we can fathom. Carry on party people.

  3. PANGAEA says:

    You can not help the poor by destroying the rich.

    You can not bring about prosperity by discouring thrift.

    You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling down the wage payer.

    You can not help people permently by doing for them what they could and should do for them selves.

    Do something great for your country.

    • Wahoo says:

      Well said!

      • Onion Juice says:

        What a sad bunch of losers you all are, when OBA were spending money like Druken Sailors(pun intended) to host a sail boat race for Billionaires after SpongeBob told seniors that money dont grow on trees, to generate money in a ponzi like scheme were those in position reaped the benefits and promised a trickle down for ALL Bermudians only to recieve a drip. And past AC venues proved to take losses.
        You had your turn and the results in the last election is the proof in the pudding.
        So suck it up and lets try to work with this Government to make a better Bermuda for ALL Bermudians and not just for the underserved privileged.
        But just like the Tea Party’ers and GOP bucked against everything Obama did, I understand your sentiments and Right Wing ideology against a Government that supports the Historically underprivileged and down trodden.

  4. Rocky5 says:

    Underneath the fluff Burt’s PLP clearly follows The Trump playbook pandering to their resentful base through xenophobia, anti-GAY rights, Christian-conservatism, Shelly Bay style group rule, etc.. At the same time the PLP’s MOU’s with the Cryptocurrency startups almost reeks of a type of ‘problem’ that was basically outlawed last year.

  5. jt says:

    And where are “The People’s” Campaign now? Utter silence for over a year. Didn’t they claim to be non-political? Riiiight.

    • Onion Juice says:

      Same like the group who marched against Dr.Brown(who made Bermuda’s History as the first time a ‘certain’ group protested against Government)
      A one hit wonder group.

  6. Oh really says:

    Do not get started with The People’s campaign the most blatant political bunch of nasty people. He has the nerve to call himself a so reverend he needs more prayer for his sins that anybody else. Not political your right whose do they think they are fooling?? Not us independent thinking people. He should have never been allowed to reside here permanently.