Hashtag: #JasonHaywardColumns

Column: LAC, An Excellent Model Of Tripartism

Column: LAC, An Excellent Model Of Tripartism

[Written by BPSU President Jason Hayward] The Labour Advisory Council [LAC] was established by the former Governor Lord Martonmere in response to the labour and social unrest that occurred during the early 1960s. The LAC was utilised as a mechanism to include labour in the social dialogue that was occurring between government and employers. The LAC... Read more of this article

Hayward: 107th International Labour Conference

Hayward: 107th International Labour Conference

[Written by BPSU President Jason Hayward] The International Labour Organization [ILO] is a tripartite U.N. agency that brings together governments, employers and workers of its 187 member States to set labour standards, develop policies and devise programmes promoting decent work for all women and men. The ILO was founded in 1919, in the wake of a destructive... Read more of this article

Hayward: Progress Made On Worker’s Agenda

Hayward: Progress Made On Worker’s Agenda

[Written by BPSU President Jason Hayward] The recent release of the 2016 Population and Housing Census Report has brought some alarming trends to the forefront. The report revealed that the disparity in median annual personal income by race has widen over the intercensal period with Blacks experiencing a 13% decline in income levels in comparison to... Read more of this article

Column: Considerations For Ageing Workforce

Column: Considerations For Ageing Workforce

[Opinion column written by BTUC President Senator Jason Hayward] In the Bermuda Trade Union Congress [BTUC]’s 2017 Workers’ Agenda, the Congress highlighted the need for the Government to examine age discrimination in the workplace. Given our country’s ageing population, the Congress recognises that the issue of age discrimination affects many... Read more of this article

Column: Job Losses In Telecommunications

Column: Job Losses In Telecommunications

[Opinion column written by Jason Hayward] The Bermuda Regulatory Authority commenced operations in January 2013, just over a year after the Regulatory Authority Act 2011 was approved by Parliament. The Regulatory Authority’s principal functions in relation to any regulated industry sector, are: to promote and preserve competition; to promote the... Read more of this article

Column: Ministers Responsibility, Accountability

Column: Ministers Responsibility, Accountability

[Opinion column written by Jason Hayward] The events leading up to and following the release of the Commission of Inquiry Report have been highly upsetting and distasteful. The Bermuda Public Services Union is on record stating that we support the principles of accountability and transparency, and therefore, the Union had no objection to the mandate... Read more of this article

Column: Unemployment & Shifting Job Market

Column: Unemployment & Shifting Job Market

[Opinion column written by Jason Hayward] Since 2007, Bermuda has lost roughly 6,500 jobs resulting in a decline of 3,696 Bermudian jobs. While Bermuda’s economy has shown some signs of stabilizing, it is not growing at an adequate rate to produce new jobs. Business efficiencies and competitiveness have caused employers to re-examine pre-recession... Read more of this article

Column:  A Workforce Development Plan

Column: A Workforce Development Plan

[Opinion column written by Jason Hayward] In February 2017, I was fortunate to be invited along with four other Bermudian professionals to take part in a 10-day International Visitor Leadership Program. This program was facilitated by the United States’ Department of State in conjunction with the U.S. Consulate in Bermuda. The focus of the International... Read more of this article

Column: Social And Economic Empowerment

Column: Social And Economic Empowerment

[Opinion column written by Jason Hayward] We often we fall victim to consuming ourselves with discussions on issues that truly do not matter; issues that do nothing to change the social and economic realities of our lives or to reduce the racial and class divide in this Country. Even though I do not like it, I admit I find myself doing much of the... Read more of this article

Column: Viable Option For Economic Growth

Column: Viable Option For Economic Growth

[Opinion column written by BPSU President Jason Hayward] In October 2016, a delegation from the Bermuda Trade Union Congress [BTUC] attended the Quebec 2016 International Summit of Cooperatives. The event attracted more than 2,500 participants from 93 countries, bringing together managers, decision-makers and leaders of cooperatives and mutual enterprises... Read more of this article

Column: Social Investment Strategy For Bermuda

Column: Social Investment Strategy For Bermuda

[Opinion column written by BPSU President Jason Hayward] One of the fundamental roles of Government is to look out for the welfare of its people and provide social safety nets that prevents Bermudians from falling through the cracks. In my 2016 Labour Day address, I proposed that the Bermuda Government strengthen the social welfare benefits offered... Read more of this article

Column: A Look At Cost Of Living Adjustments

Column: A Look At Cost Of Living Adjustments

[Opinion column written by BPSU President Jason Hayward] Cost of Living Adjustments [COLAs] are adjustments made to an employee’s wage or salary primarily based on a country’s rate of inflation. In unionized environments, COLAs form a part of the collective agreement and are negotiated with the employer. In non-unionized environments, however, COLAs... Read more of this article