Sunshine League’s 11th Annual Moon Walk

September 22, 2010

logoThe Sunshine League’s 11th annual Moon Walk event will be held this Saturday [Sept 25] at 7pm starting at Warwick Long Bay Park.

The Sunshine League Children’s Home was founded in 1919 and is an accredited Registered Charity. They operate as a Residential Care Facility for displaced children aged 8-18 and are the only non-governmental, non-profit foster home serving this age group on the island. Although they do receive a grant from the Government, roughly 70% of their budget comes from support from the community. They need our help to keep their doors open.

The Moon Walk event is their largest fundraising event of the year and they’re hoping that this year will be the most successful yet. Participants can register at 6pm on the night of the walk or ahead of time at Sportseller in the Washington Mall. There is a $20 registration fee for adults. The walk takes place from Warwick Long Bay Park to Church Bay and back and there will be a picnic under the stars after the walk.

In addition to the obvious very worthy cause of assisting less fortunate children, the walker with the highest value of pledges wins a free iPAD.

Anyone wanting to participate can download pledge forms from the Sunshine League’s website , and you can also visit their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter for additional information.

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