Burglar Steals Electronics & Montblanc Pens

October 27, 2010

Over this past weekend, a burglar(s) broke into a local business and stole electronic equipment and Montblanc pens, which generally sell for hundreds of dollars per pen.

Around 8:55am on Monday October 25th, the Police received a report of a burglary at a Cedar Avenue, Pembroke business. They say that sometime over the weekend (between Friday, October 22nd and Monday, October 25th) an unknown culprit gained entry into the premises, and stole a quantity of electronic equipment and Montblanc pens.

Police inquiries into this incident are underway.

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  1. terry says:

    Well…..we know thing. It was not a ‘Gang Member’….their in bed with their heads down right?

    Sounds like the M.O. of a news reporter..pens and all. Some people do ‘strange’ things…..