Car Smashes into Wall

December 24, 2010

An accident occurred last night [Dec 23] on North Shore Road in the Shelley Bay area just west of Market Place. At this time details are unclear of exactly what transpired, however it initially appears to have been a single vehicle accident that occurred at approximately 11pm. We will update with official information as able.

Car Accident Shelley Bay  Dec 23 10-1

Car Accident Shelley Bay  Dec 23 10-1-2

Category: Accidents and fires, All, News

Comments (7)

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  1. Call as it is says:

    Betcha the Driver spilled the Drink!

  2. Brasco says:

    The effects of checking your BB status while in motion

  3. itwasn't me says:

    that church wall gets smashed up every other year…..the devil’s working!

  4. Jays says:

    Maybe they had a seizure or someone cut them off.
    Or maybe a magical unicorn distracted them.

    Tis the season..

  5. Facts says:

    She was 73 not 37….. recheck your facts bernews please.

    • bernews says:

      That is included in a direct statement from the Police, not anything we said.

      Any correction that could be warranted would have to be issued from the Police, we never change their quotes or words for obvious reasons.

    • GET IT RIGHT says:

      Yes facts, the driver was indeed 73 and NOT 37. She does not own or even know how to operate a blackberry and she certainly does not drink!! Just thought I’d let you all know what the FACTS are!!! Merry Christmas to you and yours and a happy new year!!