Canadian Drug Courier Sentenced to Three Years

January 26, 2011

A Canadian woman who last week admitted importing almost $50,000 worth of cocaine into the island was sentenced to three years in prison today [Jan.26].

Court Jan 20th 2011-1_wm

Kayla Renee Nicol, 22, from Scarbourough, Ontario, Canada, plead guilty to drug importation charges in Magistrates’ Court on January 20.

Evidence was presented showing she had cocaine-filled latex condoms stuffed inside her when she arrived at Bermuda LF Wade International Airport.

When questioned by Customs upon arrival to Bermuda, she was said to admit having drugs in her possession.

[File photo]

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  1. itwasn't me says:

    the events leading to her ‘admission’ should have been an indicator to HMS Customs that a BIGGER shipment may be comming through at the same time. It’s apparent that this little cutie was the decoy. 3 years of soft time won’t phase this chick and she’ll probably marry a prison officer and stay here in paradise (its happened before). C’mom Burch, get HMS Customs to think beyond the obvious.

    • Lifeblood says:

      Good observations…but I wouldn’t be so confident to describe Bermuda as a ‘paradise’ in three years time. I strongly suspect that this drug mule trend is about to kick into high gear…among other social ills.

  2. Winnie says:

    As usual the buck stops with the mules, when will we ever learn. How about setting up a sting to take this thing steps further. Its not like this person was going to pull out her folding table and set up shop outside L.F. Wade. As long as we continue to thriumph catching “small fry” the scourge will continue. Same thing applies with catching crew members from the cruise ships what is the final destination for the drugs they are carrying ? Oh I guess HM Customs and BPS are soooo afraid of messing up stings a la one which should have been straight forward a couple years ago up South P and they blew it, dude walked free.

    • The Truth Hurts says:

      @Winnie – obviously you have some fantastic inside information about this South P sting that you’ve been hanging on to for years, I’m happy you finally got a forum to use it in.
      Those who choose to swallow drugs put themselves in major danger. Should the authorities identify a swallower and allow them to continue to their final destination then there will be a major outcry if that person dies of an overdose. Once identified it must be necessary to get that mule the necessary meds to pass the drugs. Before you mention to let them pass the drugs and then do the sting, it may take days to pass everything, the local contact will be aware! It sounds great, but reality is a different matter!

    • Wondering?? says:

      @Winnie – Are you an officer of either HM Customs or BPS?? I gather from your comments reagarding the cruise ships and the sting up South P, you must in the know. If you aren’t a member of Customs or Police, then perhaps you should keep your opinions to yourself until you’ve walked in their shoes!

      • By stander says:

        Perhaps you should keep your opinions to yourself? Practise what you preach.

  3. Return to sender says:

    She should be sent back to Canada to serve her time. Why should Bermudians pay for her “extended vacation”?

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      Why should the Canadian taxpayer pay for a criminal who comitted a crime in Bermuda.

      Do you want Bermudians who commit crimes overseas shipped home & the Bermuda tacpayer has to pay at $80,000 per year?

  4. TorontosFinest says:

    Send her back YES, we have the most lax laws!!!!! We all love her in Scarborough, ON CANADA!!!

  5. Scott says:

    Just to throw this in there, for everyone that always says “why are we getting the small people, why we going after mules, look at hte big picture, big fish, big stings” etc..

    im not saying if you’re wrong or right, but at the end of the day, if they are actually following these leads, and carrying out these stings and investigations and what not, do you really think that info would be public?

    these massive stings take years and years to develop, how do we really know they arent doing this? Do people that comment honestly think that they are smarter then teh people who do these investigative jobs for a living? Im sure they’ve thought of all these things before.

  6. Murda Mamies says:

    Free L’Kay Murda!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Lookin' the other way says:

    Not another ‘decoy ‘ theory again ….Like the guys on the sailboat last week were a ‘decoy’ too ….. Big , huge LOL

    What total fool is going to blow their hard earned stash and plan to get locked up (for a long time nonetheless) for someone else ? ? Who ? C’mon , tell me …..

    No-ones’ coverin’ for anyone else ..they’re all taking a chance based on their personal greed/stupidity and some are getting caught . That simple .

    What if we’re catching the ‘big loads’ and the decoys are the ones gettin’ through ? Enough of the ill founded conspiricy theories ..please

    • itwasn't me says:


      The girl practically told on herself. It was planned.

  8. Reality says:

    We should have an agreement with her home country to ship her back to one of their prisons and we can pay them a smaller fee to keep her. There are private prisons in the US that charge much less per prisoner. There have been complaints about the treatment of the prisoners but hey, it is prison. This could be a very good cost saving measure for government to consider.

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      Great idea, but not to a prison in the home country.

      I’ll bet a country like Cuba would be happy to house prisoners at a fraction of the cost that we pay & still make big bucks out of the deal. They would put the prisoners to work too.

      Bet you would not see many going back for a second term.

  9. Truth is killin' me says:

    Mr. BIG is big for a reason. A vagina filled with narcotics is small potatoes! A container full of narcotics…now then we’re talking!!!

  10. serg says:

    3 years for $50k of coke thats madness..gentleman got 5 years for $40k of weed the other day and i got 3 years in 99 for $15k of weed..WTF is going on with the system…and we pay 80 per year for 1 inmate for this foolishness send her back home

    • Scott says:

      and in the 90′s you got pulled off the road for driving 62+kph … now its 70+..

      everyone knows the sentences have gotten lax… just nothing gets done about it.

  11. Kaylas Support team says:

    We want nothing more than to have her home. She done the crime and she will do the time. Here in Canada on a 3yr term, she would be out in 12 – 18 months… PLEASE SEND HER HOME!!!

    • Scott says:

      no different then here.. she wont be in all three years.

      • Return to sender says:

        The only difference is that we have to foot the $80K bill for her to be housed in our prison. So “Support System”…you want her home, by all means take her!

      • Kaylas Support team says:

        Great News!!!

        • Disgust says:

          “Support team” yawn..

          • Speechless says:

            Support team – next time support her in her endeavors to keep that poison in Scarborough! In the meantime – welcome to Bermuda Kayla – enjoy your stay!

    • Islander says:

      You must be family….please take her because we sure as hell don’t want her…JS

      • Kaylas Support team says:

        I am not family, but I am not going to bash a girl who made a mistake because she’s not my blood. Ya’ll are acting like she killed someone. Maybe your police department should find who killed poor Becky Middleton…

        Bermuda is a s$%t hole, period!

        • bernews says:

          Speaking personally here as your insult to my island has prompted me to, your friend came here and admitted to breaking our laws. The blame goes on the person who did it…


        • truth says:

          Um…they did find him and he was a Jamaican!

          • By stander says:

            Actually, no one was ever charged with MURDER in her death. Research how your own Country made a deal with the murderer the every next day! Bout a Jamaican did, Ha!!

        • White Jesus says:

          Oh maybe that’s why you like coming here to spew your $#!T?
          We may be a S#!T hole, but we’ve got a very effective lever to flush down all the $#!T that lands here.Thats why she’s gonna be doin a number ’3′.
          So I guess that makes you a Support Team for $#!T, period!

        • Actslikeaduck..... says:

          She pleady guilty to the crime of importing narcotics and by the way they do kill, mind, body and soul, which could be someone’s mother, father, brother, child etc.

          If Bermuda was such a bad place why are there so many Canadians here looking for work and working here?

          I agree she does deserve support that is a Godly thing to do and people do make mistakes and recover.

          Just feeeeeel the Love!

        • Quinton says:

          This woman came to our island and broke the law. So you can call Bermuda a s$%thole if you like, but this Canadian came to Bermuda with drugs in her

        • Let_Us_Pray says:

          If Bermuda is “a s$%t hole” as you call it then what does that make your very stupid friend?? She is locked up for what? trying to make $5500. Most of us can make money the legal way. She shoulda kept herself in Canada.

          Your her support system (a lonely supporter at that) so you will probably be the next one locked up in Bermuda’s prison for the same thing.

          And just an FYI before throwing the Middleton case around.. that is one screw up for one murder. How many murder occur in Canada that the police cant solve or the police/prosecuters screw up.
          Don’t point fingers at my island without looking at your own country.

          • Kaylas Support team says:

            Do what your name says, GO pray! I’d have to be taken at gun point to ever step foot on that hell hole island! Cheers mate

            • Yawn says:

              Pity your acegirl didn’t think the same thing before stuffing her crotch full of cocaine and coming here. For a whole $5k as well, not even like she was gonna get paid big time.

        • Islander says:

          Yeah her “mistake” was to heading our streets to poison our people, she didn’t think of that all she was trying to do was make a quick buck….so glad she got caught now I wish they would send her home so we don’t have to pay for her.

    • Um just sayin says:

      Kaylas support team, mistake or not- and I’m not judging, she had drugs that were destined for the streets of my island home so while I’m not happy we’re footing the bill, I am glad she got jail time. Hard times, economic frustration is no excuse for illegal activity! May she learn her lesson and return to you healthy.

    • Lissa says:

      Trust me, she is better of doing it here. LOL!!

  12. Terry says:

    Better for a parrott to sing in a cage than in the wild.

  13. Jorja says:

    Great “THOUGHTS” everyone!! 200gr = and you think she was a mule!! Shake your heads together!!

    • Um just sayin says:

      Idiot she had drugs inside her- which is the very definition of a drug mule

  14. US Observer says:

    Here’s a suggestion – If Kayla is allowed to serve her time in Bermudal; once the time is served she must be exported back to her homeland on the next flight with no ablilty to return, for any reason, not even marriage. Close the loop-holes.

  15. Lifeblood says:

    A trip to Bermuda ends with an unpleasant three-year stay. Was $5,000 worth the risk of your freedom? And how many others managed to get through the airport while she was being arrested? It hardly seems that she would go through all that trouble working alone…somebody had to be the sacrificial lamb…just happened to be her.

    But at 22 years old, what is 3 years but a minor inconvenience compared to the rest of her life? Hopefully, she will have learned her lesson in that time, and devote the rest of her abundant youth to more noble pursuits.

    Also, is there a deal the local government can make with foreign governments to allow foreign citizens to serve time in their own jurisdiction? The local taxpayer is burdened enough with public debt to add the misadventures of foreign drug mules to the bill.

    • Actslikeaduck..... says:

      Wow, tell us more about htose people that got through, seem to know alot?

  16. Uncle Ruckus says:

    LOL!In the words of Antoine Dodson “You are so dumb, you are really dumb, forreal”! Where was her support team before she decided to board a plane with drugs stuffed in her! What a dumb thing for her to do but 3 years is nothing at 22 right?

    • Murda Mamies says:

      Everyone on here is being irrational. She is a young girl that lost her way. ppl make mistakes all the time. You who is without sin cast the first stone. Send her home so she can be rehabilitated under canadian jurisdiction. she wil be able to get the help that she needs and the support of her family

      • Murda Mamies says:

        furthuremore look how many islanders and foreigners smuggle drugs into canada and the usa. chances are she did it for someonewho has a link to someone on ur beloved island. u are corrupted from within.

        • Uncle Ruckus says:

          I know all about my country and the many dummys just like her but I’m not one so I will cast a stone. Where did I mention that my island was “beloved” by me? LOL! No one here is smuggling drugs to the U.S. or Canada. We’d consume them before we ever did that. You and her family weren’t thinking about helping her before. People always want help once they are caught. She may need “help” and I’m sure jail time will help :)

          So boom bye! “Murda Mamies” with your ignorant name no wonder you condone your buddy Kayla. Don’t forget to write her!

          • CanadianLuv says:

            lol right!
            Being Canadian and in my early 20′s this gurl is an embrassment to all young Canadian woman and i assure we dont want here in Canada just as much as u dont want her in Bermuda lol!

            • CanadianLuv says:

              Woops spelling error .. hate those!

            • Murda Mamies says:

              ur very high and mighty…… since when do u speak for the entire canadian population……. thats good that r livin a life not on this path but you dont kno her, her situation, or or motives……. seeing how ur jesus able to walk on water and LIVING without sin maybe u can give the rest of the misguided world advise on how to be jus like u…..FALL BACK

        • sick n tired!!!!! says:

          Are u serious???????????????????????? She had the audacity to come here with that BS???? If bermudians are going to look at real serious time for drug importation than why shouldn’t she.

          Who stops and thinks about what children may have gotten a hold of the drugs? I don’t give a DAMN about her 22 year old age, the sentence she got is just damn ridiculous. Obviously she has talked in order to set something bigger up.

          I could care less what happens to her if she were to be sent back. I’m pretty sick and tired of my DAMN taxes going up to pay for criminals. Its bad enough I have to pay for BermudiaNS, BUT A FOREIGNOR . . . hell no!!!!!! lET cANADA OAY US FOR HER INDISCRETIONS AT THE TUNE OF $80,000 PER year, then you all can do all the DAMN rehabilitation you like!!!!!!!!!!

        • bernews says:

          @Murda Mamies – if you think Bermudians are smuggling drugs from Bermuda into Canada, or the US for that matter, you clearly are not aware of our dynamics. Drugs are smuggled *into* Bermuda, not out.

          • Murda Mamies says:

            ur focusing on one thing that i said. I dont kno ur dynamics so im sorry for my ignorance. I dont do, sell, or promto any drugs for that matter so for me to kno that is useless knowledge not worth knowing. U all are ignoring that fact that i also said she was probably importing drugs for someone that has a link into ur country.( Speak on it). Everywhere you go no matter what country, what demographic there are young girls making dum mistakes that are life altering. Whether is prositution, or teen moms,or in this case drug trafficking. PPL make mistakes. let the canadian government correct her errors. furthermore my name being murda manies might not have significance to you but to Kayla supports its very relevant….if you kno what it is that all that matters. as i type to u I am currently at my full time job, or a school ( also full time) that i am utilizing to better myself so i wont make a mistake like this. some ppl learn through others errors or examples some ppl need to make the mistake themselves …Jesus said JUDGE LESS YE BE JUDGED

            • By stander says:

              I agree!

              How many women are MADE to work the streets selling their body, yet NO ONE suspects the same could have happened to this young woman?!?!… Clearly written in paper states SHE WILLING gave them the drugs. She was probably MADE to deliver this, yet no one is concerned with “who” gave her the drugs.

              Get all the drugs off the streets, but leave the murderers there. What a country you have Bermuda!

            • Lissa says:

              I found Murda Mamies on Facebook and you tube. Kayla is in the picture. They are Rappers.

              • Murda Mamies says:

                I am not a rapper nor am i pictured but thank you for doing ur research….. like i said the name isnt meant to be negative its a way to show support to a friend. Also Kayla is a good person. she isnt (other than this)a criminal. she is a graduate, a hard worker, she is a community figure. other than this she has never been in trouble with the law. PPL lose their way sometimes. think about ppl what are in the public eye that had scandals that tarnished their reputation. it happens, life happens, ppl make mistakes. She the girl home so she can be close to ppl that care about her wellbeing

                • Murda Mamies says:


                  • bernews says:

                    @Murda Mamies – Speaking personally – good for your doing your thing with school and work.

                    I personally have no objection to your supporting your friend, my only issue is with the previous insult to my country – which was uncalled for.

                    I can understand that is having a friend locked up in a foreign country is not exactly comforting, and if this helps any – we do spend $80,000 per year per prisoner, and our facilities are def above many other places. Its not some “hellhole” or anything like that.


                    • Murda Mamies says:

                      I hear you ….. Im sorry to insult ur country but ppl are on here insulting her….. We jus want her home. maybe you all can write to ur government and have her extradited…. on our end we are doin what we can …..

                    • Kaylas Support team says:

                      Actually Pat, I believe I was the one to insult Bermuda, and I am not sorry. I knew Becky Middleton and your beloved country allowed her killers to walk FREE. EVERYONE on here is attacking this girl for ONE action she did, which was NOT murder.

                      I truly believe any Country that would make a deal with a child murderer before and tests were even released is beyond a SH#$ HOLE. Her family has taken on the burden of continuing this UNJUSTICE because the s%$# hole place you call home BERMUDA wont.

                      Its an opinion, MY opinion. And there isn’t a Canadian I know will ever step foot on that island!

                    • Patricia says:

                      @Murda Mamies, no problem….

                      There is a difference though, to people talking about a convicted drug smuggler and someone insulting an entire nation of people. Its all good though….thanks for the apology.

                      Being honest as so you are not dissapointed, the Government here generally does not transfer prisoners, and we have quite a few foreigners locked up here, today an American man got time for drug smuggling also.

                      Prison is not where anyone wants to be, but Bermuda’s prisons are not third world, abusive dungeons… far from it. Any help you may need on island, ask away, you will find Bermudians to generally be very nice people…


                    • Murda Mamies says:

                      Once again sorry for the unwarranted comment.. its frustrated….. every action has a reaction and im not saying set her free but her loved ones want her home….what she did was stupid thing to do ….i personally wouldnt do it but to have her home would enable us to give her hell for making a dumb decision and let her kno we still care for her

                    • bernews says:

                      @Murda Mamies – I understand, and am sure this is stressful for her friends and family back home. We have the exact same thing here obviously, people have loved ones who make stupid decisions then all the family and friends are worried sick. Don’t forget you can write to her, if you don’t have it the address is “Co-ed Facility, 31 Ferry Reach Road, Ferry Reach, St Georges. GE01, Bermuda”


                • Speechless says:

                  A good person?? Peddling poison makes you a good person? So what if she is a graduate and a hard worker – she is a CRIMINAL – deal with it. I know lots of hard working graduates that arent trying to take the easy/criminal way out. As for people losing their way – you are absolutely correct – but in cases like this, losing your way leads to accountability and prison.

                  Dont worry about her well being by the way, she’ll be well taken are of by Her Majesty’s prisons – where she belongs.

                  • murda mamies says:

                    do u consider urself a good person, comin on here bashing someone you dont even kno….im not say she shouldnt be accountable for her actions we jus want her close so we can monitor her, visit her and show our love to her, ur heartless….what if this happened to someone close to u…..all things set aside if anyone u love is having a crisis or hardship or even locked u, im sure u would want to be close to show ur support…….

                    • Speechless says:

                      I just consider myself a person, neither good nor bad. When I make mistakes, I expect the consequences. If I do something so evil as to supply drugs, then I guess that would make me a bad person. Do I know her? Of course not. But I have worked many years with people like her who try to make a quick buck on someone else’s suffering and I can honestly say that I despise each and every one of them. Maybe one day I will be judged, and I’m ok with that.

                      A crisis/hardship is worthy of support when the person has no choice in the matter – for example cancer, AIDS, poverty. When you have a choice – like hiding drugs in your body, getting to an airport, getting on a plane and planning to sell poison to people, then you are not worthy of my support. I make no exception – family, friends or anything else.

                      Am I heartless – you can call me that if you want (you know what they say about opinions) – I will sleep 8 hours tonight either way. But perhaps you should examine your friends actions, the potential conseqenses and assess her heartlesness. There’s no point kicking stones and hating Bermuda now – she made the choice knowing the risks and now she got caught.

                      Let’s not forget that she is 22 (ie an adult)noone needs to monitor her, she’s a big girl now. The prisons will monitor her for the next couple of years. After that you can have her back.

              • By stander says:

                She’s a GREAT rapper at that!

                • By stander says:

                  Oh and thanks for the link Lisssssssa, you’re making her more famous! Booooooi’ya’kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

        • Lissa says:

          LOL. Islanders are not smuggling drugs to Canada…

    • Disgust says:

      Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!! run and tell that homeboy .. homeboy … homeboy “support team” jokes

  17. Call as it is says:

    She knew what she was doing and she knew the risks too.

    but 3 years is a joke!

  18. Terry says:

    Point is, your all missing the point.

    She was stuffed with drugs.

    There is no way in hell to tell who is stuffed with what.

    Good intelligence work on Police/Customs.

    I give up.

    • Copy Cat says:

      @ Terry; She gave herself up. Like someone said, who knows what in others who are more determine to get their pay off? I am sure if police/customs would have let her carry on with a dummy stuffing they would have likely caught the people responsible… And with her corporation, she should have been sent back to her homeland….

    • murda mamies says:

      she admitted to the having the drugs on her, gave then the drugs then a search was conducted………….

  19. Pablo Escobar says:

    What is the ratio of between whites and blacks in terms of those incarcerated this year?

    • Uncle Ruckus says:

      Genius blacks are the majority so use your brain smartass. What does it matter.

      • By stander says:

        Did he hit a nerve Ruckus, welcome to online commenting where low lifes express what they normally wouldn’t have the balls to say!!

        • LOL (original) says:

          Actually and I hate to admit it but Ruckus is right its a ratio thing law of larger number and all that. See in the states and the UK this minority in jail argument holds weight but in Bermuda the demographic of the population is represented in the jail population. Yes White people go to jail too. Don’t like it change it as it starts with a personal choice. Pablo has asked this question twice once here and once elsewhere U.R.’s answer was not so polite so I answered it to be constructive..


          • but but says:

            actually, on our 60 or 70 percent black island, you will not find that 30 0r 40 percent of inmates are white/portuguese/asian. I would say it is more like 80 or 90 percent black inmates — the ratio actually DOES NOT reflect our population mix.

            • LOL (original) says:

              Regardless it is closer than that of other countries such a s the US or Canada did I say it was perfect. I agree white people commit crimes but are you suggesting that white people do not get caught or they bribe people to get out, or what. As a white person I have had no such exemption granted to me with speeding ticket I could not get it pulled, I have had no extended power to clear the offence. Please let me know where I can apply since you know.


    • Copy Cat says:

      Ratio worldwide or in Bermuda? Who cares about the ratio!? Whites can disguise their crimes much easier then blacks, only because they have bigger and better ways of deception…

      • LOL (original) says:

        In Bermuda see my post otherwise you just talking sh#@. The laws may have been written along time ago but we have black judges, jury (due to demographics), prosecutors, lawyers, and cops we have white ones to just saying the argument will never hold here unless the make up of the population changes here. Do people ask stupid questions like this in Jamaica, Barbados, Antigua, Cayman, or West Indies or in most not all African nations? (In this I am excluding South Africa due to it’s well know documented past maybe I should say post Apartheid don’t know much about SA’s state now).


        • LOL (original) says:

          Oh please describe white ways of deception and how it differs from blacks ways?


  20. EXPress says:

    In some parts of the world, drug mules receive the death penelty!

    “Austrailian Martin Stephens was arrested in 2005 at Denpasar airport with 2.9 kilograms of heroin strapped to his legs and stomach. He is trying to appeal a life sentance

    The Supreme Court is also considering the final appeals of Bali Nine ringleaders Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, who are facing the death penalty.

    Scott Rush, the only Bali Nine courier on death row, also has a judicial review before the court.

    Four other members of the drug smuggling plot – Matthew Norman, Chen, Nguyen as well as Michael Czugaj are serving life sentences for their part in the drug smuggling plot.

    The final member of the drug ring, Renae Lawrence, is serving a 20-year sentence which has already been reduced by almost two years.”

    Another article on drug mules but from a different perspective……..

    “Long sentences for drug mules were never going to act as a deterrent

    These naive smugglers are typically badly educated single mothers coerced into crime, says Olga Heaven”

    “It was heartening to read that prison sentences for “drug mules” – men and women who are used to carry drugs into the UK – could be reduced to less than two years (Long jail terms do not deter drug barons, say advisers, 23 April). As the Sentencing Advisory Panel members said: “They are very often naive, vulnerable men and women from third world countries whose fates are totally disregarded by those at the top of the drug supply chain.”

    Your article focused mainly on drug barons, but they are worlds apart from drug mules, and sentences should reflect this. My charity, the Female Prisoners Welfare Project/Hibiscus, which promotes the welfare of women in prison, has lobbied hard about the ineffectiveness of “deterrent sentencing” for drug mules. The average sentence for drug mules is six to eight years, but many of the women we work with are serving up to 15 years. These sentences are particularly harsh considering that these women are trafficked, they do not own or profit from selling the drugs, and are often first-time offenders………”

    • serg says:

      i dont blame them 4 handing out death penelty for hard drugs but also note that WEED IS LEGAL IN AUSTRALLIA and most places that give out the death penelty for hard drugs..they have a balance in their system unlike ours…and police can only catch the drug barons if the mule co-operates and nobody wants to be a SNITCH..

  21. itwasn'tme says:

    Let’s hear the end of the matter. BERMUDIANS LOVE TO GET HIGH

  22. Winnie says:

    It was in the papers check the archives duuuhhhh, not my fault when trained people are put on the stand and the evidence they give is different to what was written initially. Don’t blame the messenger,lol. I have no so called “inside” scoop on any of these cases just a general observation and my personal opinions. i get my news from the media just like the one we are all posting on at this moment. i will say this again as long as the effort is concentrated on the mules we are fighting nothing more than a losing battle.

    • FreeKayla says:

      Thank the GREAT police work of Bermuda!! They are about as intelligent as Canada’s coffee shop workers

      • Speechless says:

        …..does Kayla work in a coffee shop??

      • The Truth Hurts says:

        Intelligent enough to prepare a court file which happens to keep your mule friend here on an extended vacation. Poor Kayla, tied down and forced to hide what…..and where? Well done customs and police. You byes are on a roll this year! Keep it up!

  23. murda mamies says:

    @bernews thank you for the address….

  24. AFRICANQUEEN88'ERS says:

    The Criminal Justice system in any Country doesn’t apply to a person unless they are a Citizen of the specific country and HA..especially not Foreignors. The Criminal Code of Canada can focus on her RESTORATIVE TREATMENT, since the Entire ISLAND of bermuda wants to save $80k … I guess!!



    The Criminal Justice system in any Country doesn’t apply to a person unless they are a Citizen of the specific country and HA..especially not Foreignors. The Criminal Code of Canada can focus on her RESTORATIVE TREATMENT, since the Entire ISLAND of bermuda wants to save $80k … I guess!!



  25. Murda Mamies says:

    @Speechless..SMH at ppl like you …… God is the ONLY true judge….. She human, born into sin, born imperfect….. we want her home to she can have support from her loved ones. Kayla is a good person regardless what you want to believe. the ppl in her life can attest to that……

  26. Speechless says:

    A youtube video means nothing to me. I can only make an assessment based on the facts before me. 1)She got on a plane. 2)She hid drugs in her body. 3)She intended bring them to a country other than hers to increase the plague of drugs in that country 4)She knew it was illegal. 5)She got caught. I do not have the heightened intelligence that affords you the ability to differentiate between a drug dealer that is a good person and a drug dealer that is a bad person – one of my many flaws.

    Your god may judge you and you may find hope/relief in your belief in your god. I dont share your beliefs. Your reliance on the imperfection of man is a poor last ditch effort to deflect blame.

    Our prisons are filled with people whose loved ones would want them home – but they all broke the law and they are precisely where they belong. Kayla is no exception.

    • Murda Mamies says:

      no one is disputing that her wrong doings. I agree with you but ppl make mistakes, ppl do things with poor judgement, ppl do that knowing the consequences or unknowing…..its human nature. think of the last time YOU did something without thinking it through, your mistakes might not be as serious as hers but (different strokes for different folks)……..regardless u are in no place to make any judgements on her, you dont know her situation, she could have been forces for all you kno……if u read the article it said she willingly admitted to having the drugs, before a search was conducted and she surrendered the drugs….. One article i read said there where others with her and she admitted that she was solely responsible and the others played no part…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..a malicious or bad minded person wouldnt do that…..furthuremore , christian, hindu, jewish, budist, athist etc….regardless of the faith, regardless of the higher power man is in no place to pass judgement on another man, you arent without sin, ur are imperfect…… i believe in accountability, but i also believe, in rehabiliting those who have fallen, and second chances, and a good support system to encourage and uplift those who need…..if i had know she was goin to do this i would have tried to discourage her but since the damage is done the best i can do is support her

      • Speechless says:

        You can support her as much as you like, but her rehabilitation begins with a stint in jail! Sucks to be her.

        As someone who has never tried to smuggle drugs or deal drugs, and as someone who is concerned about the scourge of drugs in our community, I am in a perfect position to judge her. Your nonsense about man not being in a position to judge is one of the silliest things I have heard. Ever heard of a jury, or a judge???

        Time for you to deal with reality – your girl is a drug dealer and she got caught – suck it up buttercup!

  27. AFRICANQUEEN88'ERS says:


    The whole island needs that 80k… I dont hear Americans or even Europeans detail their personal CONTRIBUTION TO CRIME IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY. DEAR PATRICIA Everybody pays TAXES… THERES NO CURE TO CRIME….


    AN ISLAND CALLING A PERSON A MULE IS VERY PROFESSIONAL AND CIVILIZED. Exspecially when they are dependent on America.. & got big because of a MYTH called the BERMUDA TRIANGLE….Your own Bermudians killed your Governor, so Damn.. Nobody is perfect…



  28. huh? says:

    “The Criminal Justice system in any Country doesn’t apply to a person unless they are a Citizen of the specific country and HA..especially not Foreignors.”

    LMAO- you have to be joking, right? that is one of the dumbest things i’ve ever heard. OK so i’m going to fly to canada and just go on a rampage of crime and violence. afterall, since i’m not a citizen there, your laws shouldn’t apply to me!

    LOL. and thanks for your knocks on our country again- clearly you have no respect for us as a country given your commentary on our country. congratulations by the way- you googled ‘bermuda’ i see. and is that the best you can do? knocking us because ‘our own bermudians killed our governor’…? wow, your posts make no logical sense whatsoever. is that how we decide things? you don’t judge a country based on what individual citizens do. if that’s the case, i think i’ll stand on our record any day of the week. canada has had how many serial killers…? bermuda has had none that i can recall. i say that only to point out how silly it is to criticize a country using that sort of logic. canada is an awesome place with great people and culture and history. it’s not a place i’d want to live personally, but i’m not going to knock it and belittle its citizens. but you’ve done exactly that to bermuda. congratulations for picking on a tiny 21 square mile island with 70,000 people. of COURSE we’re reliant on the US. so is canada you might want to know. if not for the US we might all be speaking german today. not to mention how their economy powers the world…

    anyway we can’t be self sufficient. we’re a dot in the middle of the ocean with no natural resources. is it really necessary for you to belittle us and point out the obvious? we still have a great country and great people/culture. if you don’t like it, fine. there’s no need to take shots because you’re upset.

    is bermuda perfect? absolutely not. the post earlier about rebbecca middleton is a clear example of this. however as much as that case sickens me and i feel for that family- words can’t even express- i think you can find countless cases like this in every country in the world. the middleton case is highlighted simply because we’re a small island. i would not judge an entire country or their justice system because of one case. don’t get me wrong- it should never happen and i’m not downplaying it. i’m just saying that it is kind of ridiculous to say you’ll never step foot in bermuda as a result of this. maybe i should never go to the USA because they funded osama bin laden who went on to mastermind the 9/11 attacks.

    do you think the US and canada don’t have their own share of bothced murder cases, either by police, forensic investigators, judges, etc…? again, the middleton case is horrible and never should’ve happened. but choosing to judge an entire country based on one horrible, HORRIBLE situation is silly. if the same standard was applied to every place you travel, you’d be forced to stay locked in your house. because EVERYWHERE has had botched cases. they never should happen but they do. that’s not meant to insult RM’s family or friends but just to point out that this is not something unique to bermuda.

    • EDUCATED says:


      -Are you serious…? I will not Bash your island.. But just give it up..?

      -you said it..? Ya’ll would speaking german if it wasn’t for U.S.A

      -Canada is a part of U.S.A.. Only depends on them for Exporting and importing like every Bloody country in the world.. Even your Island..?

      - Lastly, For a Dot in the sea..(quoted from your speech)… What a way to SPARK SOME ENTERTAINMENT into the island..

      Just move on from the Bashing…
      Have agreat day..
      enjoy your life

  29. Islander says:

    After reading them bash our island about the Rebbecca murder as if they were perfect…here is a sampling of their Great Canada….FYI im not bashing Canada I happen to like it there, but no country is perfect.

    Many countries around the world currently have behind bars at least one serial killer. Canada is no exception, as recent Canadian history has seen a number of serial killers. Canadian serial killers include the child killer, Clifford Olson, who murdered a total of eleven children. There was also the team of Paul Bernardo and his wife Karla Homolka who killed three teenage girls, including Homolka’s sister.

    Currently before the courts is Canada’s worst accused serial killer, Robert Pickton. Pickton is charged with the first-degree murders of some twenty-seven women. Pickton is alleged to have killed and dismembered the bodies of his victims, on his pig farm in Port Coquitlam British Columbia.

  30. THORO says:

    To all the people on here bashing kayla, you guys need to realize that this is something very stressful on her and her friends and family back home, and realize bashing her is not going to bring down the amount of drugs that are transported everyday. It was simply a mistake, if you know her you would know that she IS a good person and that she IS NOT no big time drug dealer or any of the above so stop labelling her to be something negetive cuz shes not. Everybody has done somethin in their life that they are not proud of, and on her part this is one of them, I know people that have done worse and I know people that have done things that are minor to her situation, doesnt mean we have to sit here and talk shit about them. We are all human and we all breathe the same air, and just because she made a mistake you guys are bashing her? Ya’ll are acting as if shes the only person that has done something like this?..Ya’ll are acting as if you guys are ANYBODY to judge her..I understand you guys feel that shes adding to the drug use in your country by doing what she did, but lets be real, if it wasnt her, it would of be somebody else. Drug smugglin has been done for YEARS now…so come off of it. If you were in her position you wouldnt like people bashingg you for something you were truly sorry for, it shows what type of person she is by deciding to tell on herself, shows that she realizes her mistakes and that shes sorry. So chill out on her name…Please & Thanks.

    • Speechless says:

      [wipes a solitary tear from his eye]

      She wouldnt have been stressed if she hadnt smuggled drugs. She IS a drug dealer – by the evidence and by her own admission. She isnt the only person to do this, but dont feel too bad, I think they are all scum and deserve to be in jail. And finally, I wouldnt be in her position because I am not a drug dealer.

      The only people who need to take a break are those who continue to berate the people of Bermuda who she has offended by her drug dealing. You want to support her – send her an email, a care package, or visit her in her new home. Who the hell do you think you are to tell us how we should think about someone who tried to poison our country. If you dont want to be stressed out about how we are talking about her – dont visit this site!

  31. EDUCATED says:

    regardless of the situation… You should’nt judge. Everbody deserves chances to learn from their mistakes even if their deadly. It’s too bad that your Country, is so small that everyone has something to say about the crime. But seriously, theres more Criminals to chase, thanks that Bermudian citizens have alot to say about the arrests on your island. the facts remain she plead guilty… Been sentenced… & now serving her time… So CASED CLOSED.. I beleive this shows you have an Effective Law enforcement..

    But please just realize you don;t need to Bash or continue to humilate a young person that F..cked up.. Damn everybody does it.. but yes we can agree she took it to an extreme… But thats her family..friends and SUPPORTERS to handle…

    Positivity creates Development…

  32. milli says:

    Murda Mamies …………FREE KAYLA