Sick Passenger Causes Plane to Divert

January 14, 2011

American Airlines flight 1385 on its way from JFK to Barbados diverted to Bermuda with a sick passenger this morning [Jan 14] just after 11am.

AA Airport Jan 14th 2011-1

Emergency Fire Services were on scene at the air terminal where an ambulance arrived to attend to the sick passenger and take them to King Edward Memorial Hospital for treatment. The flight departed at around 12:30pm, and continued onto its destination.

AA Airport Jan 14th 2011-1-3

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  1. Terry says:

    Never could figure out why all those Emergency vehicles turn up. What a waste. But then again they need something to do.

    Heavens, it’s a sick passenger not a plane with malfunctions. Maybe they were gonna do the “Spray Job”….yah know….first sick passenger of the year.

    But then again, only Bernooze is on top of everything.

    • Bermie says:

      I always doubted that you really knew what you were talking about, but as an FYI, it is a safety requirement that these vehicles are there as a requirement of the ICAO to be on standby while the aircraft is refueling with passengers onboard the aircraft. Perhaps if you had asked about something you obviously know nothing about rather than just blab more diatribe , you could show that you have some sense of intelligence.

  2. Terry says:

    Oh Bermie get a life. I know exactly how the system works. I knew it would get a response from you. Now go back to your tower at Bermuda International Airpot World.

  3. 32n64w says:

    Clearly not true.

  4. Terry says:

    Clearly Point Shares, …clearly…..