Cannonier: “Be The Best You Can Be”

June 10, 2011

craig.cannonier[Written by Senator Craig Cannonier, OBA Shadow Minister for Economy, Trade and Industry]

There are two items in the press that merit comment. The first is the Government survey that found ‘rude staff’ in our stores to be a principal complaint among Bermuda’s retail customers. The second item was a Letter to the Editor from a visitor who described her experience with an ‘unhelpful’ bus driver.

I have no reason to believe these reports are not grounded in some level of truth and so I cite them to remind all of us of the need to be better on the job, to raise our game.

Bermuda is challenged on many fronts these days and it is essential if we are to perform better as a society that we do everything in our power to strengthen Bermuda’s competitiveness.

Some of the competitive challenges the Island faces relate to issues that cannot be solved overnight, such as our high cost structures, regulatory impediments, etc. But there is one area that each of us can bring about immediate change and that is how we get along with our fellow citizens and our overseas customers.

We must never forget that Bermuda’s economy is service-based. Much depends on the attitude we project to people. If we are rude or unhelpful, our customers will go elsewhere. Such a result serves no constructive purpose, and it reminds us that we share a collective responsibility toward our fellow Bermudians. We are, after all, in this life together.

So this is an appeal for all of us to be the best we can be in our professional environments. What you do and how you do it is who you are. Take pride in what you do. Show courtesy, goodwill, kindness and respect. There is a Biblical truth worth remembering: You will reap what you sow.

If each of us does better, we are making it possible for all of us to do better, and for our island to do better. It’s one way we can all help put Bermuda first.

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  1. SMH says:

    SURE! Join the ARMY!

    • itwasn'tme says:


  2. Old Broad says:

    Well said, Sen. Cannonier, and I believe taking to heart and acting on your advice could save the island from further moral and social decline. At the end of the day, one’s success or failure depends on how one acts toward their fellow man. We do indeed reap what we sow and a little loving kindness toward everyone, even toward those who show us anger, goes a long way to restoring equilibrium and fostering an atmosphere that will attract the best from others.

    • Black Soil says:

      As the late-great basketball coach John Wooden said “Perform at your best when your best is required. Your best is required each day”.

  3. Me says:

    As a service based economy, we need to provide exemplary service to both locals & tourists! Finally, a politician saying something useful!

  4. Shaking my head says:

    Yada yada yad! They’ve heard it all before, and nothing changes! A hardware store in Devonshire is a prime example of rude, unhelpful staff. I’ll drive the extra miles and pay more money just to get better customer service!