Multiple Tourists Involved In North Shore Accident

June 29, 2011

[Updated] Early this afternoon [June 29], Emergency Service Personnel responded to an accident on North Shore Road [east of the Aquarium] which saw a number of tourists receive minor injuries.

The Bermuda Fire & Rescue, Police and an ambulance all attended the scene. It is unofficially understood that at least four persons were treated for abrasions at the scene. It is unclear whether any of the people involved were actually transported to hospital.

Bike Accident North Shore Rd Bermuda June 29 2011

Multiple rental cycles were seen in the vicinity of the area where the injured were being cared for by EMTs, and it appears those affected were visitors riding rental cycles. Traffic was blocked and then reduced to one lane at the accident scene but it has now been opened to regular traffic flow. Details are limited at this time however we will update as able.

Update: A Police spokesman said, “Around 2:15pm on Wednesday [June 29], police and first responders attended a reported road traffic collision resulting in injury on North Shore Road in Hamilton parish near the junction with East Point Lane. It appears that seven rental cycles were traveling along North Shore Road in the vicinity of the Bermuda Aquarium Museum & Zoo when a collision occurred between two of the rental cycles. The male rider and female pillion passenger of one of the rental cycles involved received minor injuries. Both are visitors to the island. There were no additional injuries reported. One of the rental cycles involved was damaged as a result”.

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Comments (73)

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  1. itwasn'tme says:

    OUCH……hittin tha road in summer ain’t no fun….

  2. star man says:

    If a group of visitors (4) were injured all at once, you likely can blame Bermuda’s selfish, always-in-a-hurry-to-get-ahead-of-me, driving habits for that accident. You know some local idiot was impatient and dangerously passed the 4 bikes in a row, then probably had to cut them off to get back in line. Our visitors panicked and ran into each other. I know a row of tourist bikes is difficult to pass, but to injure someone when passing is just ignorant. Slow down Bermuda!! Or wait for the visitors to pull over….

    • Think about it says:

      Or maybe it was the fact that tourists are HORRIBLE riders and aren’t used to driving/riding on these roads. Why are you so quick to judge Bermudians? I drive everyday and witness how close these tourists come to having SELF CAUSED accidents. They’re constantly wobbling, speeding up and slowing down, stopping abruptly and where they should be among NUMEROUS other displays of not being able to ride.

      If you want to blame someone, blame the tourist who takes a chance riding in a country they’ve never driven in before, and the rental place thay only has them ride up and down in a straight line as the only test they issue before they rent out the bike.

      • Think about it says:

        Sorry meant to say stopping where they shouldn’t be. I once witnessed something really stupid. I was travelling west on Trimingham hill and as I approached the round about in the right lane(heading towards ice queen and paget lights), the tourist in front of me suddenly darted over to the left lane without indicating and cut off the traffic already in that lane. Now tell me, if the tourist was to get knocked over, you would still think it was the Bermudians fault huh?

        • james says:

          Fact – Bermudians are amongst the worst drivers in the world. The standard of driving in this country borders on the retarded.

          • Think about it says:

            Are you stupid? Bermudians are the worst drivers in the world? You have to be stupid to make a statement like that with absolutely NOTHING to back it up. If anything, Bermudians are better drivers that anyone else. You think that people from the states who are used to driving for hours in long straight lines, with super wide lanes can drive better then people who are driving through constantly changing terrain (hills, corners etc.) and only 7 or 8 inches from the car in the other lane? Wow you’re dumb. It’s been a long time since I called someone a name on Bernews, but you deserve it mate.

            • flamethrower says:

              some people really personalize these issues. . . dang!

              Driving on the roads in bermuda requires attention and skill, since they are often narrow and have lots of tight corners…I hope this doesn’t keep them from ever returning to Bda >> feel the love

            • james says:

              Of the numerous counties I have visited I do not think I have ever seen so many people who not only use their cellphones whilst driving cars and motorcycles but who actually conduct text messaging and e mailing whilst driving and of all things riding motorcycles!!! If you want your definition of stupid then that is it old chap.
              There also seems to be an endemic misunderstanding of the meaning of Stop signs, the use of headlights as well as numerous other ignorant perceptions such as overtaking on blind corners,speeding, the flipping of cars on a regular basis on roads where it should be impossible to peform such a manoevure even if you wanted to.The list can on and on and on.

              • Think about it says:

                @ James

                I’m starting to get the impression that you are not Bermudian or that you are not originally from here. You sound like a real @ss for your statements. You mean to tell me that they don’t do ANY of the things you mentioned outside of Bermuda? And where are you getting this information regarding cars flipping over on a regular basis? I only count one so far this year. Do you know something that I don’t?

                • Scott says:

                  i am bermudian, and everything said there is true.

                  • Scott says:

                    one so far this YEAR?

                    i’m pretty sure that is very false

                • Scott says:




                  4) the most recent one in june..

                    • Think about it says:

                      You’re completely missing the point, seriously. James is trying to say that cars flip on their own like the recent one that was in the news. You are posting links to two vehicle accidents, and old people flipping their cars, which is NOT the same thing. Also, it’s still not a regular occurrence, like he is trying to say.

                      p.s. Stop being such a douche bag Scott. You always go out of your way to look up links and post them. Don’t you have anything else to do, or do you have to be a know it all?

                    • Scott says:

                      im sorry TAI….

                      i think your quote was:

                      “And where are you getting this information regarding cars flipping over on a regular basis? I only count one so far this year. Do you know something that I don’t?”

                      you asked, i provided. and yes, it seems we did know something you didnt.

                    • Think about it says:

                      And Scott is still missing the point. James is insinuating that cars flip everday in Bermuda. All I said was that I only know of one, which is not wrong for me to say. I’m sorry I don’t have your job where I can stop what I’m doing and go through three months of bernews article to track down links to the accidents.

                    • Scott says:

                      lol he’s not insinuating that at all.. he’s insinuating that they flip far far far more often than they should. I’d say that for 21 miles, an average of almost 1 a month is pretty bad…

             seem to have a job that lets you comment on bernews enough, as you have been on this article.. with a little common sense it takes an extra 30-60 seconds to do a quick search, copy/paste… so dont try and use that as an excuse.. its a search bar, not scrolling through endless posts.

                    • Think about it says:

                      Sure it is. The fact still remains that you took time out of your schedule to look for it when it’s not that serious Lol.

                    • Scott says:

                      when you call me a douche and a know it all for posting it, i’d say its serious enough.

            • Scott says:

              i dont tthink they mean worst as in lack of skill… they mean worst as in phones, impatience, speeding, nips, third lanes, etc….

            • Ganja mon says:

              for once I can agree with you. People in the US are by far the worst drivers and statistics on accidents/ deaths dont lie. I drove out there 4 years and witnessed about 5 fender benders, 2 of those were in stop and go traffic..Where they do that at? THE US !

        • 813grad says:

          Are you serious? I have on numerous occasions seen local riders over taking tourists dangerously, and to blame the tourists for this is ridiculous. how bout if you went to the US and rented a car and got into an accident and everyone blamed you for driving on their foreign roads. all you would say is WAHHHH. come on mate. we have all seen it happen, and its just ridiculous to say that its the tourists fault for taking it upon themselves to INJECT MONEY INTO OUR ECONOMY BY RENTING BIKES AND VISITING OUR ISLAND. check yourself mate. and slow down.

          • Think about it says:

            Wow, you’re another one eh? How is it ridiculous to think that the tourists are at fault? Do you not drive on the roads and encounter tourist riding stupidly? I’ve seen tourists on bike try to ride like Bermudians (overtaking etc.) but they didn’t have any experience and nearly caused an accident. And if I was in the US and got in an accident, it probably would be my fault. I wouldn’t be used to the speeds etc. and there’s your accident right there. It’s the EXACT same thing for tourists here. They don’t know where they are going, they DO NOT know the rules of the road or even how to ride for that matter and they’re not used to our sharp corners etc.

            • Notorious says:

              Don’t even bother arguing with them. You know how it goes with them. Bermudians always wrong, tourists always right. Some of them commenting are probably expats who have issues with Bermudians anyway.

              • Scott says:

                LOL oh some people make me laugh..

                regardless of who’s right/wrong.. do you really think that because and expat says something that that means it should be ignored or that its not true..??

                suppose some expat does have issues with bermudians (and with comments like yours i understand it)… if they say people driving here are dangerous, and then bermudians go around nipping and speeding and texting, does that really mean that all that is ok, because an expat said it??

                • Think about it says:

                  No, but the point that Notorious and myself are making is that foreigners ALWAYS think that their fellow countrymen can do no wrong. Hence James commenting so stupidly, trying to make it seem like wherever he comes from doesn’t have bad drivers. I can turn on an episode of cops and that’s all I see. At least Bermudians aren’t dumb enough to try and run when you know the police WILL catch you Lol

                  • Scott says:

                    for one thing i never saw james say he wasnt bermudian.. as far as i know that’s your own assumption..

                    putting jame’s nationality aside, i am very much bermudian, and i very much say bermudians drive just as badly as he says they do, hence we have so many fatalities per capita.

                    he’s not saying other countries dont have their bad drivers, he’s saying we have an overwhelming large number of them for our small size..

                    if you turn on an episode of cops, thats all you see because thats all they broadcast… i can turn on jersey shore and only see drinking, partying and talking about sex, but that doesnt mean they do that 24/7… its called Reality TV.. learn to not rely on it for your perception of the world.

                    as for people not running from cops in bermuda, do i really need to be a douche again and look up the countless articles of people pullin chase and then running from cops???

                    • Think about it says:

                      Scott you really need to learn to read between the lines. James never said that he wasn’t Bermudian, but when he was accused of not being Bermudian, he never denied it. Also like you and I, we are at least objective in the fact that yes Bermudians are obnoxious drivers at times, but also that tourists can be at fault for their accidents. Again, James is not, he holds steadfast in his bashing of Bermudian drivers/riders and says nothing about the tourists. Now why would that be unless he is not from here?

                      p.s. No you don’t need to waste time looking for articles. Again pay attention to my words. I didn’t say people don’t run here, but if they do, they at least do it on bikes where they stand at least a little chance of escaping. Dopey foreigners try and run in anything from bikes to buses.

                • Notorious says:

                  Um no Scott because you have no proof. Where did I say that it should be ignored? I said that expats have an issue with Bermudians and will use any opportunity to bash them.

                  I don’t seem a large number of people here texting while driving, “nipping and speeding” either. Does that negate the fact that you and other are blaming Bermudians when you don’t even know who was at fault yet?

                  Yes some people make me laugh like you foreigners who come here and call Bermudians bad drivers and bad mouth them then get upset when we call you out on. Yes feel safe behind that computer because we all know you all don’t have the courage to say it in public.

                  • Scott says:

                    lol well i do see a lot of people doing those things.. i dont know how you dont, perhaps you keep your eyes straighter then i do..

                    either way.. “laugh like you foreigners who come here…” is a killer line!!! im not a foreigner. you can call out all you want on me, but you are factually wrong, which pretty much just kills credibility and leads me to feel you are arguing on emotion instead of fact.

                    My name is scott leitch…. whats yours?

                    • Notorious says:

                      I see the bike riders “speeding and nipping” but that’s not most people and definitely not people in cars. If you aren’t a foreigner then you’d be talking about yourself as well. Btw I said “you foreigners” as in whoever is one and commenting. I have no way of knowing whether you are one or not. I would have said “you Scott”. It has nothing to do with emotion but everything to do with putting out people’s claims without backing it up with any facts.

                      You say for 21 miles we have a lot of car flipping and that Bermudians(that would include you) are terrible drivers but don’t include the conditions. Yes we are 21 miles BUT we have about 40,000 vehicles. People act like our accident rate is outrageous when it’s not. 20 accidents a weekend with 40,000 vehicles is not a lot. Add on the road conditions too.

                      Now let’s see the stats for tourists and their accident and mortality rate in Bermuda. I’m still waiting. Because as I recall when we actually had a high number or tourists they were crashing and dying when Bermudians had nothing to do with it.

                    • Scott says:

                      LOL its humorous how you try to get out of the corner you have backed yourself into…

                      for one, when you said “you foreigners”, you were most definitely including me in that, hence the “you” and not ‘those”..

                      so now you are also saying that you see bike riders “nipping and speeding”, yet just previously you explicitly said “I don’t seem a large number of people here texting while driving, “nipping and speeding” either.”… well which is it? you see it or you dont see it???

                      just from that alone thre is no point asserting that cars do it very often as well, which is more noticable due to their size.

                      sure i’ll include myself in that if you want.. i’m one of the lucky ones to have managed to avoid an accident for 15 years. ive done all the stupid things, and i’ve calmed down now as i grew up.

                      the funny thing is, you want to add in the road conditions, but you dont realize that the speed limit of 35k, with the allowance to 50k takes that into consideration already.

                      Frankly i dont have the stats for tourists at the moment..and you can wait all you want because the things you’ve said you’ve recalled has changed so much since this discussion started that even if i presented cold hard numbers to you you’d still turn around and say oh its not that bad here..

                    • Think about it says:

                      Scott you’re not a Bermudian. Scott Leitch (as you said your name is) isn’t a Bermudian name. If anything, you probably have Bermudian citizenship, which isn’t the same thing as being Bermudian. What, did you marry a Bermudian? Or were your parents born here and just got you your status? If you are a Bermudian prove it Lol.

                      The main reason I don’t believe you are is because I have never seen someone so readily siding with someone who clearly isn’t from here, and not supporting your supposed fellow countrymen. You’re supporting James’ “Tourists can do no wrong” attitude, when it is a fact that the VAST MAJORITY of tourist related accidents were self caused.

                      Now go and look up those links if you want

                    • Notorious says:

                      @Scott You didn’t back anyone into any corner.

                      I originally said I don’t see a “LARGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE….”. I then said some people on bikes but not most people(large number)do it so how I am wrong? It’s the same thing! You seem to lack critical thinking skills as well as comprehension skills. You lied and slipped up and in actual fact are a foreigner.

                      You also can’t rebut my claims without any facts. You make broad claims then when we ask for some proof you crawl back under that rock from which you live.

              • 813grad says:

                i am not an expat, i am a local. so i obviously dont have issues with bermudians because i am one. but that being said, i am very dissappointed with the way bermudians are riding/driving and i think its ridiculous to blame the tourists. yes they are inexperienced, and no they should not try to ride like the locals. but to say its their fault is just ignorant. we should still be thankful that they are even visiting this island and putting money into our economy. soon enough they wont be here, and this will be much worse. my point is not that all tourists are the same, there are obviously exceptions, but i still think that we should be thankful that they even still consider coming here.

                • Notorious says:

                  Another one who can’t read! How is it to blame them is ignorant yet they caused the accident? I bet if one knocked down your child and killed them you wouldn’t feel that way!

                  We aren’t blaming all tourists but they caused the accident themselves. It was people blaming Bermudians FIRST without even knowing who was at fault yet!

      • Scott says:

        i’d say its a fair assesment, based on probability.

        if it was one tourist bike, sure prob the tourist problem..
        if it was two tourits bikes, sure, prob one had an issue and the other collided..
        if it was three tourist bikes, i would assume the third would have seen the first and managed to avoid the second..

        if its four tourist bikes though? i’d say something happened like a bus being a bit over hte line or a car/loud bike zinging through traffic to pass them and scared them or pushed them to the side..

  3. Stop Pointing ya Fingers says:

    Its when you hear about these things that lets you know tourism is on the rise in Bermuda. I cna remember a time when tourists were getting in accidents every week! Now it starts again. I hope everyone os ok.

    Welome back!!!!

  4. Notorious says:

    Wow the idiots on bernews never cease to amaze me. Tourists are HORRIBLE drivers. Them getting into self caused accidents is NOTHING new. Why are we always so quick to blame Bermudians. Check the stats of how many tourists get into accidents here and die and Bermudians had nothing to do with it. So let me get this straight a Bermudian overtook them and caused them all to get into an accident? Or like most UNSKILLED to drive here tourists do when here they were riding too close to each-other, most likely sight seeing and caused the accident themselves. How would overtaking cause all four to crash? Sorry it was probably their own fault. I’ve seen it for years.

    • Think about it says:

      Thank you. I knew there had to be someone here who uses their brain (or at least knows Bermudas roads) Lol

  5. james says:

    ‘Think about it’

    Lets face it Bermudians are some of the worst drivers.
    Ice Road truckers are the best though.

  6. james says:

    Im sorry but tourists should get a free pass – they are here as guests of Bermuda spending money in Bermuda and keeping us alive – they should be given a wide berth and allowed to spend as much time riding slowly and sighseeing as they see fit.
    As for the delinquent idiots who overtake when cars are coming in the opposite direction – we all see these people every day and they are not tourists.

    • Notorious says:

      You’re a moron. So we should break the rules of the road because they are tourists? You realize how utterly stupid and dangerous that is?

      • Scott says:

        what rules did he suggest we break?

        • Notorious says:

          Comprehension isn’t your strong suit is it.

          • Scott says:

            you havent answered the question. you asserted he said we should break rules of the road..

            i didnt see him say that, simple we should give tourists a wide berth.. ??

            • Think about it says:

              Scott once again you are being a simple minded, Bermudian hating (apparently) moron. James doesn’t have so specify any road rules to be broken, just saying that they should get a free pass means they would be breaking the rules of the road. The simple fact is tourists do things that Bermudians would get tickets for on a regular basis. Although they aren’t texting, holding a video camera while riding, or not keeping their eyes on the road are just as bad. They change lanes without indicating, run stop signs, don’t give way, pull in and out of traffic suddenly and without warning and the list goes on. I can continue if you want, but I would be here all day.

              So the two of you bird brains suggest we let them continue to ride that dangerously? I can tell you this: If a tourist causes me to wreck my brand new car, Imma send them back home with my foot up their @ss. Cause guess what, what’s to stop them from leaving the country and me having to foot my own repair bill? I doubt there is even a law or insurance policy that protects Bermudians if a tourist was to cause an accident.

              • Notorious says:

                OMG THANK YOU! That’s what I meant Think about it! He says tourists should “get a free pass”. How does that not mean they can break the rules?! This guy is so slow it’s not even funny! That’s like saying a tourist can come here and stab somebody but hey they are guests so let em do it! Such stupid logic. Nowhere else in the world do they say “hey but they are guests let them have a free pass”.

  7. sandgrownan says:

    Ha…..another thread of Bermudians blowing sunshine up their own *sses.

    • Think about it says:

      Sandgrownman go shove your head up your @ss.

      If you read the first few comments you would have seen that it was expats(potentially) that started slamming Bermudians. But as always, you make a stupid comment without at least reading all the previous posts first.

      • Scott says:

        “seen that it was expats(potentially)”

        the only indication of this is you calling them expats..

        and you only seem to think they are expats because they bash Bermudian driving..

    • Notorious says:

      Ah makes sense sandgrownan must be an expat as well. I think we should find out who you all are and get you kicked out of the country. Oh and I agree with “Think about it” again.

      sandgrownan do like you tell everyone else and READ before you comment.

      • Scott says:

        lol try it. you cant get me kicked anywhere.

        • Notorious says:

          I will but wait you just said you aren’t a foreigner. Make up your mind there Scotty.

          • Scott says:

            lol im not. hence you can try all you want.

            • Notorious says:

              LOL Oh you wait. I’m sure you’ve seen my previous posts were I said you never know who are behind these screen-names. Thanks for your co-operation.

  8. Tourists cant drive says:

    The tourists that rent these bikes have no business doing it. Just a couple weeks ago I was driving along in my car when a tourist with her boyfriend in tow pulls out, tries to turn left but can’t quite figure out how and plows right into my car. I was doing absolutely nothing wrong. I’ve seen this type of thing numerous times. There needs to be another alternative for their safety and ours.

    • james says:

      How about the Bermudian guy who flipped his car on tee street and just decided to walk home and leave it there. Ill take the tourists who hit your car any day of the week.

      • Think about it says:

        James I’m convinced your an @ss. The guy who flipped his car didn’t harm anyone! Also, it was late at night when there wasn’t any traffic around. These tourists are out during the daylight hours when they CAN cause harm to themselves and others.

        Just stop posting because your an idiot, seriously.

        • Scott says:

          LOL omg why do you keep opening your “mouth” think about it…

          didnt harm anyone? was late at night with no traffic??

          so what do you say when masses of people drive home drunk at night? that its ok cause they managed to make it home ok? That its not a big deal he flipped his car cause no one was there? And that accidents and bad driving should be allowed if no one is hurt?

          its like youre arguing for the sake of it and not really Thinking About what you are saying?

          • Think about it says:

            Wow, this is it, I’m so done speaking to you mouth breathers.

            If he didn’t hurt anyone, then what is the problem? He flipped his car, he has to pay for it, he has his punishment and I bet he’ll never do it again. THESE TOURISTS ARE OUT IN THE DAY WHEN THEY CAN CAUSE HARM TO THEMSELVES AND OTHERS! Of course I’m gonna care more about that.

          • Notorious says:

            Shut up Scott. The same goes for james.

        • james says:

          I rest my case.

  9. Terry says:

    Freekin UBP. Tourists should be banned. No more accidents involving…4 in the last year.

    Put the buggers on buses, give the driver a spliff, set up speed bumps and give them faulty snorkels. Bastards the lot.

    Leave us onions alone.

    In fact…um gonna ewan close dahm dee Hairport between Laven Pee Am ann sex pee am…..detz rite.

    Freeking tourists…..cummin hair…..massin hup dee drug trade, nut buyhin annyting……..ann n ewan want too yooze dee farry survise……..

    Ann…..bringhing hin hall det Madikal Marrywanna for dee Klinic hor Wictroriah street……..verz dee lugic der………

    Sand em hall bel tooo dee Maxicane Borwdah….detz rite……

  10. Toni M R says:

    Bernews, do you have any more information as to the cause of the road mishaps?
    Thanks very much

  11. Scott says:

    Ah update is in. it seems it was indeed the fault of the tourist!! glad that’s cleared up.

    while it seems the initial assertions were incorrect, this thread has seemingly made apparent the habit here to blame everyone else but ourselves, or accept any responsibility.

    while in this case the accident was indeed the sole fault of the riders (according to the update), it seems the more generalized discussoin because more about some saying our roads are generally unsafe, and others saying expats just want to bash bermudians, also the thought that if others do it, its ok if we do.

    it seems there was not much solid defending that our roads are indeed safe except to say “i didnt see it” or “no one was hurt, its ok”… yet every week we hear baout more and more accidents around us…

    the fact that the whole foreigners just want to bash us discussion and kicking people out even came around is somewhat of a show of some people feelings that we cannot be blamed…

    the fact is our roads have horrendously high accident rates, people DO text, speed, nip, cut people off, and run red lights. Yet many here seem to think that none of that matters because we got skillz, or are more worried about who is saying it then the actual statement itself… this all just seems very sad to me..

    • Think about it says:

      The fact is that you’re an @ss, you were wrong, and you still can’t shut your mouth and admit you were wrong. Well guess what? The rest of us know you were wrong and now YOU have to deal with it. You are so ready to blame Bermudians that you couldn’t even accept the possibility that it was the fault of the tourists. Like I said, you must not be from here or you don’t drive very often because all REAL Bermudians know the truth about tourists bad riding habits. I knew that it couldn’t be because of a Bermudian driver because I’m sure there would have been witnesses. There would be at least one person (even one of the tourists) that would have mentioned it, and Bernews would have included it in the article.

      But you and a few of your Bermuda hating cohorts seem to lack the ability to read between the lines and use logical thinking.

      Oh well, can’t say it doesn’t feel good to be right.

    • Notorious says:

      Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Scott you are so pathetic! And I QUOTE, “LOL its humorous how you try to get out of the corner you have backed yourself into”.

      It’s cringe worthy reading your pathetic comment. That’s right don’t apologize for generalizing all Bermudians, blaming them without the facts, lying about your nationality and being an all out idiot. Just tuck your tail between your legs and keep it moving. Like Think about it said you were quick to run your mouth and blame Bermudians(which by your claims would include you) and argue with us but turns out you all (the ones who blamed them first) were wrong. We didn’t start it. You all did.

      • james says:

        Notorius and Think about it

        If you look at my original post, which much of your inane ramblin has been based on, you will note that it purely referred to Bermudians being bad drivers – there was no reference to blaming them for the accident or saying that tourists are bad drivers but in the context of previous posts speculating on the cause of the accident I stated that driving standards are poor in this country. If you can’t recognise this then that is your loss.

        • Think about it says:

          That’s not all you did at all. You had more than one post and you state that Bermudians are among the worst drivers in the world. Do you not remember what you said? Normally that means someone is talking out of their @ss. You took the time out to mention other places outside of Bermuda and say that Bermudian drivers are worse. So you didn’t need to come out and actually say that it was the fault of a Bermudian, you were implying it, which to me is just as bad. To me that is attacking Bermuda. What reasons you have for doing so are between you and your psychiatrist. But if you have a problem with Bermuda, do me and everyone else here a favor and leave.

        • Notorious says:

          james you were wrong. You and Scott just spewed off inane ramblings yourselves without even having the facts. We just pointed out your idiocy. You are also the same idiot who said tourists should get a “free pass”. Again you were wrong and spewed off a bunch of crap with no facts to back it up and eventually were proved wrong. ACCEPT IT.

          No reference to Bermudians to be the blame yet your original post said all Bermudians are bad drivers and bordered on the retarded when the arcticle posted said tourists were in an accident. So it’s to assume you blamed them. Why would you bring that up when it was tourists who got in an accident? No need to still be in-denial. You were wrong. It’s not that big a deal, accept it.

          • James says:

            Notorious – I am sorry to say this but you are what we call a Thick twat. I apologise for the derogatory comment but yourself and “Think Again” have obviously received a typically poor Bermuda eduction. I do feel bad about saying this but your a pair of thickos. Good luck with the wall sitting.

            • Notorious says:

              Yeah okay we’ll continue to be right and you’ll continue to be wrong but we are the thick ones. Nice racism too. You insult us then want to play victim. Don’t throw a rock and then hide your hand. It’s clear that you are the “thick” one in this situation. Wouldn’t this Bermuda education have failed you too or are you an expat? I’d gladly have you kicked off the island if so. Good luck with being a retard arse with piss poor comprehension skills.