Dunkley: ‘Open The St. George’s Station 24/7′

September 19, 2011

St. George's Police Station Dec 31 10-1_wmShadow Minister of National Security Michael Dunkley has called for the St George’s Police Station to be open 24/7, saying residents who continue to be concerned for their security have approached him about the matter.

“St. George’s has for years been demanding their Police station return to a 24/7 operation. The urgency of their calls mounted as community security and personal safety diminished in the wake of the Police move to Southside,” said Senator Dunkley.

“Last week’s incident in which a mother could not get timely Police assistance was one more example of the downside of a government that has not provided the Police with the resources to do the job residents want.”

“In my capacity as Shadow Minister of National Security, I have been approached by residents who continue to be concerned for their security and the safety of the community.”

“The fact that the Police do not have enough manpower to operate the St. George’s station 24 hours a day speaks, once again, to the price Bermuda is paying for a government that recklessly spent the island into a situation where there is not enough money to support basic public services – in this case the law and order presence that a unique community wants and needs.”

“It’s not just us making this call. Local MP Kim Swan and Mayor Kenneth Bascome have also made clear this unequivocal community demand. Residents want the station open 24/7. That should be enough for any caring Government to hear.”

“We say: Open the St. George’s station 24/7. Make it happen.”

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  1. Waste of $$! St Georges is a ghost town! Nothing happening in the east right now.

  2. James says:

    Just a question, but what about the residents of St. Davids who’ve had to wait for police assistance for years and years when the station was in St. Georges?

    Why does Kim Swan and other residents of St. Georges want preferred treatment over our neighbors to the south? Oh, and I live in St. Georges by the way.

  3. Hmmmmmmmmmm says:

    They have to bring in a Consultant re: opening of Police Station

  4. Relaxing says:

    St. George is now, unfortunately, a ghost town. My people, you will have to defend yourselves or expect delayed police response in the future. Wonder who those young punks down there are terrorizing now.

  5. tradition says:

    Thanks James for considering the residents of St. David’s. The northern St. Georgians are so very selfish. As the town of St. George has rapidly become a ghost town St. David’s has come alive. Please people don’t forget everyone needs protection.

  6. My two cents says:

    NO MONEY, what is it that makes this so hard to understand?

  7. The physical place of the station has no bearing on response time….response time depends on the location of the patrol car…please bear in mind that the geographical area covered by St. Georges Police Station extends to Devonshire!! so if the station is in St. Geoges, St. Davids or Tim Buck Two…if a call for service on the town square comes in and the car is in St. Davids…it has to travel from there…unfortunately there is not a “box” of police officers held in the station to respond to each call immediately. police officers cant be every where, every time, every day….nowhere in the WORLD

  8. The Mayor of St. George made the statement at the Peppercorn Ceremony that the Governor made the promise so why not ask the Mayor and the Governor.

  9. gully god says:

    leave dat place closed its better that way!!!!!! dnt need no more police dwn dis way startin problems with da young black youts!!!!

  10. Bulldog says:

    Firstly, how will this be paid for? Secondly, the location of the station has now bearing on response times. Thirdly, the station is closed at a time when there are hardly any calls for service. Most of the residents and businesses are in St. Davids. The St. Davids location gives the police better access to the rest of the eastern area without worrying about the swing bridge being open when responding to a call for service. You tell me what entity Private or Public Sector) would fund a 24 hour station in St. Georges under these circumstances? In tomorrow’s news Mr. Dunkley would be complaining that government is wasting money. Sorry Town of St. Georges residents but this would be wasting money too…

    • Clinton J. A. Paynter OBA Affiliated says:

      That works both ways… If the swing bridge is open and a serious incident happens in the Town and outlying areas of St. Geo there will be no police. Dis spite the claims that St. Geo is a Ghost Town etc. there are still hundreds of tourists staying at St. Geo Club etc. The Police station is not just closed late at night but at all different times. I have seen it closed 2pm, 7pm etc. We pay taxes in St. Geo… We are entitled to a timely police response just like everyone else. Doesn’t it seem a bit ridiculous to call the police and have them arrive 45 minutes later… Within walking distance of the St. Geo police station?

      • clearly you dont get it….the police on duty are not sitting in the station….the fact that the police station is within walking distance is irrelevant!!! it is where the car is that determines the response time…

  11. All the police do in st georges is bother ppl between the ages of 16-30 for loitering!Aint Sh#t happening!They can’t stop it anyway. C.A.T aint workin!Not at all officer Ricky