Attempted Murder Charges Dismissed

November 30, 2011

The Supreme Court today [Nov.30] dismissed attempted murder charges against 25-year-old Royunde Stevens Cyrus, on the grounds of insufficient evidence.

In March of this year, then 16-year-old Jahrockia Smith-Hassell was shot three times; the first shot had missed, then he was subsequently hit in his back and in the leg as he was running away.

Testifying during the trial, Smith-Hassell said that he was 100 percent positive in identifying the shooter as 25-year-old Royunde Stevens Cyrus, who denied the charge of attempted murder. He also admitted to drinking liquor and smoking cannabis on the day that he was shot.

The 17-year-old said that this attempt to harm him was not the first, that someone had tried to stab him in the back a few months prior, and told the Court “Parkside guys wanted to kill me.” Sergeant Alex Rollin, whom the Police classify as a gang expert, told the court Mr Cyrus is a member of Parkside.

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Comments (25)

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  1. Family Man says:

    Insufficient evidence? Really?

    Follow the money.

    • Thoughts says:

      Family Man, based on your logic then please provide a logical and rational explanation as to why Minister Glen Blakeney’s son is behind bars? To my knowledge, Mr. Blakeney has money, power and connections. His son was affiliated with Parkside aswell.

  2. WTF says:

    Unbelievable, but nevermind—-we will be reading about him again soon, no doubt, when he moves up the ranks. Pathetic.

    • Just Different says:

      Or the back of the news paper, either one is not good. But Welcome To Bermuda!!

    • empora says:

      u people are so negitive n sad..

      • Just Curious says:

        and we ought, look what these crooks have turned the country into!

      • DEE PORT says:

        So you really believe that this guy learned a lesson from being LET OFF! I doubt it. He is laughing and hanging out with his boys probably as we speak. We have the right to be negative! These punks are ruining this country, and taking us down with them. You stay positive…and lets see how you feel when it affects your neighbourhood and family directly. We’ll see if you still think we are sad then.

    • Teen says:

      Why do you have to be so negative? To let you know, he was @ home the time of the shooting.

      • will says:

        are you willing to testify to that in court? where you with him?

  3. Sunshine says:

    Its all about who you are connected 2..if you all don’t see it then plz take the blinders of. I agree with the Judge’s statement of insufficient evidence but the same lack of evidence has appeared in other cases. Sikka this place!

  4. Sunshine says:


  5. you gotta be kidding me says:

    Honestly you ppl make me laugh. Yes there are links with the system and parkside. Yes there are some cases where the judge overlooks certain evidence and misguides the jury to a wrong verdict, however in this case the judge had it spot on. There was NO conclusive evidence (DNA or witness testimony) to convict this man. Also the fact that the kid was drinking and smoking lowered his credibility to identify Mr. Cyrus-Stevens. If you read the facts of the case you would see why the outcome was not guilty because…

    • SexyBlacque says:

      I totally agree with you that the evidence presented in this case was not conclusive. The young man, the victim, states had been drinking Hennessey and smoking spliffs all day. That in itself fringed him because HE said was drinking and high. He was not of sound mind. His witness even told him that he didn’t think Royundae was the gunman. I am not Parkside nor am I 42 and I don’t condone or support negative behaviour. But I believe justice was served in this case. Not guilty.

  6. PSC says:

    Keep Ya Head Up Roy…
    Justice has been served!
    Enjoy your life!

    • Tuba says:

      Where there is smoke there is fire..Yes enjoy it because it may not be very long.

  7. Thoughts says:

    This case should have never made it to trial. From day one *other media* reported that the shooter had a mask over his face. During trial, all of the witnesses attest to that fact. If that is the case, then how was Jahrockai able to make a conclusive identity?
    Case Closed.

    Mr. Steven-Cyrus,I wish you all the best.

  8. U Were Thinking It!!! says:

    I think we can all agree that “Jahrockia” is one jacked up name… Poor sight…What were ur parent(s) thinking!!?? Might be a good idea to go by your second name not only for your own sanity but also to avoid future critisism for your bad decisions…just a thought

    • mega lolz says:

      ey bie ey…dats a mix between my mamas and daddys name..cha bie…whats ya name wanna dem funny white ones like steven or matthew

    • K.C.A.J says:

      Well yes, we were thinking it but you said it!!! LOL…..He pretty much screwed his own case as soon as he admitted drinking and smoking but unless he has x-ray vision the last time i checked you cant see throw a mask…..# I’m just saying

  9. g mon says:

    Bless up roy. Justice prevailed. Glad a case was judge on evidence presented or lack of instead of public emotions. And i a apologize to the small minded public thats going 2 be upset simply because they feel whoever appears before the courts is automatically guilty.

  10. Bermudians still asleep says:

    I pray Lord of justice that You would make Yourself known intimately to these shooters not many days hence in the name and by the Blood of Jesus! Do what not even our flawed court system can do which is administer perfect justice for the victims of gun crime and begin to convict lawyers that the court of law was never supposed to be about manipulation or deception but about the unadulterated truth and justice coupled with righteousness which should not and cannot be bought for any amount of money! In the name and by the Blood of Jesus! Amen!

    • mega lolz says:

      theres too much blood already spilled in Bermuda…now you want us to be bathed in the blood of some dead guy…weird

  11. N/A says:

    I don’t know whats worst for this guy, getting a guilty verdict, or living his entire life in Bermuda looking over his shoulder wondering when or if someone is going to get him back for this shooting. Even when he matures and gets out of the gang lifestyle, Bermuda is too small for some people to forget what he allegedly did…

  12. Jason says:

    Thank God! Live up Roy

  13. Live up 2 what, he thinks he got off, he will do it again, he knows what he done, & the system stinks. All this rats from the top down, can’t wait 2 see the s**t back fire on them.