Video: Premier Cox On UK Relations

January 6, 2012

Premier Paula Cox held a press conference yesterday [Jan.5] to discuss Bermuda’s submission for the 2012 White Paper on Overseas Territories that will set out the UK Government’s approach to the Overseas Territories

The submission proposed a number of things including; providing Bermuda with direct engagement to the UK Parliament; transfer of prisoners to UK prisons; access to external sources of capital from UK funding agencies for private sector developers; offering further training for civil servants, soldiers and engineers; providing assistance with new policing strategies to combat crime.

Premier Cox speaking on Bermuda’s relationship with the UK:

Premier Cox said, I think that currently the view, and the current position is, that we are an Overseas Territory. And as such, as an Overseas Territory, there is an administering power. And the administering power is the UK.”

“If that is valid and subsisting relationship then in the confines of being a colony then certainly we are indicating that there are areas where there can be assistance provided. And we are certainly not asking for funding assistance. And that is the nature of the special relationship that the people of Bermuda have, at this time, opted to be in.

“So I am very clear, right now we are an Overseas Territory, but I think you also know that I am very clear to what the political party that I am a member of, and that I lead, is in favour of. But that is not yet the position the people of Bermuda are in,” said Premier Cox.

Saying Bermuda has a “matured and developed constitution,” the Premier said in many Overseas Territories the Governor is a part of Cabinet whereas he is not in Bermuda. She went on to discuss the aspects of the Government’s relationship with the Governor, and how it differs from other Overseas Territories.

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Comments (21)

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  1. sandgrownan says:

    Jesus, she’s excruciating to listen to for more than one minute.

    Anyhow Cog, how you going to pay back the debt you ran up?

    • skeptical says:

      I tried to listen this morning but I had to turn the radio off. Our Premier is very hard to listen to. Her sentences run all over the place and not once did she give an direct answer to the question asked. That alone would turn me off becoming a politician because I would have to listen to her talk all the time. I would have to get up and walk out everytime she started speaking.

      • Yup says:

        Another day goes by and we are in debt a further $750,000. Tomorrow we will incur another $750,000. And the financial death spiral continues.

  2. pebblebeach says:

    With all due respect…More Cog-wash….most appreciative of the mute button on my remote control…

  3. Serious Though says:

    Our relationship with UK govt is OK,

    if it is not broken why fix it, for now

    JOBS and a working economy!
    Reduce debt
    and lets talk 5 , 10 years plan for the country!
    please it is 2012!

    No BS

  4. all clogged up says:

    May I suggest a solution? VOTE OBA……the only thing we need our ‘hands off’ mommy for is her name. I for one would never beg for anymore than that. What happened to BDA pride?

    • Liars says:

      there was never any pride, only arrogance that has now turned into self-pity.

      • all clogged up says:

        Hope you’re not Yankee nor Limey…..2 proud pea in an arrogant pod that lot are

        • Proud to be British says:

          Alright pal, settle down. Let’s get one thing straight, the Brits and the Americans really couldn’t care about Bermuda. They think its probably a nice place, they would like to holiday there, but its near Barbados isn’t it? ..they really couldn’t care, and who can blame them, Bermuda is a pimple, so now who is being the arrogant one? the world revolves around Bermuda…be serious. By the way, I saw Jamaica declared it was going to seek to become a republic today……

  5. jumpy says:

    I personally think all this relationship with UK and independence talk is just a smoke screen to take people’s minds off what the Auditor General is saying

  6. Terry says:

    Another Turks and Caicos job. It will be too late when the seaweed hits the beach.

  7. disbelief! says:

    Independence – seriously! How would Bermuda survive? And what about automatic entitlement to a UK passport at the same time as giving UK people who want to come to Bermuda a hard time? I’d have thought that issue alone would make my fellow Bermudians vote to stay an OT.

    • Proud to be British says:

      100%, an hour at the embassy getting a visa EVERY time you go to the USA anyone? No, thought not. Independence = no EU passport, let’s not forget that. Any PLP views on this one?

  8. Boom says:

    VOTE THESE IDIOTS out as soon as possible. THEY have stated their intentions and it is very clear that they know the people of Bermuda don’t want independence, but still they pursue it. They don’t want what we the people want ! They are not working for us or Bermuda they are working for themselves and their own self interests.

  9. Just sayin says:

    Hey rockhead, we don’t want Independence, got it!!!!!!!!

  10. Cleancut says:

    !Watch out Governor & IB Burch is a comin!

  11. Skeptical says:

    Maybe we could be listed as a developing country so that we can get $500 million in aid from the world’s super powers like our friends to the south have received.

  12. Keepin' it Real...4Real! says:

    i have lost all hope for the people of this Island….OK people they(the whites) tried to be fair….they gave the PLP a chance to run this country…they voted for them which gave them the Power to Prove thier Worth…NOT because they had lost faith in the UBP…but because they were tired of the b!tching n Moanin’n Mudslingin’….They secured thier fortunes first though be aware of that…its like clearing the room before letting the sh!t hit the fan and you know how that ends….they will jus sit back until the last drop then SEE YA!!!!
    leaving you all here to…..Hey look im leaving this here …totally disgusted with MY BERMUDIAN PEOPLES… disillusioned beyond repair….

  13. Damian L. Blanc says:

    So folk are jumping up and down about what the Government submitted to the UK’s 2012 White Paper on Overseas Territories.

    Considering that this was open for PUBLIC submission………did OBA submit anything?

    Just Curious?