“Employment Hotline” Launched For Jobseekers

April 11, 2012

Today the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Patrice Minors advised that the Department of Labour and Training has created a new hotline aimed at encouraging unemployed persons to register with the department.

The new number is 297-7631.

Minister Minors noted that the Ministry wants to ensure that it provides individuals, who are currently unemployed, every opportunity to get registered so that they can find employment.

Minister Minors said, “While the Department of Labour and Training has a broad data base of individuals, there are occasions when persons are required for vacant jobs and those in our data base do not meet the specified employment qualifications.

“The new hotline will enable us to have a greater reach to the unemployed by allowing those persons who may not want to, or be able to personally come into the Department to still register with us, in a convenient way.”

Minister Minors said the Department will review the hotline messages and return all calls within 48-hours to obtain additional details and information so that the callers can be matched with vacant jobs available.

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  1. Joonya says:

    “Oh.. hello, um um I could have a job coming to work when I feel like it, and when I get ther take my time doing my job and dont take no crap from de boss, then leave before errbody else, and then call in sick for de next too days…? Oh and I want more money then errrbody else, and I cant get fired cause I’m Bermoooodian bie.”

  2. Um Um Like says:

    Great job Minister Minus! You’ve successfully created at least one new job for someone… a job with the responsibility of answering phones and talking to people who don’t have jobs. Keep up the terrible work!

  3. Family Man says:

    “The new hotline will enable us to have a greater reach to the unemployed by allowing those persons who may not want to, or be able to personally come into the Department to still register with us, in a convenient way.”

    So, like, umm ummm, if its raining and I don’t wanna get wet, I can just call you and get a jawb?

    ‘Course um awf de road ’cause like um I lawst my licence ’cause I got full hot the other day at my last jawb and smashed up the bosses truck, so I ain’t got no way to get in town and see you to register u know. But i’m Bermoojun, and I work real hard u know.

  4. Tommy Chong says:

    Many who are unemployed in Bermuda are not finding because they are lazy good for nothings. They are not finding work because there are many prejudice numbskull employers on island with the mindset of Joonya, Um Um Like & Family Man. Also not all Bermudians talk the way the three dummies perceive they talk. I could make fun of the way some of our non Bermudian workers talk in english which leads me to saying pardon me & excuse me but I’ll be the better person & refrain.

  5. tricks are for kids says:

    Thanks Minister Minors! Despite the negative comments from the “naysayers” there are lots of people that are hardworking, don’t call in sick and make their time that would appreciate this….

    • Family Man says:

      I’m sure there are. In fact I know there are. But they’re not the ones who can’t be bothered to get off their behinds to get to town and register.

      But this “hotline” is setup for those “who may not want to, or be able to personally come into the Department”. If they can’t be bothered to go and register, do you really think they’re going to bother going to an interview, or show up on the day after payday?

      I’ve had an employee tell me they can’t come to work because its raining. Seriously! That’s the type of loser who is going to use this “hotline”.

      • Tommy Chong says:

        Others may also use this hotline because they’ve graduated from a managerial or accounting course at Bermuda College but cant seem to get a call back from all the businesses they applied to. Like it takes some university managerial or accounting skills to work for a small business & I doubt the ones employed in that position now even have those high qualifications. Another may be someone who has enough knowledge to write orders & serve food but cant find a waiter request that doesn’t require two years experience. COME ON! Two years experience to be a waiter?!?!?! I know what that’s all about, “I can’t find a waiter with enough experience so I need my permits renewed.” The one that kills me the most is, “Looking for a waiter with experience in serving foreign cuisine.” As opposed to what? A waiter who only has experience serving codfish & potatoes?

      • tricks are for kids says:

        Thank you Tommy Chong…They’re the ones who probably need to step up their game if they come into contact with people that speak how they have written because no one in my social circle speaks like that!!!

        To “Family Man”…..NOT EVERYONE is like that…My son who is a hard worker, who makes his time, who will go in on his day off rain, blow or shine will glady use this number. He has been out of work for a few months and has not met with much success in finding a job, not from lack of trying BUT because there aren’t many jobs out there at the moment. He does electrical work but is willing “to step outside the box” if something became available…Sorry if YOU have had a bad experience however this is a positive move on the Ministers part instead of having “sour grapes” offer a word of encouragement…Being negative doesn’t make one productive either……..

        • Placating the unemployed says:

          I would more likely hire your son if I met him in person. Anyone can leave a message at my place of business saying “hey call me back, I’d like a job.” To that I say: “Really? You’d like a job? Then come talk to me face to face.”

          I think this hotline does more to placate the unemployed than help them. They make a phone call, hang up and feel that they’ve done what it takes to get a job. That’s not what it takes to get a job in the NEW economy. For every 10 unemployed people that make a phone call and think they’ve done what they need to to get hired, there are 20 who actually go into the place of business and hand deliver a resume/cv and ask for jobs. Those people will get the jobs.

          • tricks are for kids says:

            My son has actually done both….This would just be an additional avenue….”nothing but a try beats a failure”…he may get lucky this time……

      • Hmmm says:

        I think everyone’s missing Family Man’s point. He’s only pointing out the fact that if someone is motivated enough to get a job, then they are motivated enough to show up in person and a hotline isn’t needed. That’s all, nothing more to read into.

        • tricks are for kids says:

          @ Hmmm…..So not missing the point……There ARE people who are MOTIVATED and have been searching day in and day out and as I stated would appreciate this additional venue as an opportunity for upward mobility….he has voiced his opinion and I have voiced mine…while our opinions may not be in agreement they can BOTH be seen as valid…So again I say….so not missing the point….

  6. Yes says:

    I tired, I feel like something nice, I WANT LOBSTA, lobsta and fench fies , na luc don’t irritate me!

  7. Bermyman says:

    If you leave a message will anyone call you back?? Assuming you have a cell phone while you are unemployed you should be contactable??

    This will be an epic fail, like calling cable visions customer service line and getting the answering machine message. Leave a message if you never want a call back.

  8. Whatever says:

    Highly doubt this will bring forth any success, Ive actually had appts with the Dept of L&T a few times to search for emplymment.. They did absolutely nothing each time and called me weeks/months later after if I was still unemployed. this Phoning in nonsense is just that

  9. Whatever says:

    calling weeks/months later asking* if I was still unemployed**