Graeme Outerbridge To Run For Mayor

April 19, 2012

Graeme Outerbridge will run for Mayor of Hamilton in the upcoming municipal elections to be held in May 10th.

Mr Outerbridge is running as part of “Team Hamilton”, which will also see Youth on the Move President Carlton Simmons, former UBP chairwoman Gwyneth Rawlins and Donal Smith run for Alderman; and lawyer Larry Scott, Troy Symonds, Keith Davis and George Scott run for Councilor.

Mr Outerbridge said, “”We are looking forward to getting on with the election and the important work of the city”.

Mayor Charles Gosling will run for reelection along with most the persons presently holding office including John Harvey, Dennis Tucker, Walter Cross, Pamela Quarterly and Nicholas Swan.

In the east end, Alfonso Harris will challenge Kenneth Bascome for the position of Mayor of St George’s.

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  1. Hmmmmm says:

    A choice between the stuttering patrician and the errant lunatic scion. How very sad. If one has the sense to run on a platform of not digging up all the roads in the City at once, they’ll have my vote.It has come to that.

    • all clogged up says:

      hahahahahah yur funny….why don’t you run for office. At least Gosling doesn’t get paid….this upstart group want to be compensated for framing municipal laws that will benefit a chosen few! Talk about narcarcism.

  2. Truth is killin' me... says:

    Good luck to Nicholas Swan and Co. As for the other contenders…I would rather vote in a bunch of lemmings!

    • pepper says: should be more concerned with the crap that goes on with the “peoples show” the host is a suck up to the P.L.P.
      the host has no clue how he is being used !!!!but Lavern is back in control of the show….it should be calld the “the people and Lavern show “

  3. Politely Pompous says:

    Maybe Graeme Outerbridge can put some common sense back to the Co-operation of Hamilton cause they are doing some dumb things. Good luck!!

  4. jt says:

    What is Mr. Outerbridge’s position on taxation without representation?

  5. Vote for Me says:

    I remain surprised that the current administration enclosed the fish pond so close to the possible change of administration and against the tide of public opinion.

    I note the purchase of the corner lot and public meeting today as a shrewd political move to garner votes from “C’ street residents!!

    I guess it is a real toss up for Mayor between Outerbridge and Gosling.

    Re: payments to the ‘new group’. Do not be fooled into thinking there are no anciliary benefits to being the Mayor and influencing policy and other decisions in Hamilton. If you do not think so, isn’t the timing of the new hotel contract a little coincidental?

    Lets see what the electorate thinks.

    • Shaking the Head says:

      Agree with you about the hotel, which is probably why Mayor Gosling later said nothing will happen for at least 18 months. It looks like he was forced into signing the purported lease by Minister Furbert and the “developer”.

  6. The nitty gritty says:

    Hundreds of buildings make up the majority of what most people call The City. There are literally billions of dollars tied up in them. Probably hundreds of millions spent on them per year and they are all expected to pay a hefty Corporation tax ONTOP of the government LAND TAX!
    They do not get a vote! They have no say. Taxation without representation.
    Maybe it is time they look at real estate values down 30% and look to have their insurance premiums drop along with the Land tax to drop for the same reason and while they are there, the Corporation tax needs dropping in line with declining values.
    Ya’ll get together and see what you can do now.
    Just what exactly is the contribution from those “living” in the City versus the less important owners of buildings? Enquiring minds want to know.