Rockaway Ferry Schedule Announcement

April 13, 2012

Minister of Transport Derrick Burgess advised that the 7.55 a.m. trip from Rockaway to Hamilton will be included in the Summer Ferry Schedule that will come into operation on April 16th. The 7.55 a.m. trip will run until the end of June when schools break for the summer vacation.

Minister Burgess said: “After meeting with commuters who use the ferry service, we have decided to keep the 7:55am ferry trip from Rockaway to Hamilton until at least June 30.

“We recognize the importance of the Rockaway service and will make every attempt to retain it within our financial constraints. Ultimately, the decision will be made based on how many people use the service and the cost to operate it.”

The Minister said that use of the Rockaway service has decreased since the economic downturn but Rockaway remains an important element of Bermuda’s ferry service.

Summer ferry schedules will be available at the Ferry terminal as of Thursday, April 12.

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  1. Wonder.... says:

    This is great news. If incentives where put in place for public transportation and disincentives for single car use in Hamilton I’m sure there will be a surplus of riders and provide more funds for the Ferry operations.

  2. Ron De Corner says:

    Well done Minister. You listened regarding the Pink route fare hike and now once again. Thank you sir!

    • Family Man says:

      Would have been better if they had listened BEFORE they made their stupid decisions in the first place.

      It shows how low the bar is set when people are congratulated for correcting poor decisions.

  3. Ron De Corner says:

    Agreed – but that was the complete i d i o t called Terry somebody.