Additional ‘Ankle Bracelets’ Expected This Week

May 8, 2012

Additional Electronic Monitoring Devices [EMD] are expected on island at the end of this week, Minister of Justice/Attorney General Kim Wilson said this afternoon [May 8].

This follows after a Prosecutor saying that there were no more Electronic Monitoring Devices [EMD] available as all were now in service.

Minister Wilson said, “The Offender monitoring programme was set up as a pilot programme in the last quarter of 2011. One of the objectives of the pilot phase of the project is to determine the effectiveness of the programme and the corresponding demand for monitoring devices.

“There was an estimated number of units required at the outset and due to the demonstrated effectiveness of the pilot to date, demand has taxed expectations as to the number of units the programme would require, although still within the parameters contracted for.

“The Courts has seen the benefit of utilizing these devices on several offenders on Court bail, in lieu of remand. Each client placed on the programme is based on its own merits, re-offence risks, and suitability for the programme. Not all offenders are suitable for the programme as the units are not guaranteed to prevent would-be offenders from re-offending.

“The Ministry of Justice has embraced the merits of this programme and are working to ensure and promote the programme’s success. Accordingly, given the responses to date, the vendor has been apprised of our current needs and additional units are expected on island at the end of this week,” concluded Minister Wilson.

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  1. Clafe says:

    Oh flep dun, here we go agan wif de draconian solutins…

    Puttin a MUG ankl bracelet on sum1, whether they r a crimnal or not, is a cruel n unushual form of punshment. My great aunt Floop-Creesha jus did 46 yerrs hard time up d co-ed facilty at Fairy Reach for stealing a pinto bean from her cousn Gertie in 1966 (d lawz wer diffrent back den…sum ppl say dey were bettr, sum ppl say dey werr worse). NE WAYZ, when she wuz grantd parole in 1987, dey didnt hav such a thing as ankle braclets yet, so instead dey tied a GERT 21-mile rope rond her calf (which wuz also gert) n said 2 her: “gertie, u hav bin on good behavior 4 a stretch now, so we r goin 2 let u out on d condition dat u never ever untie dis rope until ya sentenc is up. Also, 2 make sure ya followin d rulez, we r goin 2 tug on d rope evry once in a while 2 make sure dat u r still dere.” She thougt about it 4 a second n then wuz like “SAFE, DUN” n agreed. Little did she kno dat when they said “once in a while”, dey meant “all d time”. Dey tugged on dat rope so much that Gertie’s calf startd 2 chafe! D chafing wuz so bad dat she had 2 spend all her money on lotionz n creamz n culdnt pay her rent! Eventully she got fedup, took off d rope n tied it to her cousn Flertie’s prosthetc leg (who weighs 700 ponds n is bed-ridden wif mug-vein thrombosis ne wayz so she didnt mind). Unfortntly 4 gertie, d parole offcer fond out bout her ruse n threw her back in jail 4 d remander of her sentence plus 436 extra yerrs 4 bein tired. she is now suing d correctionz board (justifibly in my opinon) 4 excessve punishmnt, but d odds Rnt in her favvor…

    I guess wut um tryin 2 say is if we keep allown dese ankle bracelets, wuts next? NOSE bracelets?! TOENAIL bracelets?!?!?! Dis medness has got 2 stop b4 we r all walkn around encasd in giant electrnc bracelts from head 2 toe like somfin from “1984″. Dont get me wrng…i undrstand dat we hav to discorage crime, but not if its at d cost of R humanity n my aunt Floop-Creesha’s cousin gertie’s chafy thighs.


  2. Mountbatten says:

    Pest control says, ” For every rat you catch , there’s at least ten more lurking around .” Do the math .

  3. Petty Grump says:

    The headlines says ‘bracelets’ in the plural so I guess this means they ordered more than one extra.


  4. Darrin says:

    I have a cheaper and more effective solution, its called a 70 pound steel ball and chain tied to their ankle of choice. Oh, and take them on an extended deep sea fishing expedition afterwards.

  5. Debbie Smith says:

    Great job Kim.

  6. Baltic Fury says:

    I always thought ankle bracelets were a little slutty.