Soldier’s Marriage Proposal On Regiment Return

May 13, 2012

Yesterday [May 12] family and friends gathered at the airport to welcome home the Bermuda Regiment from their training exercise in Jamaica, and one soldier’s girlfriend got an extra special surprise.

A fake scenario was set up which involved a section leader addressing the group pretending to award a soldier for most improved during the trip.

Bermuda Regiment Private Jonathan Gibbons was called forward, and he approached his girlfriend Jessica Rains and proposed to her in front of his fellow troops and a gathered crowd who cheered him on.

Mr Gibbons said he decided to propose one night while camping out in Jamaica when he realized how much he missed his girlfriend, loved her and how much he wanted her to be a part of his life forever. The couple has a young daughter, and Mr Gibbons said he wanted to complete the family.

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  1. Bermudian In London says:

    Lovely! The Regiment makes MEN out of BOYS. After just a few weeks this gentleman realized what’s really important and fully stepped up to his responsibilities. Bravo! And Congratulations to the happy couple.

    • TRUTH HURTS! says:

      Yeah right. Of course being around a bunch of men in a jungle will definitely make you miss your girlfriend.

      • Guard for the People says:

        @Truthhurts! I guess that you never went to the regiment because you clearly have not grown up. You comments are childish! Truth Hurt….doesn’t it!

        • Judgement says:

          Correct me if I am wrong but are you saying the only way to become a man or not be childish is through The Regiment. You forgot to mention the allegations about people at The Regiment…

          • Truth (original) says:

            Uh. No one said that the Regiment his the only way to “become a man”. It is one contributor of many.

            To your second point about people “preying on young men”, you have to realize that as long as the Regiment (and every organization in existence) pulls their base from the community, then of necessity, you will get all kinds of people, including those who prey on young men. Is that a regiment problem or a societal problem? It’s a rhetorical question.

            I have yet to see a fisherman throw out a net and pull in just a specific kind of fish. He has to take what he gets and then sift through them. So it is with the regiment and any other organization.

            Congrats to you Mr. Gibbons ! That’s man stuff right there.

            • Bermudian@heart.. says:

              very well said …agree…congratulations to the young couple..

          • The Solider says:

            So ya tellin me dat u would let someone prey on you jus because ya in the army doesn’t mean ya a robot u still have ya own thoughts bra use ya head n if u think d army made me a man ya crazy n if u knew me u would know I dnt like the army

        • TRUTH HURTS! says:

          Who the hell would want to go to the Regiment? If you have to go to the regiment to “grow up” then you’re a dumbass. FOH. Go up the regiment and ordered around like a slave…yeah sounds oh so tempting. That truth hurts doesn’t it? Oh you probably like that sh!t.

          • TRUTH HURTS! says:

            That was for the @guard for the people aka “cleaning up trees after a hurricane”.

            • knowPublic says:

              @guard was right are childish.

              • TRUTH HURTS! says:

                Thank you. If you can’t dispute my point then it’s obviously true. Does that not go on up the regiment? How is that childish when it’s true?

                • JJ Older Cousin says:

                  U missed the point of this event! Go back to school! U FREGGLE ROCK STAR! GWEEEH

                  • TRUTH HURTS! says:

                    Says the moron who can’t spell.

          • 3rd year says:

            Clearly you’re either not an enlisted soldier or have never attended a single drill night after recruit camp/first year.

      • Truth is killin' me... says:

        @ (PRIVATE)TRUTH HURTS! Just make sure you get your tail up to camp for your next training night or I’ll get the RP’s up to yah house!

        • TRUTH HURTS! says:

          Pretty sure that can’t and won’t happen but thanks for the thought.

  2. g-gurl says:


  3. K.T.B. says:

    That is so sweet!! I wish all the best for this lovely young family!

  4. True Dat says:

    So Awesome!!! I wish this young couple a life time of happiness :)

  5. jussayin says:

    is it jus me or does she not look to happy about it all?

    • Bernews says:

      She was definitely happy…it was probably just all so surprising as she just came out to pick him up from the airport, and ended up getting a marriage proposal followed up with the media poking in requesting an interview lol…

      • Emmerson says:

        Dear Sir or Madame,

        As a matter of accuracy, Pte Gibbons and members of A Company 3 Platoon were addressed by their ‘platoon commander’ with a small presentation, and not their “section leader”, as is posted in your article.
        Thank you very much for your coverage of the event. It will make a lovely wedding memento I am sure. On behalf of all the members of A Coy 3 Platoon, we wish Pte Gibbons and his lovely fiancée all the best of luck. We hope to be invited to the wedding!

    • Judgement says:

      Sounds like your glass is half empty through this whole story the only thing you can say is something negative what a shame maybe you are the unhappy one

    • Nothing But the Truth says:

      No I agree at first she didn’t look excited. But if you look at the smaller screen you can see how happy she really is…. I think she was just shocked.

      Congratulation to the couple. I hope someone some day makes me feel that special.

  6. Anthony says:

    Wish the two of u a lifetime of happiness

  7. Jessica says:

    @ justsaying. It was overwhelming and a complete surprise. I am very much happy for ya info. Some people just need to stop being negative and assuming things.

    On another note. Thank you everybody for the wishes!! We are happy!

    • Eyes wide open says:

      Don’t listen to jealous haters. Probably on their 3rd divorce and heading to a 4th. You three make a good-looking family. Wishing you the best!

    • Happy says:

      Congrats to Jonny and Jessica. I also remember Jonny as a young boy. WOW grown up and all. Congrats to you and your family. Beautiful.

  8. observer says:

    never fails to have one IDIOT in the bunch !

    • g-gurl says:

      Sad fact ! it only takes 1…………duh

  9. I Might Be Right... says:

    WOW! I remember Jonathan from when he was a little boy as I worked with his mom. He was such a cute little boy…it’s so weird seeing him all grown up and talking marriage. Where do the years go?!

  10. Guard for the People says:

    Congrats to this young family.. I wish all all maa lifetime of happiness.

  11. shanika says:


  12. Tolerate says:

    Good Luck to the happy couple and great move Jessica coming on here and clearing that up. You have a man that loves you and a beautiful child; cherish them both. I too was an unmarried man with a kid when I was in the Regiment, and I agree (although it does NOT take the Regiment for you to come to decisions in your life), it does play part in helping you grow up and at least consider decisions in you life that may not have been as clear. We used to call it “Hurry Up and Wait”, but sitting off and waiting and listening to people that are your peers and reflecting on your own life, does open your eyes to certain things.
    Continue to support and respect each other as marriage, can it’s self be another challenge you’ll have to face TOGETHER.

  13. WOW That is so nice… Congratulations and all the best!!!

  14. Maria Seaman says:

    God Bless you both as you enter into the most sacred of covenants. That was beautiful. Brought a tear to my eye. All the very best!

  15. OG says:

    Regiment aink got ish to do with them hooking up or moving on…they simply haven’t had any positive publicity in a while. Last time they were in the papers it was for that predator Glenn Brangman. Queers up there if you asked me and realistically you only have one of two choices.. S%$# ON MY D&^% or BLOOD ON MY KNIFE!!! Bda regiment jailhouse style

  16. JJ Older Cousin says:

    Big up to Johnny & Jessica! Hope to make it to the wedding if its in boring Bermuda! To the small minded haters… Suck yamudda u bunch of un happy freaks! Take a end to end walk & get some of that negative outta ya systems! So much Bad minded there! Go throw rocks somewere! All the best jonny n jess luv MJB

  17. andre says:

    Best Wihes!

  18. Wathappenednah says:

    ” Congrats to the both of you on your lifetime journey! I can respect the fact that distance away from your loved ones makes you fonder. Pte Gibbons J, I applaude you for your bold proposal. We can learn from your example of a true man, one who puts family first.

  19. GODFEARING says:

    Righteous! God Bless!!

  20. Jessica says:

    All you negative people like truth hurts clearly need to go get a life! Smh
    Like it was said this is our life and we are happy. So as far as I’m concerned that’s all that matters. Once again thank you everybody for the wishes.

  21. The Solider says:

    Yo truth hurts ya a weirdo

  22. Bermyman says:

    And this is news because he is in the regiment? Has no one in the regiment proposed and got married before?? I don’t get how this is worthy of news unless the Regiment have some sort of PR motive to make people think that young men will not get married unless they do their time in the Regiment. That said congrats and I wish the young couple all the best!

    • Bernews says:

      We posted it as we thought it was cute…its not the first marriage proposal we have posted, and hopefully its not the last. We often post many things that aren’t really “news”, such as photo galleries. Feedback has indicated that not everyone wants hard news all day long, some readers like like more cheerful items as well so we try and provide a wide array for all tastes.

      • Bermyman says:

        Ok thanks, not a criticism really. Just wondered if their was a hidden PR agenda from the Regiment. Which clearly there is is not, but you never know with these sorts of things.

        • Bernews says:

          No problem….we just happened to be there and caught it on film, had no clue it would happen but could not resist filming it when it did! Plus, the timing was helpful as it made a nice story for Mother’s Day…

  23. Just wondering says:

    Had the pleasure of being Pte Gibbons corporal and remember how much he spoke of his girlfriend and his daughter, and I’m glad he has taken that next step. Wish them both the best for the future and long and happy marriage.

  24. Fed Up Bermudian says:

    To imply that every Regiment officer sexually abuses every recruit is so misleading. That’s like saying that all priests boink little boys. Furthermore, it’s demeaning the whole organization out of the disgusting actions of a few. I would say that most people I know who have been in the Regiment have been able to get something positive out of it, some much more than others. In this age of namby-pambying our kids, the Regiment can be a dose of responsibility and accountability for one’s own actions, which goes a long way toward helping some recruits mature. Not all, some.

    So getting to the point- why spit so much venom and negativity, when it’s actually easier to do the right thing, and wish this couple happiness and a long life together? Congratulations, you two! Don’t listen to the downers out there, this is a lovely story- all the best!

  25. Pastor Syl says:

    Between “Truth Hurts”, “Just Sayin”, “OG” and “Bermyman”, I understand why this island is going down the tubes! Just GOTTA have something negative to say!

    Thank you, Bernews, for this uplifting story. Such a pleasant, touching and heartwarming interlude in my day! May this couple and their child be blessed to have a long and happy family life. Wish all the news was this good everyday.

  26. BermudaLuvin says:

    Have kids first then get married. Definitly the Bermudian way!
    Congrads to the happy couple:)
    And he proposed after he went on a camping trip?! That’s all it took!? Definitly is true love:)
    Again happy for this young couple, I hope this inspires other young Bermudain men to step up to the plate and take care of their families. Not only having baby mamas but wifes.

  27. john doe says:

    wow, this is so dissappointing that a marriage proposal for a young couple trying to do right can bring so much negativity.

  28. GVT Mechanic says:

    Every day we read of deficits, politricks and job losses.

    Thank you Bernews for posting this story, it has brightened up my day.

    Good luck, health and happiness to this lovely family for their future.