Caution Urged During Friday’s Traffic Light Test

June 21, 2012

The traffic lights at the junction of Court and Front Streets will be turned at 10am tomorrow [June 22] for testing.

City of Hamilton Engineer Patrick Cooper said: “The traffic lights will be operational from Friday morning at 10:00am. We urge the motoring public to use extreme caution in the area while we are conducting the tests and afterwards.

“It is anticipated that once the lights have been tested the junction will be fully operational. Due to the fact that there have never been traffic lights in this area, we urge motorists and pedestrians to be aware of the change and to obey the traffic signals.”

Mr. Cooper concluded, “In addition to the traffic lights pedestrian crossings have been added. These are the same Puffin lights that have been installed in other parts of the city. They operate in the same matter; pedestrians should push the button and look above the button at the monitor which will indicate when it is safe to cross the street.”

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Comments (5)

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  1. Bewildered says:

    Patience is what will be needed. Traffic lights at Burnaby/Front, now Court/Front plus the pedestrian crossing outside Supermart will likely create serious gridlock on Front Street, especially in the evenings. Why are so many lights needed? Ever notice how much better traffic flows in Hamilton when all the traffic lights are out?

  2. Puzzled says:

    What’s with the new crossing lights? Have they forgotten that they need to serve the dumbest of people? I have seen too many people almost get run over because of these new lights.

  3. Familiar says:

    I doubt it will be possible to miss the lights given how badly they will effect traffic flow, which is pretty miserable already.

    Bewildered is quite right, traffic does flow much more smoothly when traffic lights aren’t working.

  4. William says:

    anyone seen lingering at the lights watching them change colours will be dispensed a warning ticket for weefin to much lefthanded tobacco and promptly sent along their way…lol
    “These are the same Puffin lights that have been installed in other parts of the city. “

  5. William says:

    anyone seen lingering at the lights watching them change colours will be dispensed a warning ticket for weefin to much lefthanded tobacco and promptly sent along their way…lol

    (“These are the same Puffin lights that have been installed in other parts of the city. “)