Somerset Primary: 60+ Children Make Honour Roll

June 23, 2012

Over 60 students received certificates earlier this week after making either the Honour Roll or Principal’s List at Somerset Primary.

The photo below was shared by the proud father of one of the students who said, “I’ve attached a picture taken at my daughter’s school of the Honours Assembly. I am highlighting the fact that there were 63 children who made the Honour Roll or Principal’s list at Somerset Primary.

The father continued on to say, “I am also highlighting this because you won’t see this printed in the media. What you do see printed are people making all sorts of claims that the education system is dysfunctional when clearly there are success stories to be found everywhere in the system. I am sure that Somerset Primary is not the only school turning out these kind of results. Please encourage any school you know to make these type of positive results known. Thank you.”

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  1. Ladeej says:

    Well done Somerset Primary students and staff. Kudos to the father for sharing. We need to share more positive stories concerning education!

  2. wondering says:

    Perhaps these sentiments should be an intrinsic part of each educators ethos – to publicise the successes as part of a media/marketing campaign for public education. If a father has to do it before any educator did -WOW is all I can say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x 10000000. Every school should have a spave on – WITH pictures of the successes of our most precious commodity – our youth. Guess that is too much for DCI to do while they run CITV or should it be called P(LP)ITV? Lift up the youth so they shall not falter!

    Why doesn’t our Grand Olde Dame of Education make this a norm instead of the high falootin’ press coverage of other initiatives which often fail because we try to fix the problem(s) at the pointy end (where it is more dangerous) rather than the handle end where the problem(s) are in our control?

    CONGRATS to Somerset Primary!!!!!!!!!!x 1000000000000 x 2 :-)

  3. Parent says:

    Well done Somerset Primary! I just attended Elliot Primary’s Honour Roll assembly and the outcome was very similar. 85 students from grade 2 to 5 made the honor roll or principals list. A huge round of applause needs to be given to these teachers. They love what they do and understand that each child learns differently and they really do cater to that.

  4. Itcouldhappen says:

    At the handle end of the education (primary school) these results are the norm. It’s when they hit Middle and High School (the pointy end) is where the problems show up. Congrats to Somerset Primary and Elliot students! (I have a godchild at both schools who are on the honors list!)

  5. proud parent says:

    I to thank the parent who took the time to make this avalible for all to see. My son to was selected to receive honors during this assembly. What a great school somerset primary is led by Mr.Osborne and a big thank you to my sons teacher Mrs,Mia Martin making his very first year a very enjoyable experience.Again congradulations to all who received and to the other students who were encouraged to keep striving for excellence.

  6. Good morning,
    To all the students i’m so proud of you all.Keep it up children & parents.
    Your right news like this don’t reach to the media.. Let’s get ALL the students names. I love it.

  7. Seanae Warner says:

    I am so proud of my son Jazir Warner for making Somerset Primary’s Principal’s List for the 2nd year in a row!!!! Great job to the teachers at SPS!!!!

  8. Catherine Fubler says:

    That assembly made me very proud as my three sons, Yuri P1Smith – excellence award, Jamin P4Massa – excellence award and Principal Honours, and Ethan P6Siese – excellence award and honours. Keep these high standards and the children will learn and know that hard work pays in the long run as they will become productive
    citizens! Catherine Fubler.