Educator Congratulated For 40 Years Of Teaching

June 23, 2012

East End Primary School in St. George’s held a Retirement Celebration this week to honour teacher Heather Foggo, who is retiring after 40 years of service to the school.

The special assembly was attended by Education Minister Dame Jennifer Smith, St George’s Mayor Kenny Bascome and Ms Foggo’s family, and involved student performances, a video presentation and more.

Ms Foggo not only taught at East End for 40 years, she also attended the school from ages 5 – 12. She was greeted in the morning by students lining the road to the school, with banners and placards wishing her well.

Ms Foggo is pictured at the table to the left in the blue top, with Dame Jennifer on the right:

Ms Foggo was congratulated by a number of MPs in the House of Assembly yesterday morning [June 22], with politicians from all three parties paying tribute to the educator.

St George’s MP Kim Swan and St David’s MP Lovitta Foggo both congratulated her, with Lovitta Foggo calling her a “phenomenal teacher” and saying she “left her stamp on many a St Georgian.”

Education Minister Dame Jennifer Smith said “It’s not just the numbers that are important, in those 40 years she constantly challenged herself. She was the most energetic of teachers, always bringing something new to the table.”

Shadow Education Minister Dr Grant Gibbons also congratulated Ms Foggo, saying her 40 years of teaching should be recognized, as well as the impact she had on a number of students.

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  1. Term Limit says:

    I say, lets get rid of “Heroes Day” and celebrate our true Heroes….teachers!!!!

  2. Ms. Real says:


  3. Lisa says:

    Mrs. Foggo is an example why education in Bermuda worked in the past. This woman has such an impact on several generations of families so much so that they all came out to wish her well. This consistency for students is what is needed in our system today…NOT teachers being moved all over the place every year. When I was in school all of my teachers were there the entire time I was there and were there before me and after me. They still know my name and keep up to date with my life. If teachers are not performing moving them is not going to fix the problem. Let them get recertified, expand their teaching skills through additional training but moving so many teachers from so many schools is doing nothing but creating lack of consistency.

  4. Congradulation Heather, you made a great difference to my grandson when he transfered to East End, all he would talk about was his new teacher Mrs. Foggo and I told him that I went to school at East End with Mrs. Foggo and that she also taught his Auntie, she was and still is one of the greatest teachers around, her students came first always, the love she has for her old students and new students always was the same, Yes Heather Foggo was the BEST TEACHER EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the students, the school and the East End Scool Families will miss you. Good Luck and May God Bless you, thank you for careing for my daughter, my grandson and all the past and present students of East End Primary School, MUCH LOVED XOXOXOXOXOXO. Enjoy your retirement.

  5. I learned an important lesson about kids before my three children grew up, that if you don’t make deposits to their emotional bank accounts when they are little, when they grow up and you go to make a with-drawal, there will be nothing there.

    Mrs. Foggo, I smile when I think of all the young men and women you mentored and further, I believe that for many years to come, many will continue to thank you for believing in them and for making deposits into their respective emotional bank accounts.

    Now, get busy right away, find things to do every day, that you love so that you will enjoy a long and meaningful retirement.

    Warmest personal regards.