BDOT Seeking White Models Aged 35 – 55

July 2, 2012

The Ministry of Tourism is specifically are looking for white males and females between the ages of 35 and 55, and have increased the fee from $500 to $1000.

This follows after the call last month for models to participate in a new branding campaign, which is aimed at inspiring American, Canadian and European visitors to fly to Bermuda.

Last night a spokesperson said, “The Ministry of Business Development and Tourism continues to look for models with acting skills. The Minister The Hon. Wayne Furbert said we have had two screen shootings, looking for the right models and personalities, and we have picked up some great individuals but we need more.

“I have been told that we may have to go overseas, something I do not want to do, because I believe we have beautiful people here on the Island.

“Hence I have insisted that we have another photography shooting tomorrow at the Ministry of Tourism. We specifically are looking for white males and females between the ages of 35 and 55.

“Anyone who wanted to come the first time and did not get the opportunity, they can come for an audition tomorrow. We have even increased the fee from $500 to $1000. Those selected will receive $1000 per day when called on, even if they are there for only an hour.

“Those interested should come to the Department of Tourism, Global House, 43 Church Street between 11 am and 3 pm.”

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Comments (42)

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  1. jack says:

    is this 1945 amodel is a model black or white if we are going to spend the poeoples money promoting bermuda lets show black and white togather i am asking for the minister to remove this add and the price looks like disciminatin against blacks

    • Y.N.W.A. says:

      You’re such an idiot on so many levels. Did you ever stop and think that they might have filled all the black positions in the ad campaign and haven’t for the white models?

    • Onion says:

      Spell check! The red line under your words mean they are miss spelled.

  2. Observer says:

    Now if they got models from overseas people would grumble!

  3. Man in the Mirror says:

    The more things change, the more the remain the same. Why would the payout fee increase just for WHITE models. If NO WHITE models were successful at the initial casting, thats to damn bad. I wouldnt have an issue if you decided to extend the casting call since it looks like you are a few models short. But there is NO WAY the payout fee should be increased just in order to get them to call a calling.

    • Bermygirl says:

      I think you’re being really harsh without knowing any of the facts. The reason they are holding this casting call is due to the fact of them already having enough models in all the other age/race brackets. I believe they are increasing the price for EVERYONE. Chill out, learn the facts before you start turning things into a racial war. P.S. To answer the question I know you have in your head right now, no, I am not white, nor am I between the age of 35-55. I proudly a young, bi-racial Bermudian.

      • Y.N.W.A. says:

        Thank you Bermygirl. Some people just look for any chance to start a race issue on this site (and island)

      • theotherside says:

        Thanks for the clarification. Let’s be honest here, the article could have simply stated these facts. It’s failing to do simply stirs the pot in an already contentious area. Even the quote by the Minister could have been more clear as to the real deal here.

  4. Somerset OG says:

    Don’t Bermudians come in all shades? Why do they want just white models? When I think of an island white people don’t usually pop into my mind!

    • J Starling says:

      My thinking is that as most of our tourists are White, they want to do some skits showing ‘tourists’ enjoying the island, and rather than the money going to foreign actors they would rather keep the money in Bermuda, hence the desire to have some White Bermudians acting as North American tourists.

  5. Man in the Mirror says:

    ** come to a calling

  6. J Starling says:

    Can we get some clarification as to whether the fee is doubled solely for the White models, or is it doubled overall, so that those previously selected (presumably not-White?) also receive the increased fee? The way it is written above (from the Ministry) leaves it open to the interpretation (as some have above) that the fee increase is just for Whites, although it leaves it deliriously ambiguous. If it’s just increased for the Whites, well, WTF? [Erring on the idea that it's doubled for all, but this needs clarified!]

  7. The nitty gritty says:

    The models are undoubtedly in the ads to PORTRAY the visitor, the tourist on holiday,
    NOT the local resident!!
    Does anybody know anything about advertising here?
    The ad will show the potential visitors (who in the target market are predominately white)
    what they should imagine themselves to be doing and seeing when they choose to come to our
    Island. Therefore the models represent the visiting tourist. Got it?

    • Pitts Bay says:

      Oh yeah…

      I forgot there are no local white Bermudians….

  8. tricks are for kids.. says:

    WOW! on all levels to specify “color” and with that an increase…if you can afford to “up the price” to entice than those already selected should get $1000 as well…really what are you looking for…..your ‘models’ should be selected from the everyday, run of the mill, joe/jane blow of the streets… that’s what the REAL Bermuda is…not someone all ‘Barbie dolled” up, looking all FAKE and “made up”…..You all make me we are crying proverty and the island is in debt but YET you can AFFORD to pay $1000 PER DAY..even if they are there for an hour….wow!!! AND NO YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GO OVERSEAS….you probably WANT to go overseas…and if you do solicit from overseas wouldn’t that be like FALSE ADVERTISING…….

  9. Grouper says:

    They already have enough Black Bermudian models, but no white models, that is why they are putting out second call…

  10. That's me... says:

    Does anyone else find it ridiculous that individuals above note that ‘white’ individuals are not “Bermudian”….seriously that’s what people believe. That they would need to act like tourists to get into the ads rather than being a member of the public.

    As for the pricing I would like to think that a government would be bright enough not to double the price based on color but given their history who the heck knows!

  11. Concerned says:

    Use our Miss Bermuda’s former and present – more money spent unnecessarily!!

    • Bewildered says:

      Did you read the requirements? Which Miss Bermuda – past or present (or likely the next) are white?

      • cygnet says:

        Viviene Hollis was a white Miss Bermuda. (VSB former weather Prsenter).

      • Concerned says:

        My apologies – after thought – color does not matter – I look at people through the eyes of Jesus – we are ONE! but back to this discussion – invite former Miss Bermuda’s, the runner up’s and those who were not successful in their bid.

  12. navin johnson says:

    starting with the endangered species

  13. WOLF says:

    Are you people stupid?
    It’s ADVERTISEMENT. They need white models because that’s the dynamic they’re trying to appeal to.
    This is a basic advertising technique. Race has nothing to do with it.
    Anyone who believes otherwise needs to get a serious reality check.

  14. sad says:


  15. TSOL says:

    As a white 37 year old Bermudian I hope that they are not being used to protray tourists.

  16. Patricia says:

    Why do they need to increase the price. It is not fair to all those that applied previously. Bermuda is predominately black people and if they cant entice visitors to our shores with those who make up the majority of the population then those visitors dont need to be coming here. I dont like what you are saying Department of Tourism. You need to change the wording. Its discrimination. You may also want to think about changing the ad you were trying to create and go another route where you dont need as many white models.

  17. cygnet says:

    Fact: The original advertisement showed all the parts to be be protrayed for the advertisement. Whites and blacks running busnesses, everyday living and working environments. The increase is for all persons who are successful in being in the advertisemet.

    Can we not leave out the race thing for one story. It is getting ridiculous.

    Life is a gift and everyday when you wake up you receive a gift called Life. Give thanks.

  18. me says:

    This is terrible, this is just making the racial divide worse. This shouldnt even be allowed its not like were playing charaters in a movie where the writer has assigned roles to specific genders and race, this is REAL life, bermuda is made up of a whole different types of races which makes it a beautiful place because we are able to get along and live as one unit (AS WE WOULD HOPE ANYWAY) im white and i think this is just WRONG!

    • airmo says:

      I’m with you on this one, I find this advertisement highly insulting!!!Why on earth would our Tourism minister ask specifically for WHITE MODELS!!!! Years ago we only used white models, can’t we just except whoever signed up!!! In this day and age it only adds fuel to the already flaming fire of racism that has surfaced!! How dare He insinuate that white models be used when most black people in Bermuda have a lick of the white brush anyway.. We represent the amalgamation of various cultures, race, ect!!! the ad is abominable!!!The Tourism Ministr has taken leave of his senses.. Further there are plenty of singers,rappers,actors and actresses that are Black and filthy rich whowe could target to come here also in the Islands to the south, they have no problem advertising their majority race or hiring the majority race to workin their hotels..CURB where are you!!!

  19. Kim Smith says:

    Is this article/advertisement a test??? I think the ad is totally unacceptable and can understand concern expressed by others as to the way it ‘looks’ (especially they saying that they have doubled the fee)!!!

  20. Really?? says:

    “Sad” are you serious the majority of white people are wealthy??? Give me a friggen break. There are a hell of a lot of white people on this island that aren’t money bags.

    I think this article was written for the sole purpose of stiring the pot. Bernews I really think your reporters could have found out more about the “white model call” and written all the facts instead of writing it in such a way that would cause people to react the way they have, poor taste.

  21. Finger Lickin' Good says:

    Its against the law to discriminate based on race and age and sex. Therefore logic indicates that the rise is for everyone who have been selected not just for the potential white models

  22. tricks are for kids.. says:

    To ALL those that are defending while the intent may be legit…the wording is what will throw most off as well as the increase in pay from the last casting call. I work part-time in the Hospitality Industry as a Front Desk Agent and I deal with both black and white clientele… So its not a matter of us “bringing race into it” it’s just what it appears…..

    PS. Whether anyone agrees with it or not see how easy it is to get your point across with out name calling…..

  23. BABS says:

    For all you negative peeps out there. Everyone white and Black will get the same pay .They have filled all other categories this particular one wasn’t filled.It’s not as bad as it sounds

  24. US Observer in Pink Sand says:

    When you specifcally request a certain type of race, it is discrimination…period. Regardless of what the intentions or goals are, or even if you have filled all other spots with other races, this type of request is still unacceptable. There are other ways of requesting for other races for advertising purposes. We know exactly what the DOT is looking to do, however the way and wording to specifically rule out everyone else besides whites, is not exactly the right way to do it. This screams discrimination especially in the US. Be very careful…

    • Shelta says:

      Do you have such strong views against affirmative action?

  25. Fij says:

    So I guess this exludes me, being as I’m of mixed background…shame shame shame

  26. What’s wrong with this Island? See all of the above! come on people!!

  27. Triangle Drifter says:

    Like it or not, Whites make up the vast majority of Bermuda visitors. Also, like it or not, black visitors are few & far between. The few who arrive here are most likely professional people who got over race a long time ago & don’t even care to beat the race drum. Blacks consist of something like 18% of the US population, a very small demographic to cater too.

    You fish where the fish are. Get over it. Most of the fish are wealthy white fish. They spend green money, something Bermuda is very short of. Sorry but in advertising they are going to want to see people having fun who look & think like them. It is not a perfect world. Never will be.

    This is the way of advertising. Grow up people, if you want the tourism business, otherwise all those green tourism dollars go elsewhere.

  28. LOL (original TM*) says:

    All I can say is the Doc tried to cure us by injecting a stronger form of the virus. It back fired (might have been his intent)the antibodies did not take out the virus and this is now what we have.

    LOL are things better in Bermuda?????

  29. BadLuvin says:

    Dear The Ministry of Tourism ,
    The politicly correct word is Caucasian.
    Please brush up on your communication skills.