Pastor Bean & Trevor Moniz On White’s Island

August 10, 2012

Pastor Leroy Bean said that it is “shocking” that a charitable programme is being “vilified,” while the OBA’s Trevor Moniz said the PLP is trying to turn his comments into an attack on CARTEL, when they are really focused on the system that “uses secrecy to favour insiders.”

The Royal Gazette previously reported that CARTEL has a 21-year less one day rent-free lease with Government, with the ‘one day’ short of 21 years meaning it did not have to be approved by Cabinet or Parliament. In addition, CARTEL has been charging fees to another charity to use the island, which Pastor Bean told the paper was due to maintenance and other costs.

Pastor Bean said: “The OBA has offered no ideas and no solutions when it comes to White’s Island. You know what we’re using it for? Not for our own profit. We’re using it to help hundreds of troubled Bermudian young people.

“I invite you to talk to some of the young people that have participated in our programme. We’re working with young people who show anti-social behaviour and working to mediate conflicts between them before they erupt in violence.

“We’re also working with Bermudians who may already be engaged in some of our anti-social problems here in Bermuda and working with these young people to put them on the right path. We educate. We mediate. And, we relocate to take them out of troubled environments.

“Our programme has given them self esteem and set them on the right course in society. CARTEL is doing charitable work and helping our community! We are funded by churches and concerned Bermudians. We are using White’s Island to conduct therapeutic programmes and mediations that are putting young Bermudians back on the right track.

“Would the OBA kick these young people to the curb? Would they say that we can’t have that space because they want to use it to help their rich friends? It’s shocking to me that a charitable programme that has touched the lives of hundreds of young people is being vilified.

“The OBA is quick to attack the crime issue. But, when there are organisations like CARTEL working with our young people to do something about it, what does the OBA do? Do they make a charitable contribution to our work? No. Do they volunteer with our programmes? No. Instead, they try to take away our gathering place where we work with these young people.

“I’ve had enough. Their assault is an assault on all of the kids whose lives that we are touching. We are standing strong for these Bermudian kids and the OBA is working to shut down a programme that helps them. I won’t stand for it and neither should you,” Pastor Bean concluded.

Shadow Attorney General Trevor Moniz replied, saying: “The OBA are dedicated to finding the best solutions for Bermuda’s Youth. We are absolutely sure that secret insider deals done under the cloak of secrecy without consulting or informing the public or even the Cabinet is not the best way to do that.

“The PLP are now trying to turn my comments into an attack on CARTEL and that’s absurd. My comments focused on the system that uses secrecy to favour insiders, similar to what happened when the same people abused the Bermuda Land Development Company – a situation the Auditor General described as a ‘misuse of public funds.’

“Here is a simple thing to do to clear the air: Put the lease on the table for all to see along with any agreement that was signed to ensure that Bermuda’s youth are indeed supplied with first quality services. Let’s bring an end to this reign of secrecy with the public’s money and assets!

“The OBA will provide an open and transparent process in the sunshine of public scrutiny to provide the very best services for Bermuda’s at-risk youth. We will ensure Bermuda is served by a system that is open, fair, transparent and accountable. That’s what we will do,” concluded Mr Moniz.

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Comments (51)

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  1. Come Correct says:

    Mr. Bean, how much were you paid to write this and did you have to consult yourself again? The funny thing is I can’t pay for an internet service and then feed my neighborhood off it to cover my costs because its illegal, but somehow as a pastor you find it morally right to take something you are getting for free and charge other people?…gky.

    • DONT KNOW... JACK?? says:

      He can ask for forgiveness maybe??? By the way who in the world came up with the name CARTEL??? I checked wikipedia and couldnt come up with much of anything positive or uplifting about the word cartel at all.

      Now when I look into the harbour I can look at Whites Island and say it is run by the Cartel?

    • Cleancut says:

      Come Correct,

      it’s really only about the PLP winning the next General Election. Pastor Bean was handed Whites island on a silver plate, and what in tern can Pastor Bean offer the Government? Well it’s as plain as the noise on your face, VOTES VOTES VOTES. This sweet talker will bring home the bacon. The OBA will loose the election because they failed to get the Raw Onion Vote.

      • Come Correct says:

        Look at their responses to everything, its like talking to laverne, kinda like a comversation with a brick wall. You say one thing and they’re off on some next tangent about harming the people…I guess the race card has lost its effect.

  2. Joonya says:

    Why is the PLP constantly looking towards the OBA for solutions?

    • jack says:

      the oba has no solutions but to just bich and complain only et and the milkman ever say anything

      • DONT KNOW... JACK?? says:

        Okay Jack…. so In 13+ years what has your mighty PLP offered to help offer solutions to the public of Bermuda that didnt help “you, whoever you are” or one of the PLP friends and family as well.

        Lets see..

        1) Tourism, nope – Faith Based Tourism plan didnt go so well. Hows the Diaspora Tourism initiative going???? How much did we invest in that before it was dropped! Oh there was also the Bionce/ UB40 concert that were going to bring in thousands of tourists? Wasnt the master plan to bring in entertainment that people that live in the Big Cities could go and see for $50 per ticket – but instead charge them hundreds and they would come? I must admit BOTH the tourists that came enjoyed it…the rest of us are still paying for it.

        2) TCD, nope there was the Construction contract and management of the Emissions Plant by friends and family that came without RFPs I belive.

        3) Education, naahhh , that has been a disaster by the PLP that unless you were part of the “Proactive Plan” that cost the public 2x more you were on the side of the hurt, not the leped.

        4) Industrial Relations, if you aren’t aware how much of a disater this is right now all I can say is “everybody needs a little KFC”. Although, with an upcoming election, we suspect that everything will magically go away and get better.

        5) Cruise ship arrivals??? Oh that dont count cause the minister FORGOT TO SIGN CONTRACTS!!!!

        6) Infrastructure, how much did we pay for a cruise ship dock in Dockyard that is now pretty much worthless!

        7) How is the Cement Company that was snatched from Bermudians that did nothing wrong and built the business and handed over to PLP supporters!

        8) Crime??? Your PLP decided to import police officers from the Carribbean ONLY unless otherwise forced to. Ive met some of them and most are great. However, would it not make sense to import the BEST if we have to not just the best from the Caribbean?

        9)Economy ? Personally I think we will be in great shape once we find the , what is it agian, $500 million in unaccounted for government money?

        I could go ON and ON and ON, if I wanted and had the time. The PLP has been a disater of a government! If I am wrong – PLEASE correct me by showing be examples of how they did so much good – FOR ALL! Oh, and before you blame things on the “worldwide reccession” please note, there are many countries that are doing well in these negative times.

        • Super Rich says:

          Name 10 countries that are thriving. All of your points can be counteracted as well, but time does not permit.

      • Hmmmmmmm says:

        The just shy of 21 years lease of a public property to the benefit of one group for free, but at the cost to anyone else who wants to use it, s this what the PLP calls a solution. Punish and penalize all of Bermuda for the benefit of a few. The numbers have dwindled and the Pastor himself indicated that in 2 years it has been used for some total of 17 weeks ( if I recall the number correctly). The OBA have put forward a solution ….. Can’t you remember it …go look it up.

    • DONT KNOW... JACK?? says:

      Clowns provide entertainment that people want to pay for! Nothing entertaining about these guys so please dont insult clowns. This is not what I paid wanted to pay for , nor did I want to pay this much!

  3. Truth (Original) says:

    I think it is pretty obvious that Trevor Moniz is not attacking the program itself. Instead of Mr. Bean rambling on about the merits of the program, he should address the real issue which is how he came about a 21 year lease.

    Full stop.

    • Guy Carri says:

      As as I reading Full-of-Bean’s response, that exactly what I was thinking. Mona-Liza then said it.

      Beanie baby is trying to spin out of what Moniz is ACTUALLY saying and attacking.

      • The nitty gritty says:

        The program? Anybody actually seen the program?
        Got any hard facts and figures about who and how many ?
        Ask questions Opposition, thats what you are there for
        watch out for the public purse cause you know who hasn’t.

  4. will says:

    ok kids calm down, enough bickering and actually sort our islands problems out..or its time out for the both of you!

  5. Worhtless Preachers says:

    Please Pastor Bean, god told me that you were a LIE!….. How dare you attack the OBA for your foul actions. How dare you make the people of Bermuda believe that you have done nothing wrong. What church do you preside over, so that I never worship at your doors, for the devil be waiting inside for me. How can you be any man of church and mix god’s work with politics…. There must be a scripture in the bible that must say something about this. How can you sit up there and say you have done nothing wrong….LIE LIE LIE! The you think we are commiting “defamation of character”?…. I can truly say after the PLP accepted wayne furbert as a candidate…I thought the gates of Hell had open…but after what you have done, and still letting you represent the PLP…Hell is collecting and taking count for sure.

  6. Rockfish#1and#2 says:

    Bean isn’t a MP, simply a candidate.

    But he is quickly learning the art of using diversion, smoke screens and spin!

  7. Verbal Kint says:

    I agree, this story is about the lease, plain and simple. But, to offer an observation, this story has been in the paper for three or four days and what we have not seen is an outpouring of support from the people that CARTEL is supposed to have helped. The Government has also been oddly quiet. Some things don’t smell right.

  8. navin Johnson says:

    why does the OBA have to find solutions for Whites Island Mr. Bean? thought it went along fine for many many years without Political involvement…

    • pepper says:

      Pastor. it is people like you that keep my family away from the churches….

  9. Concerned says:

    Wasn’t it reported in the paper before it was announced that White’s Island was under this lease w/Mr. Bean (Pastor is probably a self appointed title) was to be used as a 1/2 way house or similar – I was thinking it was going to be a Government run facility – it is just under Mr. Bean’s direction. Can he please shed light on the program over there, such as: Resident accommodation, how many, hours of operation and so on.

    • street wise says:

      I believe the plp Gov’t are renovating a large waterfront building on Ireland Island to be used as a halfway house come co-ed treatment centre. Will be interesting to see what happens next. Maybe Mr “Spin Man” Bean will get the lease on that building too… and become a rich landlord courtesy of the plp.

  10. Concerned says:

    And the other thing – just came to me – if this Island is a Government property – why isn’t W & E not doing the work on the buildings/water pumps/heaters and so on?

  11. deja vu , again says:

    Agreed , this is not about CARTEL it’s about the workings of this odd lease that is yet to be made public. And please don’t tell me that anyone can go look it up . Publish it here or in the printed media for all to see.

    It seems to most of us that Bean got something for free that he now wants to act like the owner of and profit off of by charging others for use of.

    One more question Mr Bean .. exactly how many of these hundreds and hundreds of troubled , wayward black youth that you claim to be running this programme for have even set foot on White’s Island ? ? huh ?

  12. Nuffin but de Truth! says:

    Bean..a Pastor,a man of the cloth..gimme a break!

    the only thing he’s good at is preaching nonsense and lies!

    • pepper says:

      People pay attention…..these lot that are in control of this ISLAND are only looking at their own bank accounts…..they could care less about you….and how the hell are you surving……..point in cace members of the so called ruling party are fighting amongst them selves…. case in point Derrick and Scott fighting each other…… Cox aka the cog has lost a lot of support…. so people wake up we need to get rid of these lot,

  13. it only hurts when I breath says:

    Paster Bean, you are a wolf in sheep’s clothing – plain and simple.

    All of your huffing and puffing does not change anything. The PROCESS, which you actively and knowingly participated in for getting Whites Island was wrong. Plain and simple.

    As a ‘Man of the Cloth’ double shame on you.

    • pepper says:

      What I want to know paster… is how the hell do you live with youself ?do you think you deserved that consultancy fee ? I hope you put that large amount of money in the church, for the poor souls that do not have a job, or are having a hard time to put food on the table…….Paula needs to rethink you as a candidate,but on the other hand maybe you are the type of candidates that she is looking for….

  14. swing voter says:

    Bean = trouble and trouble = Bean…..just because the old boys did it doesn’t make it right Beanie….2 rights don’t make a wrong. Read your Bible Beanie, even Jesus doesn’t agree with ‘eye for an eye’ concept.

  15. Verbal Kint says:

    To show you how morally bankrupt the leadership of the PLP is, they have done almost nothing to support this man, but they will not remove him as a candidate. He has the PLP leadership between a rock and a hard place.

    • argosy says:

      Surely that’s exactly where the PLP leadership belongs!

  16. M.P.Mountbatten JP says:

    Pasta Bean wouldn’t you agree that money spoils everything .. Except of course if your on the receiving end of a BLDC consulting arm . You are trying to help the youth , the swimming and sailing programs ARE and ALWAYS have been helping the youth , as a matter of fact perfect examples are The KIRKLAND brothers and ROY-Allen BURCH ,all three are OLYMPIANS . By you asking of cash from BASA you , Pasta , strike me as the kind of person who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing . I’m sure that the above mentioned organisations would love to take on a few of your young men in exchange for the use of our , that’s right , our , meaning we the people of Bermuda , yes every man , woman and childs Island .
    I can assure you also , that when , not if the government changes , you will be notified by way of a registered letter that your lease will be worthless .

  17. Shaking My Head.. says:

    I wondered how Poser Bean paid for his Louis Vuitton gear..

    • Mad Dawg says:

      If I got $160,000 grand for advising myself and a free island I could rent out, I’d have nice shiny suits as well.

      So so-called Pastor is typical of the PLP ethos. Make yourself rich. Take as much as you can get away with. Do anything at all, no matter how unethical, immoral, or wrong, as long as it’s not actually against the letter of the law.

  18. Shocking says:

    More sh$teterism from this government fooling people with their little back door tricks ,why would we want to give someone a 21 year lease ?

    • DONT KNOW... JACK?? says:

      Im surprised it was only 21 years??? Didnt they give away Coco Reef for 99 years or something like that!

  19. Rockfish#1 says:

    If he is elected to Parliament,he has all the credentials required for a Cabinet post.


  20. Limey says:

    Why was a 21 year bar one day lease given in the first place, maybe the govt and good pastor believe that there will still be a Gang problem in 21 years, how optimistic! Say if the gang and antisocial problem is solved in 10 years, will the lease be terminated, and if it’s not terminated will cartel still need or even use the island! A 21 year lease bar one day to me makes out that the govt and bean don’t believe the gang problem can be resolved in the near future!

    • The nitty gritty says:

      So much Cartel work going on out there that they gotta lease out the Island for so many other events.
      You could do a roaring trade with these fees

  21. DONT KNOW... JACK?? says:

    So Mr. Bean is our only hope and helping the Youth?? Why was he the only person even given the opportunity to have access to Whites island…for FREE!!!!!!

    Why not include Young Life, Big Brothers and Sisters,the Salvation Army and all of the Churches, Clubs and Schools that have Youth Programs! Why him!!! ONLY!!!!

    Another discusting slap in the face to all the charities and taxpayers in this country.

  22. mike says:

    this is for all u dumb and fooolish people …………. that does not know pastor bean he is a man of god and does not condone any badness so if u don’t know him please don’t judge him he will give u the shirt of his back thank u haters

    • The nitty gritty says:

      Dumb, fooooolish and bad umum spellas

    • Come Correct says:

      That’s because he can buy 1000 shirts with an extra 160g in his pocket…bet you he wouldn’t give up his pants with his wallet in them.

    • street wise says:

      You ARE joking right…? Cuz it’s you who is looking “dumb and fooolish (sic)” if you think Mr Bean is anything more than a plp hack and scoundrel! Out for himself.

    • Rockfish#1 says:

      @ mike,
      A man of God?

      Where are his fellow men/women of God?
      Why are they not openly expressing their support for him?

      • Verbal Kint says:


      • Cleancut says:

        The PLP are expecting his followers to express themselves at the POLLS. Stir up trouble, and people will pick sides. The PLP using the race card yet again, maybe we should call it the FOOLS CARD.

      • Mad Dawg says:

        Because even they don’t want to come out and support a —-. They might draw attention to their own ‘arrangements’.

  23. Verbal Kint says:

    I’m only asking this out of curiosity, not accusing anybody. Michael Weekes was associated with CARTEL at one time. Does anyone know if he still is? Why has he not offered his support to Leroy Bean? Also, does anyone know the role in CARTEL of Lyn Landy and a guy named Hector Hernandez?

  24. Randy Pitcher says:

    Jesus said: “you will know them by their works!” Nuff said.

  25. blockade runner says:

    cartel sounds like a drug gang to me. tax all churches on every cent they dont give to the poor. all racists work for the devil