Govt Provides Equipment For Drumline Academy

October 12, 2012

Minister of Youth, Families and Sports Glenn Blakeney announced yesterday [Oct 11] that the Government will be donating musical equipment to the Bermuda National Drumline Academy [NDA].

The Minister is pictured below with the NDA President Dennis Parsons, Principal of the Berkeley Institute Mrs. Michelle Simmons and students of the Berkeley Institute.

Minister Blakeney said: “Last year the Department of Youth, Sports and Recreation loaned some equipment to the Academy so it could continue to work with young people in Bermuda. This year the Department has chosen to provide additional equipment to further support the development of drumming through the NDA.

“The NDA hopes to attract students island-wide that play instruments, and dance to participate. The goals set forth by the NDA for the Bermuda National Marching Band are to perform locally, compete in international competitions, march in widely televised parades (such as the Macy’s Day or Rose Bowl Parade), and be invited to perform at international venues.”

Minister Blakeney’s full statement follows below:

Good Morning and Welcome,

It is often noted that our little Island home is blessed with much young talent that ought to be showcased on a national level as well as on the international stage. Every weekend, it seems we are awed by the talent and enthusiasm of your young performers in a variety of disciplines. And this is why the Ministry of Youth, Families and Sports is proud to support, wherever possible, organizations such as the Bermuda National Drumline Academy (NDA) that do much to promote the talents of young people. The NDA is working on expanding their programme into an internationally recognised Bermuda National Marching Band.

Since its establishment in 2006 the NDA has encouraged academic excellence, promoted good moral character and focused on the development of musicianship for young people. They have provided our middle and high school-aged students with the opportunity to learn the fundamental skills necessary to perform with a drumline and a full marching band.

We have watched the development of the NDA through its local performances that were enhanced no doubt by the participation of their members in local camps with international instructors and in band camps overseas. Their success is such that this year, they have restructured their organization to incorporate a full scale marching band.

As Minister of Youth, Families and Sports, I am pleased today to announce that we will be donating musical equipment to the NDA to further support the development of drumming. With us today is the NDA President, Mr. Dennis Parsons, whom we publicly thank for his continuing drive to create opportunities for our young students to express their talents, widen their horizons and yes, to flourish on national and world stages.

Many of you may already be aware that Mr. Parsons began the drumline programme while he was employed at the Hamilton Centre, a community centre that is run by the Department of Youth, Sports and Recreation. The programme quickly outgrew the small premises at the Hamilton Centre, and as it transformed into the Bermuda National Drumline Academy it moved into a new location at the Berkeley Institute.

Last year the Department of Youth, Sports and Recreation loaned some equipment to the Academy so it could continue to work with young people in Bermuda. This year the Department has chosen to provide additional equipment to further support the development of drumming through the NDA.

The NDA hopes to attract students island-wide that play instruments, and dance to participate. The goals set forth by the NDA for the Bermuda National Marching Band are to perform locally, compete in international competitions, march in widely televised parades (such as the Macy’s Day or Rose Bowl Parade), and be invited to perform at international venues.

I understand that the NDA will be holding auditions on Saturday October 20th 2012 at the Berkeley Institute for interested students, and in a moment I will invite Mr. Parsons to provide details about the ‘October Band Camp’ for students interested in learning customized drumming techniques, rudiments, back sticking, marching drills, dance formations, music reading, and marching styles for competition.

In closing, it would be remiss of me not to thank my colleague, the Hon. Dame Jennifer M. Smith, DBE, JP, DHumL, MP – Minister of Education, for her continuing support of arts in education, and in particular the programmes offered by the NDA. Equally, I would like to extend thanks to the principal of the Berkeley Institute, Mrs. Michelle Simmons for supporting the partnership with the Berkeley Institute. Finally, I would also like to thank the Director of the Department of Youth, Sports and Recreation, Mr. Norbert Simons, for the support that he and his staff have provided to the drumline programme over the past several years.

Let me also take this opportunity to commend the volunteers and supporters of the NDA, an institution that I envision will continue to grow in stature and attract the best young talent in Bermuda. The synergy between the Berkeley Institute, the community and the Ministry of Youth, Families and Sports, supported by the Ministry of Education, reflects a unified effort to ensure that students are provided with opportunities to develop their inborn talents and aspirations.

Thank you.


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Comments (19)

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  1. 1bermuda says:

    More “brownie points” for the government ! Another case of electioneering!

  2. swing voter says:

    How can anyone be critical since the programme is keeping the kids from being idle. Would be nice to see more investment in music programs throughout the public schools….

  3. Kim Smith says:

    Dear Swing Voter

    I don’t think the comment intends to be critical of a programme to support the youth. It’s just that the debt of the Bermuda Government is HUGE and at times like that there needs to be fiscal discipline etc. Sometimes things have to wait or cuts have to be made in another area to cover unplanned-for expenditure. Yes? No?

  4. Vote for Me says:

    @ Kim Smith
    A lesson well learned is that every decision is not about dollars and cents!! It is about common sense!!

    A one word answer please. Do you agree or disagree with the decision to provide the equipment?

    • LOL (original TM*) says:

      @ VforM

      One word answer please. If your house is burning to the ground do you by a sofa?


  5. Big Moe says:

    Government needs to supply more equipment to each group on the island not jus sandys 360 and nda what about PCC, Dust , etc

  6. Kim Smith says:

    @Vote for Me

    The debt of the Bermuda Government is HUGE and at times like that there needs to be fiscal discipline etc. Sometimes things have to wait or cuts have to be made in another area to cover unplanned-for expenditure.

    • Vote for Me says:

      Still waiting for my one word answer. Do you support the assistance given to the drumline?

      My question is but a small example of the realities of life.

      To help your answer, pretend for one moment that you are the only one that can respond to the request.

      Go ahead – be courageous and provide a public answer to my question.

      • Kim Smith says:

        I find it curious that you are so insistent that I do as you say… to give you a one-word answer… and please don’t feel self-rightous, this has absolutely nothing to do with courage.

  7. joe says:

    A nice story. But wouldn’t you expect the government to provide financing for a National Drum and marching band? Where did it come from before? Is Berkeley Institute involved? Where do they get their funding, or is this the result of funding cutbacks, being given back…for election purposes?
    I like music, and bands and all that. But I think there is a little more here called electioneering. And of course, because it is about kids and music, how can anyone raise a bad word! After all, it must all be about the children.

  8. Well Look At Dat says:

    Well look at that…I am still confused as to how they are a “National” drumline but I am to old to join…oh wait they must be the Under 18 “National” drumline. It would be nice to know Government supported the othe drumlines in such a manner, Whitney, PHC Drum Corps, PCC. I know personally that they are just as important to youth development as well and have a good program. Hey Parsons when is the Over 18 “National” drumline starting up? Or maybe a Berkeley Alumni Band? Respice Finem

  9. Randal says:

    Curious timing to begin supporting a worthy cause.

    By the way, who writes these inane speeches for these morons?

  10. I don't get it says:

    I have to agree with Well Look At That. Wouldn’t a national drummline have to be selected like the national cricket team or national football team, a selection of the best drummers from around the island from all groups coming together to represent Bermuda. That would make more sense to me in order to be considered as a “National” Drumline. If not I feel all the Drum groups around the island should get just as much support from the government. I’ll be keeping my eye on the news to see when PCC, Warwick, PHC, Dust etc… will be receiving their new equipment from the government .

  11. swingingfrom the chandeliers!! says:

    Government funding equates to public purse spending…so unless the money came out of private funds whenever government sponsors anything, effectively the public is sponsoring….on top of that the public are funding charities also….its time not only for prudent spending by prioritizing the list starting with expeditious requirements to a waiting file..

  12. Bermy Boy says:

    Parsons has been using those drums for his drumline back when he worked for the department. It isn’t about elections or political decisions and whatnot, the drums weren’t being used and Parsons inquired about them.

    • Randal says:

      Then why all the fuss and publicity if it is not about politics?

  13. Parsons says:

    People it is not what you think or comment. I have been working with these drums since 2006. The programme grew to big for the Centre we are a charity so don’t get it mixed. And the whole idea was to include other groups but they are drum Corps I have talked to some and when it comes down to Bermuda Day we can’t play for both groups. There will be a time the best of the best will represent Bermuda but it’s a commitment.

  14. parsons says:

    thanks bermy boy and they wonder why we question a youth programme.