Road Safety Council: “Safety For Christmas”

December 24, 2012

During this holiday season, the Bermuda Road Safety Council wants to encourage the motoring public to adhere to the rules of the road and issued the following statement:

“Don’t drink & drive!”, “Slow down!”, “Fasten your helmet properly!”and “Don’t drive while talking on your cell phone!” – are phrases that have been repeated on a regular basis in our country. However, we, the general public, still have not taken these phrases to heart.

During this holiday season, the Bermuda Road Safety Council wants to encourage the motoring public to adhere to the rules of the road. On behalf of the Chairman, Mr. Carlton Crockwell, Sr., the Bermuda Road Safety Council, would like to share the following information:

  • To date, eight (8) lives have been lost on our roads in 2012.
  • All were males.
  • All but one of the fatal collisions involved a motorcycle or livery cycle.

Bermuda, we share these “facts” with you to highlight a plain and simple truth – how we drive on our roads has a major impact on everyone, not just the families/friends of those lost.

Enforcement of the law is an important component in making our roads safer. Therefore, the Bermuda Police Service will continue to work to play their part. We appreciate their efforts because we are all aware of the demands other illegal activities place on the organisation’s time and resources. Along with enforcement, sound individual driving habits, decisions and choices can also help to bring the current rate of road traffic collisions down.

When we teach our children correct behaviour and send them off to school, we don’t stand in the shadows of the classroom to monitor their behaviour. Similarly, no-one needs to be in your car to ensure that you come to a complete stop at a stop sign or wear your seat belt correctly. No-one needs to be on the back of your bike to make sure you don’t speed or ride/drive after drinking at the bar. We, as individuals, have the power to control these things.

So, for this Christmas and New Year’s holiday, the BRSC asks that you remember to help make our roads safer by exercising control over you.

The Bermuda Road Safety Council would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, a festive Holiday Season and a prosperous New Year!

Category: Accidents and fires, All

Comments (3)

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  1. Keeping it real says:

    In a recent Supreme Court sentencing, Justice Carlyle Greaves said when you take the risk of drinking and driving, you must know that in “the passenger seat beside you there is death or jail.”

    Moral? Don’t pick up the Greaves hitch-hiker

  2. Come Correct says:

    @ thepersonwhoalmostkilledme on my side of the road at 3:40 Saturday morning…I hope you’re reading… I’m still having flashbacks.

  3. Keepin' it Real...4Real! says:

    does the deplorable state of our roadways fall under road safety concerns ..or does that fall under a different organization..?