33-Year-Old Man Charged With Sex Crimes

January 7, 2013

In Magistrates Court this morning [Jan 7], a 33-year-old man — who cannot be named for legal reasons — elected to be tried in Supreme Court after being charged with two counts which alleged that he had sexual contact with a girl under 14.

Senior Magistrate Archie Warner ordered the defendant be remanded into custody, and upon hearing that the man appeared to somewhat collapse onto the bench in the prisoner’s enclosure. He must reappear for mention on 21 January.

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Articles that link to this one:

  1. 33-Year-Old Man Denies Touching Young Girl | Bernews.com | January 21, 2013
  1. swing voter says:

    jeeeez man, she’s not even close to getting her license. no excuses for you billy.

  2. lofl says:

    When are we going to have a sex offenders registry?

    • Y-Gurl says:

      Im with you, in our trusting environment we need to know who is who, not for persicution but to keep the kids safer.

    • business owner says:

      What about a drunk driving registry too?

  3. showyourface says:

    Hi OBA,

    Please make it so that these people’s identities are not witheld. We need to know who they are so that we can protect our children.

    If the 2 adult and consentual gays were named and shamed then surely SEXUAL PREDATORS should experience the same.


    • Soooo says:

      @showyourface.. The reason that names are not disclosed is to protect the victim. In allot of cases knowing the name of the “dog” will indicate the identity of the victim.

      I am 100% in favour of a register of sex offenders,but this information should be posted after they have been convicted….

    • Sledge Hamma says:

      I agree – except at times their identies are withheld to actually protect the young victims identities from being publicized as well. Its a shame – but I can see why it is one sometimes necessary – to protect the innocent.

  4. disgusted says:

    These cases are becoming far to frequent and we need to really get a handle on this. Sexual assault on anyone especially minors!!! We do need to start making these persons names public it is important for the protect of our kids!!!

  5. WTF says:

    What are the “legal reasons” that keeps them from being named?

  6. Young Girls just dont know! says:

    Another one? Why 14? I’m sorry but I blame both the guy and the girl. I do not put blame on one person. If it said he raped her, or sexually assualted her then there is a difference. And until the full story is told, can’t really say to much. But if they both agreed to meet up in some park and have sex with each other…they both need to be prosceuted.

    He is not all to blame. 50/50 judgement. Im sorry but these little girls need to feel the law and abide by them, and know that there bodies at 14 are not sexual objects. No sense of dignity. Then we can assume that she had sex at 14, making her a statistic. Now its up to the parents to make sure she is not pregnant at 16 and she gets the basic education, which to me is some sort of college degree these days.

    • Purple says:

      “And until the full story is told, can’t really say to(sic) much.”

      You should have stopped there instead of taking it to such lengths without knowing the whole story.

      • swing voter says:

        no excuse for the guy….he’s old enough to know what the consequences are. An opportunity to experience the fresh fruits is just not worth doing time for. But seriously, parents need to check their daughter’s as well. This island has a big problem with this particular issue. Sometimes parents (especially single mothers) need to check their own behavior, and what they allow their children to see (and hear) when you think your child is asleep ;-)

    • Little old me says:

      He is not to blame???? He is 33 and she is 14, under consensual age and a minor…………. He should know better. I cant believe what I am reading, you obviously dont have a daughter!!!!!

      • bermuda live says:

        Amen !,,,, also how in the world can a 33 yr do this he should set an exmple and what real pleasure can he get from a chid he must be of child mind himself,,,order a social inquire on b oth parties

    • Free says:

      It says under 14, not 14. But you go ahead pedophile apologist. I’m sure you like them young too, pervert. It’s always multiple people on here blaming the younger party and that’s why this is such a big issue in Bermuda. The adult males never face responsibility. It’s disgusting.

    • Pastor Syl Hayward says:

      @ Young girls just don’t know: “these little girls need to feel the law and abide by them, and know that there bodies at 14 are not sexual objects.”

      Firstly, a 33 year old is an adult, and a 14 year old is a child.Children are supposed to be able to trust adults not to take advantage of them. Sadly, so many men (and more rarely, a handful of women) seem to think it is acceptable to abuse that trust. No 33 year old is supposed to be making agreements with a child to meet up in a park or anywhere else.

      Secondly, it appears to me that an astonishing proportion of our young girls are taught far too early by unscrupulous MEN (not boys) that their only worth is as a sex object. Our unfortunate habit of dressing our young girls in fashions that are meant for grown women only encourages this mind-set (which is most definitely not to say that how one dresses is a justifiable excuse for molestation or rape).
      Back in 1987, when I was with the RAPE Crisis Center (now the Women’s Resource Center), our unofficial poll indicated that more than 1 in every 2 women had been molested before the age of 16, and that such behaviour on the part of men had been going on for at least 70 years, (probably longer than that – but there were no statistics, because women were made to feel it was their fault if and when they reported it, even if they were children at the time, just like you are still trying to do).
      Molestation creates a deep well of shame and guilt within the victim that often manifests in acting-out behaviour that reinforces the shame.
      If our men are not mature/stable/self-controlled enough to treat children with respect, then our courts definitely ought to!

    • BermudaGirl says:

      @Young girls: You are a certifiable moron. This is a 33 year old predator allegedly preying on a CHILD. I don’t care if she was walking down the street naked. HE is the alleged “adult”. She is a baby. YOU are a moron, no offence to morons.

  7. Yng Black Mind says:


    At this point, he has been charged with the offence – - not convicted. Once (or if) convicted, his identity should be placed on a registry which can be viewed by the public.

    We need to maintain a level of respect for the victim (the unamed 14 yr old), thus offenders are not named until they have been found guilty.

    Yng Black Mind

  8. Ya mama says:

    Anytime he shot at someone his name and pic would be plastered all over royal gazette bermuda sun and bernews! Let us know who he is so he doesnt get around my family

  9. Triangle Drifter says:

    Here you go. This is the type of map we need available online.


    I picked this town because it is somewhat similar in population to Bermuda. I am familiar with the area. It is mostly upscale income like Bermuda. It also relys on tourism.

    Use the site to search around where you visit. The scum has nowhere to hide.

  10. Ride says:

    I’m all for have a public register of sexual offenders. However, I think we should wait until they are proven guilty. Yes? There is a terrible stigma to this sort of allegation. If the person is not found guilty then it would be terrible for them to have their name associated with such an act.

    Now, I don’t know under what conditions a false claim could be lodged that proceeds far enough to the courts, but with the guilty because accused stance that it seems the majority take and the small size of the Island, I think it is appropriate to withhold the name until a guilty verdict is found.


  11. god1st says:

    These predators need to be exposed today.

  12. SpinCycle says:

    Perps are not named because of what the lynchmob might do to them! Not say’n they wouldn’t deserve it, just say’n is all…

  13. Withheld says:

    14 year olds are having sex – with each other. Shame on you, you are old enough to be her father. As a matter of fact, better you go jail then have her daddy and uncles find you!

  14. Judge Dredd says:

    Tru say we affi hang dem before de trial! If da neck breaks den deyus innocent, but if da neck don’t break den deyus guilty and dat der means wa gotti hang em again till da neck breaks inna, ahhn. So alls um sayin dun is dat da gotti publish de rapas name so I an I bedrin can perfarm de lickmus test pon dem fi proteck de likka chillren. Seeen?
    Slow down folks, it’s convicted people who’s names we want published. And when will people catch on to the power we possess as a people? Stop waiting for the government to do something, there are numerous ways to create a register and countless ways to gather intelligence with the right inside alliances. Isn’t there a registry on Facebook already? Get with the program people.

    • BermudaGirl says:

      Judge, go sit down at your Postal Service job until your head clears!

  15. lyfe says:

    bring back the hanging.nasty man!!!

  16. Tya Wills says:

    Well if he knew how old she was then he is to blame but if he didn’t know how old she was then shame on both of them, however, these little girls need to stop because they want to grow up too fast and as a result we read about stories like these.

    Mothers talk to your daughters please!!!!!

  17. DON DADDA says:

    Well I know I will not be renting to them if a sex list if publised now will I offer them employment. You go OBA name and shame and discriminate who cares.

  18. ella says:

    Why did you elect Supreme Court? Bad choice to pick Supreme Court, bad choice. If/when convicted Magistrates could only give you, i believe, 5 years max. Someone correct me if I am wrong.

    • elston says:

      Harder to convince a jury to convict than a single Magistrate…

  19. Bermudian says:

    I say part of the punishment for sex offenders should be tattooing ‘sex offender’ on the forehead.

  20. Tired of the BS says:

    We so readily name the two men who were having oral sex on Front Street,however we find excuses such as protecting the identity of the victim. But we allow perverts to remain anonymous what wrong with this picture?

  21. lofl says:

    a few months ago i remeber a bb forward going around of the know pedifiles list!!! i think it needs to go around again!
    these perves need to be shamed

    • TWithheld says:

      Careful tread lightly with that list. One messed up ghetto trash female started adding names to that list out of personal childish revenge. The police have been contacted about that list and what the person did. You want to be part of that lawsuit when that ball starts rolling again?

      • Ride says:

        And some still wonder why people are against vigilante justice.

        There is good reason for due process.
