Roads Police Unit: Motorists Recorded At 90km/h

May 20, 2013

Following reports of dangerous driving in Southampton, the police said they have stepped up their patrols and several motorists have been recorded at speeds of 70 – 90km/h, with some offenders trying to elude police.

A police spokesperson said, “The motoring public is advised that due to reports of speeding and dangerous driving along Middle Road, Southampton in the Jews Bay, ‘Rising Sun’ vicinity, Roads Policing Unit [RPU] officers have stepped up their patrols, monitoring traffic traveling through the area.

“Several motorists have been recorded at speeds between 70km/h and 90km/h, with some offenders attempting to elude police.

“However RPU officers will continue to maintain a highly visible presence in the area to deter dangerous driving behaviors, while apprehending those riders and drivers that persist, with a view to placing offenders before the courts.

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  1. Truth is killin me... says:

    That’s all good…you not gonna catch me at 4.00am on a weekend when I come through there FULL HOT doing 110kph from Town to Dockyard in 10 mins flat!!!I dare you to be out!!!!BRING IT!!!!!!!

    • sonso says:

      lol, the point of this comment is??

      • DUHHHH says:

        honey u missed it, sloooowwwww! n e way it was a joke

        • Clive Spate says:

          I thought jokes were meant to be funny!

    • Clive Spate says:

      I wish I were as cool as you.

    • Fed Up says:

      and you wnat to be buried where?

    • DUHHHH says:


    • Hockey Rules says:

      Please go a little faster so that your bike skids and you smash your brainless head into a concrete wall. The less there are of you the better. And while you’re at it please encourage your friends with the deafening mufflers to do the same.

      • AreUeffinSerious says:

        I believe the loudest bike I have seen recently were from an Indian looking guest worker..Sounded like his bike didn’t even have a muffler at

    • Doug says:

      you can outrun a radio call? hmm

    • Tom says:

      The police may not catch you but the wall will.

    • scott gannon says:

      Bring it on……………you are an idiot and just take a moment and think what would happen if you were to hit a scooter or individual….get a life, you’re not as cool as you think you are.

  2. Heads upa says:

    So for everyone that speeds in the area, the BPS has kindly given you a warning to not speed there….

    Thanks For the heads up

  3. swing voter says:

    ummum ….

  4. Cyclist says:

    Having witnessed the consequences of a drunk driver speeding along that stretch of road, who crashed his bike into the wall, I would suggest that the police be absolutely strict and remove the licence and heavily fine anyone caught speeding over 50 km/hr. The police need to be far more effective in curbing the diabolical driving standards that are so prevalent.

    • TGAOTU says:

      that is not only crazy, but unrealistic, archaic, and tyrannic.

      • TGAOTU says:

        until the day you accidentally blip over 50kph innocently for a few seconds and get booked like I did and have to pay nearly $300 which is your food money and then you have to go hungry and without medicine or electricity.

        • enough says:

          Speed limit is 35kph, so you can’t really ‘innocently’ go over 50kph, can you? Not saying many don’t, not even saying I don’t, just don’t whine when you get caught.

  5. Scadaffi says:

    We need some speed bumps along that stretch of road.
    Day and night it is crazy.

    • Fed Up says:

      only seen them in the morning, they need to be there after five because what I experience driving home is crazy.

    • Sir George Somers says:

      No speed bumps please! Why do the innocent majority have to suffer due to the actions of the stupid minority?!

  6. Barney says:

    Only RPU are issuing speeding tickets? If RPU had been out on the road issuing tickets consistently without taking a 2 year break the average speed wouldn’t have crept up to where it is now….

  7. Ole says:

    Sober, middle aged and older folk are equally stupid on the roads — just sit at junction of Nothshore and Blackwatch Pass — very few people stop at the very clear stop sign – it is the site of a very bad accident, just waiting to happen…

  8. Triangle Drifter says:

    90kph! For us old folks that is what, 50-55mph? Thats clipping purdy good.

    Now, see you all later. I have a 3 hour or so drive ahead of me today. Should be able to do most of it at 60-65mph.

  9. TGAOTU says:

    Most other countries have speed limits on roads just like ours, of 80kph which is 50mph, and most places allow up to 10mph over the limit BEFORE you are pulled over.

    Our road speeds should be revised and updated from the stone age.
    22mph was the speed limit set back in the early 1900′s when they had far narrower, smaller, and fewer roads, most which were sand or bare rock, and the speed was set for horse and carraige! 22mph was the accepted speed of that mode of transport back then, and it is ridiculous and shameful and embarassing that it has lasted to this day, perpetuated by people who have such an archaic and stubborn way of thinking, as to restrict unfairly the rights of others.

    All vehicles we drive on our roads are tested, designed, and meant to travel at higher speeds constantly, all cars at 60mph. They are designed to break from these speeds.

    Studies have PROVEN that the slower you drive, the more relaxed your brain becomes, and you WILL slack off on your disciplined driving, therefore giving a much higher risk of causing an accident due to innatentiveness.

    Driving faster makes your brain speed up in order to process the faster moving environment, and your bodily defense system ups the ante in your disciplined driving – unless you are an utter dafty who shouldn’t be on the road in the first place.

    There are roads in Bermuda such as Kindley Field where motorists could easilly and SAFELY drive at 90kph for about a mile of road.

    There should be different classes of roads, based on their width, length, and number and steepness of curves. This would take science which I have faith the current Government can implement.

    30kph for the most very narrow, short, and curved roads
    60kph for median width, length, and curved
    90kph for the widest, longest, and straightest

    50cc licenses would be the only licensed vehicles which would be forbidden to use the 90kph limit – as most of those bikes cannot hit these speeds or brake from them safely in most cases.

    I have seen endless accidents happen when people are going slow, far more in proportion to those which happen because of people going too fast. All accidents I was involved in have occurred when going very slow, most of the time 35kph or less. So speed is NOT the big bad wolf certain people make it out to be.

    Change these archaic Flinstone laws, because we don’t like in Bedrock anymore, and some people can run 22mph for pete’s sake, and you cannot even outrun most dogs at that speed!

    Have mercy on the rights of people and simply adjust the laws to something like what I proposed with the three stage speed limit postings. It would make Bermuda so much better. Traffic would flow much faster in areas that are safe to do so, and this would dramatically improve business in Bermuda and be a benefit to many employers and employees.

    I really hope that our speed limit laws are adjusted before we all become a turtle-paced nation of lethargic accident-prone bumper car enthusiasts.

    • Clive Spate says:

      Suggesting a speed of 90kph on any of these roads is simply ridiculous.

    • AreUeffinSerious says:

      Sorry but Bermuda has too many OLD people with nothing to do, that want the rest of us have absolutely nothing to do.

      Go driving on a Sunday and watch how many OLD people drive at 30kph.

      Look at the comment below me that “The Truth” wrote. They want to police to write tickets for Prison officers speeding on Boaz Island and Grey bridge. These are open roads like Kindly Field rd that we should be able to do 70kph on. No, they would rather us keep having to repair timing belts for driving so slow!

      • Triangle Drifter says:

        Between the price of fuel & the lunatics on the road I can’t imagine driving anywhere in Bermuda just for the sake of going for a ride.

        Last week I drove Hwy 21 in Utah. Over 75 miles & took about 1 1/2hrs to do it. We saw less than 10 vehicles traveling in the OPPOSITE direction. Now THAT was a pleasurable drive. The only thing to worry about was the occasional free range cow which showed little concern for a large vehicle roaring by.

    • Cyclist says:

      Idiot. There are other vehicles, walkers and runners on these narrow roads with no sidewalks that don’t travel that fast. People who drive too fast are generally the ones that also drive badly and are overtaking when there isn’t room or flying around a corner to find that something else is there. To suggest that driving fast on roads that are in general use and are as windy as ours is just stupid.

    • Building a better Bermuda says:

      While I am not opposed to your idea of setting up multiple speed zones based on road areas, as a means to improve traffic flow, I would not allow for speed zones higher than 60kph. There is simply no road on this island with the length to justify anywhere near 90kph, so there really is no need for anything higher, other than to try and satisfy your desire to speed past your own perceptions of inadequacy. In fact, when you travel the vast majority of the interstates and byways in North America, you find that once they get into areas that have population density akin to most of Bermuda’s road, the speed limits are reduced down to around 50kph and lower.
      As for car design, most of the cars on Bermuda’s roads are actually designed for city driving, and if you are finding that your car’s lifespan is being severely diminished by the nature of driving here, it is your own driving behavior that needs to be adjusted. Ease on the acceleration out of stops will both decrease the stresses on your cars drive and transmission and decrease your gas bill.
      Please cite us the studies from the various traffic/vehicle/insurance institutes that state speeding is safer than slow in an urban driving environment

  10. The Truth! says:

    Perhaps the police can set up radar in the Boaz Island and Grays bridge area where the Prison officers can be found speeding daily so that they are only a little bit late for work.

    • Truth is killin' me... says:

      That’s a fact Jack! It was a Prison Officer that put his white car in the trees up Southampton the other week and had traffic congested all morning!

  11. ABM says:

    SMART IDEA ANNOUNCING TO ALL WHAT YOU ARE AND PLAN ON DOING!!! Should have just kept it to a mum to catch more would be speeders instead of giving them a heads up. Now they’ll know to break down in speed when in that area and just speed back up when they are not. Intellignece at its best here, I think not!

    • Rockfish#1 says:

      I have no problem with the police making these types of announcements. It is not as though they cannot pack up and move to another location.

      The motoring public have been duly warned and must now pay attention.

  12. sminks says:

    If you go up there and do that! They just fine another place to speed. Police can’t be everywhere!!!!!

  13. Y-Gurl says:

    70 to 90kph so that covers cops and buses, was anyone actually caught…nah!

  14. True victim says:

    It makes me happy to see bps out there trying to do something about the senseless speeding and foolishness on our roads. I speak as a victim having just been released from the hospital today from my 8th surgery since my accident in march 2011.People have no clue about how much damage and disruption they cause to the lives of others simply because they were in a hurry going nowhere. Here I was a guy who obeyed the rules of the road worked two jobs to be a responsible husband and father to my three children, and now as a result of someone’s carelessness two plus years later still suffering unable to work since being injured the loss of both my jobs as a direct result of the accident. The most the offender could offer was a I am sorry as I waited for the ambulance and haven’t heard a peep since. I only shared my story to show how in an instant our lives are forever changed and how it effects not just the one injured but our whole families . I look at my little girl who was only a few months old when it happened in march 2011 and I wonder when the day will come where I can hold her hand and walk with her for the first time or my sons who are eager for dad to take them fishing again… See so much lost which can never be returned only because one decided my life had no value. Slow down Bermuda tomorrow it could be you or one of your loved ones.

  15. Save our little island says:

    If only we all drove environmentally friendly electric vehicles this would not be an issue.

    • Building a better Bermuda says:

      Tesla Roadster and Model S, that is all I will say to that.

  16. SoMuchMore says:

    One time I was riding and my light was going in and out… They stopped me while they let the fool racing go. Silly fools lol.

  17. Two words says:

    Speed cameras. Reduce traffic speed, reduce accidents, generate revenue. Annual licensing can only be redone if no outstanding tickets on license plate number.
    This isn’t difficult. Have some testicular fortitude to enforce it.

    • Come Correct says:

      Have you factored in how much they are to replace after they record a 90mph baseball bat swing? Im guessing it would be “outa there!”.

    • Come Correct says:

      Sorry then there’s the fact if it doesnt take a clear picture of the driver then everyone on the island is going to pull a Shaggy “It wasn’t me, must have been my son/daughter/uncle/childrens nanny/car knomes/drunken grany twice removed from the east end cuz I stay west two lefts past the first lane halfway up the middle on the right” excuse….

      • Cyclist says:

        The UK has a simple approach. The owner of the vehicle has to declare the driver, otherwise the owner is the one fined and loses the points/licence. See the recent news re: the (now ex) environment minister.

      • Building a better Bermuda says:

        I agree with Cyclist, would make you think about how you lend your vehicle to if you are responsible for their fines and demerits. Plus, most properly set up speed traps take pictures of the front and back of the car as it goes by, they usually have your speeding pegged before you got to them, and if the owner still doesn’t want to ID the driver in the photo, then they are still on the hook for the fine and demerits.

  18. Street Smart says:

    I applaud the efforts to slow Bermuda’s drivers down. But the BPS MUST look at their own poor road habits before they issue any speeding tickets!! For one, this business of speeding throughout Bermuda’s roads without AUDIBLE warning devices, is just as bad or worse than the idiots they chasing, and is just as dangerous! For two, this other non-sense of not showing drivers who are stopped for exceeding the speed limit, the RADAR or what is known as the speed laser, with the speed the BPS claims the driver is supposed to be driving, is not too cool. This in fact leaves the driver at a disadvantage, because the driver has no way of knowing if that speed is indeed correct. It is left to the driving public, to trust the BPS. Trust where the BPS is concerned is at a premium.

  19. CHINGAS says:

    Wouldn’t it be something if every bike was replaced with a 50cc rental scooter? HAHA! No one would get anywhere fast! We could all slow RIGHT down and enjoy our beautiful island, just like our visitors (without crashing into them), or anyone/thing else! So much more…

    • Rockfish#1 says:

      Those 50cc cycles can easily be modified to reach speeds of 60-70 km/h.

    • Building a better Bermuda says:

      You must not have seen how guys got mopeds and mobylettes to fly. 50cc rental scooter, piece of cake.

  20. Triangle Drifter says:

    One way to slow the traffic down would be to introduce slower vehicles to the roads. On many islands things like golfcarts & side by side ATVs rule the road. Golf carts only have a top speed of 20mph. The ATVs in mind have a top speed of only a little over 30mph.

    These would not be suitable for everyone but they would for some especially if the option of owning two of these, but no car, is allowed.

  21. Cyclist says:

    The two things that cause almost every crash on the roads are: alcohol and speed.

  22. tricks are for kids.... says:

    Saw the Police bikes out an about this morning on Rising Sun stretch…..Do they have to be parked literally right outside peoples doors? When the tenants step out their door the police bikes are right there…surely they can park a bit further down where the dock is that way they are not on anyones property…The same goal can be accommplished…..

  23. Whistling Frog says:

    May God help us all…If you don’t like the roads, take your jetski to work…

  24. What Do You Think says:

    Thats great, when was someone in the BPS going to wake up….guys speed all hours of the day and night going from one area to the next and they DECIDED now that this is news!!!!!! and for your information to them 90k is cruising speed. How about the chase that started in the Town area and the suspect ended up in Somerset with the cycle squad trailing .. go figure on that. So this idea of lets catch speeders now is just a publicity stunt. If they was serious they would do their job regardless of man power …Robo Cop does and he is one person.

  25. Building a better Bermuda says:

    New legislation to speed things up:

    - 50-60 km/h auto fining and demeriting unless the person wishes to plead innocence
    - 60-70 km/h to the courts for judging
    - 70+ km/h impounding of the vehicle (bike or car) on the spot
    - Attempt to elude the police for any speed, impounding of vehicle and detainment to nearest station
    - Failure to have a valid drivers license or ID for ticketing, impounding of vehicle and detainment till ID can be confirmed (no more of this giving a mates name. This could be further streamlined by the police having a fingerprint scanner and the persons thumbprint attached to their driver license)
    - Provide the police with an electronic ticketing system that can scan the electronic tag on the vehicle and the persons drivers license, and use that data to auto fill a ticket, the police officer would then only need to review and confirm the data matches. Once issued, the ticket can then be uploaded to the system automatically.