Wilson Joins Capital G As Chief Banking Officer

June 6, 2013

BobWilson_Jun.13Capital G has announced Bob Wilson as Chief Banking Officer for the organization.

With over 40 years of Retail and Commercial Banking experience in the UK [London and Channel Islands] and Bermuda, Mr Wilson’s career has progressed through a range of financial expertise, including retail, corporate and private banking, with more than 10 years in senior and executive vice president positions.

He has an extensive record of building business and a background in relationship management, loan origination and improving business profitability. Bob most recently worked at Butterfield Bank for 18 years in positions such as the Head of Corporate Banking, Senior Vice President of Credit and Executive Vice President of Bermuda Banking.

Reporting directly to Capital G Bank Limited President and CEO Ian Truran, Mr Wilson’s responsibilities include overseeing the strategic direction and management of business development, sales, customer service and operational fulfillment in personal and commercial banking, wealth management and institutional banking for Bermuda and overseas clients.

“Bob will be instrumental in developing our comprehensive sales strategy, while helping to create and implement a centre of excellence to support bank-wide initiatives to improve our customer service standards,” says Mr. Truran. “His extensive experience will help Capital G enhance our risk based culture while helping to drive strong operational and financial results.”

Reporting to Mr Wilson is a consolidation of Capital G business functions, including Retail & Commercial Banking, Wealth Management, Institutional Banking, Product Management and Banking Operations.

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  1. Truth is killin' me... says:

    Hmmmm…jumping ship seems to be the norm these days! I hope he signed a non-disclosure with BNTB when he left. Wouldn’t want company secrets to be used by the competition would we!?