Berkeley Student Joins U.S. Scholar Group

August 29, 2013

waverley moranThe National Society of High School Scholars [NSHSS] recently announced that Berkeley Institute student Waverley Moran has been selected to become a member of the organisation.

The Society recognizes top scholars who have demonstrated “outstanding leadership, scholarship, and community commitment.”

The announcement was made by NSHSS Founder and Chairman Claes Nobel, a senior member of the family that established the Nobel Prizes.

“On behalf of NSHSS, I am honored to recognize the hard work, sacrifice, and commitment that Waverley has demonstrated to achieve this exceptional level of academic excellence,” said Mr. Nobel.

“Waverley is now a member of a unique community of scholars — a community that represents our very best hope for the future.”

“Our vision is to build a dynamic international organization that connects members with meaningful content, resources, and opportunities,” stated NSHSS President James W. Lewis. “We aim to help students like Waverley build on their academic successes and enhance the skills and desires to have a positive impact on the global community.”

Membership in NSHSS entitles qualified students to enjoy a variety of benefits, including scholarship opportunities, academic competitions, free events, member-only resources, publications, participation in programs offered by educational partners, personalized recognition items, and publicity honors.

Formed in 2002, The National Society of High School Scholars recognizes academic excellence at the high school level and encourages members of the organization to apply their unique talents, vision, and potential for the betterment of themselves and the world.

Currently there are more than 830,000 Society members in over 160 countries.

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  1. Pastor Syl Hayward says:

    Congratulations to this young woman for the prestigious honor shown her. However, I would have liked to know more about the things she has done or achieved in order for her to have been selected. Sounds like it took more then excellent grades. Bernews, the more info on how one gets selected by this group, the more likely other Bermudian students will strive to fulfill the criteria, IMHO

    • micro says:

      A big part is actually getting recognized and being referred to the Society, if deemed capable one would be invited to tender an application/accept the invitation to join.

      Generally grades, community involvement/volunteer work, commitment to bettering oneself and the people around them. To my knowledge a fair number of Berkeley students have at least been invited to join; how many actually have idk, this is the first time I’ve seen anyone publicly acknowledged.

  2. Whistling Frog says:

    Congratulations Waverley, Keep up the good work… You are blessed.

  3. Youngster says:

    Well done young lady. The sky is the limit for you!