PLP: ‘Arrogant, Deceitful Behavior Not Tolerated’
On Labour Day the Progressive Labour Party is asking their members and supporters to “come out in your PLP Green and send a message that arrogant, deceitful, anti-Bermudian behavior will not be tolerated.”
The Labour Day activities on Monday [Sep 2] start with the Swan’s Running Club Annual Children’s Race and Walk at 8.00am followed by the Road Race at 8.30am. Labour Day greetings are scheduled at 11.00am, and the start of the Labour Day March will be at 11.30am at Union Square.
The full statement from the PLP is below:
Tired of waiting for jobs?
Tired of watching electricity and food prices rise while you take home less pay?
Tired of seeing Civil Servant jobs being threatened?
Tired of being treated like a second class citizen in your own country?
Tired of broken promises, arrogance and deceit?
Tired of being called xenophobic, anti-foreigner and kool aid drinkers?
On Labour Day we are asking our Members and supporters please come out in your PLP Green and send a message that arrogant, deceitful, anti-Bermudian behavior will NOT be tolerated.
a message that arrogant, deceitful, anti-Bermudian behavior will not be tolerated WAS sent to you plp that’s why you lot were voted OUT.
what part of that don’t you understand!
Did the former gov make a deal with the new education commisioner ?
When you spill your coffee, do YOU blame the waitress who is cleaning up your mess? That is exactly what the PLP is doing, blaming those who are cleaning up the PLP left You and me rotting in.
PLP are banging on the war drum and trying to instigate hate.
wow…snow calling cocaine “White”…
What’s funny is the oba and plp party think they will be in after the next election. Only time will tell.
This party stuff is coming down to blacks vs whites vs uncle toms. Something bad is coming our way if we don’t all work as one. We have so many blacks that don’t trust whites and vice versa. It’s so much deep hate about how blacks were treated by whites. Today it’s more verbal attacks from both groups. If we are so united why on any given weekend you see groups of whites hanging with each other and groups of blacks doing the same? Why because we all go where we feel most comfortable. That’s the same with this party system.
As long as one race feels they are SUPERIOR it will never change
As long as you keep feeding that crap to your children,
it will never change.
here here
Feeding what crap.
I honestly thought that the headline was the PLP describing themselves..they set the bar for arrogance and deceit but after all “They had to deceive you”
These comments are senseless and no help to what matters most…persons losing jobs… mom/dads out of work 2-3 years…persons having to lose their homes….Uncertainness of some Bermudian students not able to continue their education.
This party; that party…… people are drowning out here.. THIS IS NOT A PARTY
Tired of the PLP
Go and show your disgust by not wearing green for PLP for putting us in this mess and blaming everyone but themselves.
Go and show your disgust at them turning a celebration day into a political rally…this isn’t about them. Makes me sick
It’s all about them and their power and pockets. Don’t let them take your day away from you as well as your future.
Wow, the PLP. What clowns.
This statement is so dumb, why would we ever trust these IDiOTS again. Seriously they just don’t have the brains.
MLK ask yourself this question. Who the hell are the clowns now? Even one of your devoted followers, “Storming Norman” is saying that the OBA do not have a clue. If an election was held tomorrow the OBA would be kicked to the curb.
Tired of waiting for jobs ? There is your PLP mentality right there . Stop waiting for someone to hand you something.
seriously ! whose idea was this?
what about tired of being in debt??
Tired of 14yrs of PLP lies!
I think PLP need new leaders with a vision to unite not to divide!
The color green represent does not represent the above PLP world of thinking
I’m dying of laughter!!!! LMAO!
PLP sit down!!! Please remember OBA is cleaning up your mess!!!
Let it go and just quit the rambling on about another party’s faults when you had your own long list that made US, the people, vote you out in the first place. We as Bermudians picked the better party to lead! PLP didn’t know what they were doing when they had power and so how would they understand how to get the island back on track. If they did wouldn’t they have done the same steps?!
The clearest sign that something is terribly wrong is that a major party can claim that the other is “anti-Bermudian” AND PRETTY MUCH GET IT TO STICK!!!
I mean in the US, the tea party tried… but half the population didn’t take them seriously, unlike here
Think about it.
OBA supporters, THAT is how disenfranchised much of the island feels it is
PLP supporters, do you REALLY think that the government is ANTI-Bermudian, ie it is actually working against YOU?
“Supporters” of both parties… why are you so staunchly married to “your” party? They’re not **** sports teams people! Blindly supporting one party over another has got to be one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard of, and it happens more often than not. Until people can get past party affiliation and start working on what’s best for Bermuda this island will continue to sink no matter who is nominally “in charge”
You have no idea how right you are. Politics in Bermuda is a joke where the real racial haters get away with their hate and some lap it up.
wise words Franklin, thanks
Tired of waiting for jobs?
THE plp LOST ALL OUR JOBS with your nasty attitudes towards people that had the businesses here!
Tired of watching electricity and food prices rise while you take home less pay?
Tired of seeing Civil Servant jobs being threatened?
Tired of being treated like a second class citizen in your own country?
Tired of broken promises, arrogance and deceit?
Tired of being called xenophobic, anti-foreigner and kool aid drinkers?
Can you answer these questions for me?
What did the PLP do that made us lose our jobs?
What did the PLP do that made electricity prices go up?
The PLP raised payroll tax from 14 to 16 percent which led every CFO in Bermuda to ask “can I save money by doing this work somewhere else in the world?” Some of them found that the answer was yes.
Oh yeah and they didn’t even bother to ask anyone in International Business (87% of the economy by the way) what their opinion was on raising payroll tax.
They just went ahead and did it because they thought they were the kings of the world and knew what was right.
So 87% of the economy suddenly realised that they had no idea what the PLP was going to do, and if there is anything business hates its uncertainty. So a lot of them just left.
Thank you for your response. Are you sure a 2% increase was the main reason why companies started to leave? Did the the global economy not have an impact on international businesses?
Why is it that the people of Bermuda expect so much from government? It’s almost as if we want the government to fix all our problems, create all our jobs, make all the decisions and provide everything for the entire island. Where does private enterprise fall into this calculation?
It would seem based on the PLP and OBA that government may not be the answer to our issues in Bermuda…
If you don’t know the impact of that 2% (actually a 15% increase in the rate of tax, overnight, without warning), then you’re out of the loop. It was a disaster all round. That’s why Cox reversed it the following year. But the damage had been done, and exodus was well under way.
Why is the plp trying to take over labour day? This day is nothing to do with the plp so step down!
Plp run a country so bad that people lose jobs everywhere and now they act like it wasnt there fault! Get real!
These guys actually believe this stuff..
Being treated like a second class citizen in your own country….That is exactly what the PLP did… more work permits under the PLP, more job losses under the PLP . Do the maths. GO tell them that you are sick and tired of their games and lies by not wearing green.
this is just plain funny!
Don’t wear green, make sure you let the PLP know that they are not living up to your expectations. They failed you and now want to pretend it is someone elses fault…What, do they think you are stupid and gullible too….what an insult !!!!!
Hey gotta gotta payback
(the big payback)
Revenge I’m mad
(the big payback)
Got to get back, I need some get back, payback payback
(the big payback)
That’s it, payback, revenge I’m mad
all politicians lie just to get your vote after they get in you don’t see or hear from them anymore
Where is Paula Cox ? she needs to explain her being just a cog in the wheel… the PLP have a lot to answer to….
Paula,you need to come out and explain why you were just a cog !!!!!!! was it that you were afraid of your leader !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
James Brown.
Tired of arrogant deceitful behavior? They’re hilarious aren’t they.
PLP doing what they know best…being an Opposition party for another 30 years! Whinge, whine, complain, criticize, denigrate, deride, obfuscate, deny, you know, same ole song and dance…
I never thought I would wear green but after witnessing the OBA’s anti Bermudian crusade for the past 8 months I’m in
As P.T. Barnum once said, “There’s a sucker born every minute”.
Yawn, whatever mate.
Go and wear your stupid green then. You and the PLP are a joke.
Unchained, let me let you in on a little secret! The PLP were the biggest anti Bermudian supporters around! They gave contracts worth Millions to friends and family, regardless if they were Bermudian or not. They are hypocritical and deserve everything they get, just like the OBA.
… still in election mode?
Tired of thinking about the $63,000 (or whatever it is) that I owe government. Tired of thinking that I’ll probably never again be able to even save up that amount of money for myself ever again.
Tired of thinking that only 15 or so years ago I only owed government about $800 .
Good Points for the PLP Election Campaign defense team to provide PLP spin answers for those questions in the previous election, only 9 months late
The following words are on the schedule of events flyer for Labour Day celebrations. , “We undertake to unite the entire community in celebration of labour”.
The PLP asking people to wear green to support their cause, is truly against what “labour day” celebration. The day is to celebrate, and unite. The only agenda the PLP has is to divide.
This is pathetic behavior.
I wonder which party helped to fight for the Portuguese. Remember Dame Lois Brown Evans ,how soon we forget.
They may have helped once but look how you lot treat us that dont look like you most of the time.
I will never forget. She was a wonderful woman, but she would be appalled if she were around to witness what the PLP has become.
Now PLP that is no way to speak about yourselves! Don’t forget all the points you mentioned above, you created.
For the recorded I am not happy with the OBA right now either, but then again they did inherit a giant mess from you!
The one thing I am sure of I will never support PLP again…EVER!
me too, never again I want anything to do with the PLP. I felt the hate and ignored it, and that is part of what has got us in this mess. Just listen to FM 102 talk show, hate, hate, and more hate…..
I am sick and tired of both parties!
In my opinion, neither the PLP or the OBA is capable of pulling us out of the economic nosedive that we find ourselves in.
Until being made redundant almost 2 years ago, my spouse had never been unemployed in her entire working adult life. She has been actively seeking (gainful) employment ever since but has not been successful in finding anything.
Politicians (all of them) are only out for what they can do for themselves. In my view, this call for people to come out and march on Labor Day is only their latest effort to garner support for their future re-election.
This is a political trick that politicians the world over have used for decades….but sadly some of still fall for it!
For all of those bashing the PLP – remember, that without the PLP, we would have no labour day in Bermuda:
“The Bermuda Progressive Labour Party soon after pushed legislation to bring further awareness of disparity in the workplace in the form of a proposal to create an official Labour Day. The part was successful in its attempt, and in 1982, the country celebrated its first Labour Day. – See more at:
and ever since the plp has gone out of control with their Greed!
Thanks to the mess left by the PLP many Govt. workers are getting even more days off. They are having to take a pay cut though!!
looking in the mirror
“Tired of watching electricity and food prices rise while you take home less pay?”
Trying to blame dat on de OBA shows you how stupid you lot are. Try blaming yourselves once in a while.
Put on your Green clothes and look in the mirror. What a bunch of hypocrites!
Will they serve GREEN KOOL AID? I’m in!
Thank you Portia for this important information you have given.Are you marching on labour day?
The PLP is a labor party and has always march in the labor day march from it beginning. In fact we never see supporters of the anti-Bermudian one term OBA government making common cause with the workers of this country. They could not be found when the former UBP was in power and you will not see them come monday;s labor day. I have no delusions we have nothing in common and if would not surprise me if the current OBA leader does not turn up to the labor day march; sending instead his white political surrogate his deputy Michael Dunkley.
bla bla bla….you lot don’t even kno what de true meanin of labour day is bra.
You speak hate, hate and more hate, that is what your all about.
I seem to remember, no. I took a photo of Sir Jack Sharpe and sister Molly Burgess shaking hands early to mid 80′s at the Labour Day rally. Sir Jack was even wearing a BIU “united we stand divided we fall” hat!
Might have been in 1982 after the near disaster we had in 1981!
Long time ago……………
Jesus Albin, you really need to see a shrink or take Lille for all that hate you keep bottled up.
Too bad you had no desire to stock up for workers rights between 1998 and 2012.
*or take a pill
It has taken a few hours to pick myself up off the floor. Arrogant & Deceitful OBA huh? Well the PLP knows all about being arrogant & deceitful. They spent 14 years perfecting just that.
The OBA has a long long way to go to even vaguely resemble the PLP.
Can’t say if trying to turn a labour rally into a political rally is any lower than the PLP has been before. I guess they know that if they called a rally on their own very few would show up, no matter how much koolaid is offered. Things aren’t looking so good for the BIU. They have struck themselves out of jobs/members in every division.
I guess you have to do what you have to do to try & get the turnout.
You know, I never go to the Labor Day march or celebration. Usually I’m working anyway. But I’m off on Monday and I think I will go JUST to see how many green shirts show up. In 8 months the PLP have forgotten the legacy they helped leave behind for someone else to clean up. Truly silly to complain about someone having a hard time cleaning up the mess you had a part in creating. I guess the saying of the day is to gain political points by any means necessary. #shameful
Thank you Portia for this important historical information.
Are you marching?
My blood pressure just went up! What is this bull**** from the disgraceful party! The PLP is TIRED, of what!? I think they need 2 really look in the mirror!
@Portia that was the REAL PLP now its a disgraceful bunch, the hell with labour day i would go work for all i care!
How pathetic!! But not surprising! I don’t care what color shirts they wear As long as they aren’t running this country!!
Half the electorate is below average intelligence.
Just think about it.
PLP Communists
I’ve seen the PLP in the media more now bashing the oba then they were period when they were in power..lay down seriously
How cn the PLP have such a short memory?? Who was more arrogante them Brown??? Who left our country broke??
If any intelligente Bermudian can answer theses questions, them we know why BERMUDA IS IN THIS SITUATION!!!
PLP get a life, all the PLP politicians want is to get back into Government, because in the private sector they can’t find a job,!!!!
It makes me ashamed to be born Bermudian. Apologies to all my expat friends and neighbours, we are not all like this.
In memory of Lois, Freddy, David (Allen), Dr. Ball, Dr. Gordon and the others that laid their lives down for the under-class,working-class, and dis-enfranchised. I’m am truly sorry that the cause has become a circus run by CLOWNS
Talk about anti Bermudian. The PLP made an American the Premier and then left us broke. Only the trult insane would support your stupid Labour Day.
Wow….talk about spewing hate!!
PLP are the masters of hate.
Some questions for Portia and God1st about the PLP legacy:
How many times were people called mischevious when they claimed Berkley was going to be over budget and late?…and it was.
How many times were we told about new hotel developments that were about to break ground?…and they weren’t.
How many times were people told that they were haters when they disagreed with the PLP?
How many times were SDOs used to by-pass the Planning process?
How many foreigners were flown to Bermuda from a prison in private jets in the middle of the night without any sort of consultation with anyone? (Ok, I’ll answer that one – 4)
How many times did our Premier and finance minister claim we were “in recovery”?
Arrogance and deceit was the entire PLP “playbook”. Remember “We had to deceive you” coming out of Dr. Brown’s mouth after the “coup” he led and changed the Premier your people actually voted for?
Labour Day is supposed to be a celebration for all of Bermuda. Clearly the PLP don’t see it that way and have convinced themselves that this is THEIR holiday and there’s alone. Using it for this political masturbation exercise is an absolute disgrace and they should be ashamed of themselves.
PLP is such a joke. Go home, PLP.
I find it amazing that after all this time, Paula Cox who was never short of words we had to use a Dictionary to find the meanings of is conspicuously mute! I suppose crushing defeat at the polls would do this.
It is a bitter pill but it has to be taken, doctor says so. Move on, nothing to see here!
It’s statements like these that caused numerous people to leave the island over the last six years or so. Why can’t the PLP see that welcoming foreigners to this island is good for everyone both from an economic and social perspective?
The “new” PLP sure does sound like the same old hateful, divisive, nasty old PLP.
What happened Mr. Bean, thought you were leading the Party in a new direction?
Rising prices? It was you lot that cheered a raise in the foreign currency purchase tax that made everything more expensive. And what happened to your fake price control commission initiated by Premier Cox?
But we all know personal responsibility isn’t a PLP strong suit. Nor the truth for that matter.
The more things change, the more they stay he same.
This is below pathetic PLP.
I have to wonder what Bean and company are trying to cover up by using such obviously deliberate offensive language. The real PLP, Dame Jennifer, Dame Lois, Mr. Freddy Wade, Mr. Terry Lister, I hope too Mr. Michael Scott and Ms. Kim Wilson, would never have stooped this low. I am reminded that Bean was anointed by EFB and now it shows – it is now clear who is still running the PLP.
And on your green shirt please also have the following embroidered or written:
- I support a Party that oversaw the demise of the once vibrant and resilient economies that was Bermuda’s
- I support a Party that had four consecutive qualified audits issued from the AG
- support a Party that arrests the AG instead of initiating an inquiry into shady dealings by the highest offices within the Party
- I support a Party that uses blind trusts for the construction of a tax payer funded building
- I support a Party that chose a foreign sculptor over a Bermudian to create the Dame Lois statue
- I support a Party that fired a whole DoT department and replaced them with a foreign firm that in turn had to be fired not so long after due to their ineptitude
- I support a Party that wasted hundreds of millions of tax payer dollars in so called ‘overruns’ for the majority of the capital projects completed by my Party
- I support a Party that gave away a $30 million contract to a foreign firm regarding the tourism advertising contract, without putting it out to tender
- I support a Party that imported pre-fabricated structures to construct the new buildings in Dockyard as opposed to using local labor in a depressed construction industry
- I support a Party that hired foreigners to head up the DoT team, but now complains because a foreigner is appointed to promote Bermuda’s golf industry
- I support a Party that claimed to be empowering black Bermudians by stripping the cement silos from a white Bermudian in dubious ways, but then turned around and gave the controlling shares to a…white Bermudian
- I support a Party that labels any and all opposition as, ‘house n*****, uncle toms, traitors, white supremacists, racists, red necks’ and any other derogatory name that they find amusing that day
- I support a Party that issues SDOs to their fellow Party parliamentarians
- I support a Party whose new leader refuses to answer for his SDO decisions for Spring Benny and Spice Hill
- I support a Party that sought to deny others their human rights because of their sexual orientation
- I support a Party that decreased Mirrors, Salvation Army, Sunshine League et al Government funding while not even thinking twice about attacking their pay packages
- I support a Party that only denied BELCO a rate rise once in 14 years
- I support a Party whose elected representatives who have no qualms about hanging up on callers to a talk show once they identified their race
- I support a Party whose elected representatives who have no qualms in labeling a whole foreign female expat population as being prostitutes
- I support a Party that gives contracts to affiliated parties who in turn email their foreign counterparty to tell them to raise their rates and “can now sit back under a palm tree and get rich”
- I support a Party that promised a Platinum Period for tourism and instead all we got was copper
- I support a Party that raised custom duties, which makes Bermuda that more expensive, claiming that it was simply a ‘harmonization’ effort
- I support a Party that saw our public debt rise from $160 million to $1.5 billion in just five or so years
- I support a Party that swelled the civil service to levels where now more than 50% of Government revenues goes towards salaries & benefits
- I support a Party that sold our children’s and grandchildren’s futures to foreign investors in the form of bonds, while never giving the Bermudian a chance to own some of our own debt
- I support a Party that permitted that sale of 3 out of 4 Banks to foreign firms who now repatriate their earnings back to their home countries
- I support a Party that took credit for a certain Bank CEO, for achieving his position, that oversaw the elimination of 500 local jobs from just one institution
- I support a Party that appointed a foreign education commissioner than complains when a new foreign education commissioner while complaining that they a Bermudian succession plan was never implemented by a Government that has been in power for 8 months
- I support a Party that claimed the public shock system is ‘thriving’ despite the fact that only 28% of students successfully passed their GCSEs last year
- I support a Party that fought like hell to save a foreign owned hotel with an SDO, but had no issues with letting a Bermudian owned one fail and fall into receivership
- I support a Party that have had numerous, damning AG reports concerning the handling of capital project finances
- I support a Party whose Deputy Leader threatens the AME Church because he is unhappy where he was seated
- I support a Party who puts forward candidates that criticize others for marrying outside of their own race
- I support a Party who built a dock for way more than budgeted for, only for the new Government having to spend another $20 odd million to ensure it was up to standards for cruise ships
- I support a Party whose members throw blows at one another and whose elected representatives threaten violence in the House
- I support a Party who enacted a policy that resulted in our one and only economic pillar flee our shares resulting in job losses throughout all of Bermuda’s sectors, despite knowing full well its affects
- I support a Party whose decisions have resulted in two thirds of Government revenue having to be earmarked simply for civil servant salaries and debt repayments and now complain about the cuts having to be made to ensure Bermuda’s survival
There is more I can write, but then it probably won’t fit on your green shirts. Island Embroidery, on Front Street, due amazing work, but going off past actions you will probably have a foreign firm do the work and shout that this Government is somehow ‘anti-Bermudian.’
Happy Labor Day to all.
Yep….that’s about the sum of it. Green with envy/jealousy…..PLP! Go on and wear your colour to reinforce the real issue. Green with envy/jealousy. Smdh!
OBA….RED for hope and confidence. I’m wearing red.
PLP is finished. Just a few bitter fanatic losers. Do something useful this Monday everyone – go somewhere, anywhere but Barnyard Park.
Almost nobody will want to listen to these pathetic has beens.
Wow, what did I just read?
The audacity and arrogance is just overwhelming. Not everyone has short term memories PLP.
And it seems Mr. Bean lied to us again, claiming the PLP is heading in a new direction. It is the same divisive and hate filled tactics that have been used by them for years.
How sad that the PLP is now politicising a national holiday. How low can you get PLP? I’m sure there’s more to come as a leopard down change its spots.
Mr Bean has no real power within the plp, he is simply a puppet of you-know-who, a man who obviously had a moral vasectomy some time ago.
Wear green so everyone knows who supports wrong!
There will be a few that no matter what the green team does, they with sink or swim in there mess….
the pee l pee should be ashamed of themselves. acting more and more like children.
This is a joke right? The PLP talking about arrogance, when they set a new bar for obstructive pride in Bermuda politics? The PLP talking about equality and togetherness, when they show so much hate towards our white brothers and sisters and out gay family and friends? Bull ish!! And don’t think that I believe the OBA is any better. We desperately need a new system with politicians that actually care about EVERYONE!
Here is an article that explains why our politicians don’t give a rat’s azz about us.
The PLP put a foreigner in charge who almost ruined Bermuda and then moved back home to the USA.
Thats about as anti Bermudian as you can get.
In addition, the PLP lied to us, deceived us…They admitted it to us and were proud of their actions.
The public spoke last December and voted you PLP.. out. So enjoy Labour Day. You can reminisce about the days when you were in charge and when you COULD have made a positive difference.
Pity you didn’t huh?
If you had then you might still be in power.
Pathetic Lying Party sums up the plp.
Pathetic Lying Party sums up OBA.
Oh, now that was original! Couldn’t do any better than that? No? Not surprising. Says alot. PLP, out of ideas except oppose those that are put forward.
“Tired of waiting for jobs?”
We waited from Premier Cox’s first day in office up until her defeat Dec 18th, 2012.
“Tired of watching electricity and food prices rise while you took home less pay?”
We waited from the second year of Premier Cox’s administration up until the election.
“Tired of seeing Civil Servant jobs being threatened?”
A most clever ploy of forcing the O.B.A. to commit to something the P.L.P. never ONCE committed to doing….remember the Post Offices.
“Tired of being treated like a second class citizen in your own country?”
Remember the comments of a certain Lister about “It was an economy for the “Privileged and the Connected” now it was Bermuda’s Time, when it became time for the credit cards needed to be paid?
“Tired of broken promises, arrogance and deceit?”
“We will being announcing details of an agreement a with Carl Bavarian shortly — Premier Ewart Brown.
“We will definitely be breaking grounds for a new hotel in St. Georges in the next few months —- Tourism Minister Wayne Furbert, one week before the election….three weeks later…..the P.L.P. acknowledged that the Carl Bavarian deal had been over and plans had been under way to “search for a new developer” as late as October —-Former Tourism Minister Wayne Furbert responding to questions asked in Parliament…..after the change in government.
YES PLPbiu, we did get tired of all the EXCUSES, that was why we VOTED you out of office.
And Yes, we expect that everything will take time to fix…..when someone in your family crashes the family car…..people are not at all surprised that it will probably take some time to get the car fixed and put back to right.
What is surprising is to hear the PLPbiu “claim” that you should have been able to drive that same car less than three days later with no hint of damage whatsoever.