Court Hears Man Threw Flower Pot Overboard
A 59-year old man received an absolute discharge in Magistrates Court this morning [Sept 26] after admitting tossing his neighbour’s flower pot into Hamilton Harbour.
Robert Coombs re-appeared before Magistrate Khamisi Tokunbo, where the Court heard his neighbour had moved out of her condo on Harbour Road to allow renovation works.
She moved into a nearby guesthouse, and by using binoculars, she kept an eye on the workmen and their activities. Through her binoculars, she observed Mr Coombs take her plant pot, and toss the pot and plant into Hamilton Harbour.
Police were called, Mr Coombs was questioned, admitted his action, wrote a letter of apology, and replaced the $75 plant pot and plant. The Magistrate ordered an Absolute Discharge.
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Category: All, Court Reports, Crime
What a waste of our judicial system time!
Mr. Coombs apologized and paid for a new potted plant. That should have been enough…Instead at $’000′s of dollars cost this goes through the courts! Has the AG’s Chambers gone mad! Is there no discretion…?
If you want to reduce government spending, we should also be looking at the nature and type of cases litigated!
Wasting tax payers money!
Blame the lady who called the police!!! She was the one who stirred the pot(no pun intended) She was looking(again no pun)for trouble when she decided to spy on the workers from a distance! This woman needs a life and I wont be surprised if she has taken up issue with some of the other workers with her spying! The police should replace cctv with this lady.I guarantee you that we would solve more crimes.
I second that.
I third that………
I couldn’t agree more! Ludicrous.
Cool down lady.. he was only trying to water the thing for you!
the First 3 posters are typical hypocrites.
guess he is anti vegan or something
good thing he didn’t smoke it would have got at least ten years
Methinks there is more to this story than meets the eye!! Why did he throw the pot in the harbour and why did she proceed after a letter of apology and restitution.
Got to give to her though. Who needs all these high tech gadgets when you only require a good set of binoculars. Makes one wonder who else she spies on each day… LOL
@ concerened local Bermudian – you might be surprised at the goings on with other cases!
This has been making me laugh since I read it! Good skills mate.
that guys gone potty
This lady must have more money then brains!!!spying..
a pure colonialistic mind set — come on now’
it show’s that were still in the 1700′s – what a waste of money and time!
I’m sure that there were more important cases to deal with.
Come on Bermuda’
I think the lady had a right to watch the workmen as she is paying them for their time at her home. And it goes to show, if they are willing to have such disrespect for her property as to just toss it overboard, what else might someone be doing at her home while they assume they are not being watched? Yes it is just a plant and all, but it signifies a sense of disrespect and carelessness towards someone else’s property. She may have also been burned in the pasty by workers at her home, and felt that she had good reason to keep an eye on things.
The lady who called the police…….well she “AINT WELL”….
When I read this case in the papers, I cracked up, then I glanced down and read the blogs, at least it’s not only me who thinks this is preposterous. Goodness this woman really doesn’t have anything better to do. Ok forget about her………How can such a trivial case land in court wasting tax payers money. Where is the descretion of the AG?
I happen know the defendant well, I am surprised at his action as I know that he has a particular interest in potted plants of types and species.