Bermuda Shorts Style Illegal In North Nigeria

October 18, 2013

While Bermuda shorts may be acceptable in nearly all social situations in Bermuda itself, residents of northern Nigeria are finding that they could face criminal consequences if they wear similar clothing, with Islamic police in that part of the country promising to crack down on men and women who are not properly covered.

The cutoff pants and sleeveless shirts that are popular with the young men who pilot motorized rickshaw taxis in the country’s Kano state have recently drawn the ire of police in that increasingly fundamentalist part of the world, with Islamic police deploying 10,000 officers to combat what has been ruled as “indecent dress,” according to the Washington Post.

The crackdown by police, who have promised to deploy 10,000 officers committed to the cause, will also focus on cab drivers who allow men and women to be carried together in their vehicles.

The ruling comes directly from the Hisbah board, the Nigerian group responsible for upholding and enforcing compliance with Shariah law in Kano. Because such clothing exposes an abundance of skin, they have been deemed to conflict with both that Islamic law code and that of the Hausa, the biggest tribe of people in northern Nigeria.

While most of Nigeria, which is home to more than 160 million people, exists under secular law, nine of the nation’s 37 states have adopted Shariah law since 2000, with Kano representing one of the most fundamental among them.

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  1. Family Man says:

    Islam – gotta love it.

  2. Joonya says:

    Deploy 10,000 officers to control people from wearing shorts, but turn a blind eye to Nigerian criminals scamming hundreds of elderly people around the world out of their life savings. F*&$# idiots!!

  3. DeliverUs says:

    Every country that gives money to Nigeria should STOP. Unless and until they get rid of shariah laws. You too Britain! Shariah law has no place in the 21st Century.

    • Mike Hind says:

      I’d say that forcing the rules of ANY religion onto the citizens of a country or region is wrong, no?

      • sage says:

        Si senor,Did we not invite Islamic finance governed by shariah law to our shores not too long ago?

        • Mike Hind says:

          Dunno. Where did they approach? We’re those countries under shariah law?

  4. Nuffin but da Truth says:

    to hell with Islam!

    • Mike Hind says:

      How ’bout Christianity? To hell with them, too?

      • Nuffin but da Truth says:

        shut up know it all!

        • Mike Hind says:

          Can I assume from your polite response that you don’t have a problem with Christianity?

          Why the hate for Islam, then?

        • fasho says:

          Yah everyone hating on Islam here should be ashamed. Christianity, in the wrong hands, is just as hateful and destructive. So you are contradicting yourself (unless you were being funny?)

          • Legal Eagle says:

            Hey Fasho–I hate Islam-+I’m NOT the least bit ashamed of doing so!! Islamic suicide bombers slaughtering innocent women+children in the name of Islam is sick!! While historically, Christianity has it’s faults as well,that cannot excuse or justify the Islamic atrocities going on in todays world

            • Mike Hind says:

              No one is excusing them. At all.

              But to hate an entire religion because of the actions of a few, while ignoring or excusing the “faults” of another – especially if it’s your own… and especially if forgiveness is one of the core tenets of the faith! – is the height of hypocrisy.

              BOTH religions have blood on their hands. To pretend they don’t is wrong.