SAGE Commission Gets Two Week Extension

October 2, 2013

The SAGE Commission has received an an additional two weeks in order to complete their final report, Minister of Finance Bob Richards said today [Oct 1] in the House of Assembly.

Minister Richards said the SAGE Commission commenced its work as soon as they were officially appointed on April 15th 2013 and based on the provisions in the legislation were due to submit their recommendations and final report on October 15th, 2013.

“SAGE has asked for an additional two weeks in order to complete their final report; therefore in order to accommodate their request I have used my powers under Section 3 (4) of the Act and extended the existence and operations of the SAGE until October 31, 2013 so that they can complete this immensely important work,” said the Minister.

“I look forward to receiving the SAGE’s final report and recommendations and the implementation of those recommendations which will make Government more efficient and cost-effective with the ultimate aim to reduce overall Government expenditure.”

Minister Richards’ full statement follows below:

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to advise Honourable Members of the extension of existence and operations of the SAGE Commission in accordance with Section 3 (4) of the SAGE Commission Act 2013.

Honourable Members are aware that the “Spending and Government Efficiency Commission” (the “SAGE Commission”) was established via Clause 3 of the SAGE Commission Act 2013.

As you may recall, the Commission’s primary objective was to advise Government on the most efficient and cost-effective government organizational structure in order to improve delivery of services, introduce cost saving measures and greater transparency and accountability.

The Commission was charged with conducting this work and delivering their recommendations to the Minister of Finance within a six-month period.

The SAGE Commission commenced its work as soon as they were officially appointed on April 15th 2013 and based on the provisions in the legislation were due to submit their recommendations and final report on October 15th, 2013.

Mr. Speaker, the SAGE has asked for an additional two weeks in order to complete their final report; therefore in order to accommodate their request I have used my powers under Section 3 (4) of the Act and extended the existence and operations of the SAGE until October 31, 2013 so that they can complete this immensely important work.

Honourable Members are advised that the SAGE COMMISSION (EXTENSION OF EXISTENCE AND OPERATIONS) ORDER 2013 was Gazetted on Tuesday October 1, 2013.

Mr. Speaker, I look forward to receiving the SAGE’s final report and recommendations and the implementation of those recommendations which will make Government more efficient and cost-effective with the ultimate aim to reduce overall Government expenditure.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker

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  1. the absurdities continue says:

    So the group tasked with to quote ‘improve delivery of services’ is unable to do so when the due date arrives .