PechaKucha Night To Be Held On February 20

February 18, 2014

The sixth ‘PechaKucha Night’[PKN] is taking place on Thursday [Feb 20] at the Blue Water Anglers Club on 28 East Broadway in Hamilton. Doors open at 6.00pm and presentations begin at 6:30pm. The event is open to everyone and admission is free. A fish fry will also be available during the event for $15 per plate.

Some topics and experiences being explored in the 6th Edition include: What’s happening to our bees? Is Bermuda ready for a Roller Derby league? What does it really mean to be ‘green’? Are we approaching public education effectively? What are our options to reduce road traffic accidents?

Pecha Kucha Bermuda - Volume 6 - Feb 20 2014 - Event Flyer-page-002

The full list of presenters includes: Tommy Sinclair, Abbie Caldas, Aran McKittrick, Carla Marquardt, Ananda Hill, Gordon Johnson, Mhairi Flood, Becky Ausenda, Tiago Garcia, and Mike Davis.

The format is a “20×20” where 20 images are projected on a screen, each for 20 seconds, while the presenter talks along with the images. Following each presentation is a 3 minute 40 second question and answer period with the audience. You can follow ‘Pechakucha Bermuda’ on Facebook for updates and additional information.

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