PechaKucha Night To Be Held On November 7

November 2, 2013

The fifth ‘PechaKucha Night’ [PKN] is taking place on Thursday, November 7th 2013 at the Sandys Boat Club in Somerset Village. Doors open at 6.30pm and presentations begin at 7pm. The event is open to everyone and admission is free.

Now entering its second year in Bermuda, PKN has witnessed over 30 presenters share their passions in various venues across the island. Topics presented on have ranged from architecture and art, to fashion and science. Organisers Nicky Gurret, Aideen Ratteray Pryse, and Tiago Garcia have again invited a variety of visual artists and creative thinkers to share their out-of-the-box ideas on any topic of their choice.

November Pecha Kucha Bermuda Poster - Nov 7th - Sandys Boat Club-page-001

Some topics and experiences being explored in the 5th Edition include: Working for Royalty in Saudi Arabia, Fair Trade Flowers, Body Art, Commercial Photography, and ‘Why our Communities and Workplaces need Playfulness’. The entire list of presenters is: Becky Wright, Vinny Caldas, Toby Butterfield, Ali Bardgett, Mohammed Hamza, Melanie Fiander, Yesha Townsend, and Gavin Smith.

The format is a “20×20” where 20 images are projected on a screen, each for 20 seconds, while the presenter talks along with the images. Following each presentation is a 3 minute 40 second question and answer period with the audience. You can follow ‘Pechakucha Bermuda’ on Facebook for updates and additional information.

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