Man Charged With Unlawful Carnal Knowledge

June 30, 2014

Appearing in Magistrates Court this morning [June 30], a 19 year old man was charged with unlawful carnal knowledge of a girl under the age of 14.

The incident was alleged to have occurred in Warwick in June 2014. The defendant, who cannot be legally named at this stage, was not required to plea because the case can only be tried in Supreme Court.

He was granted $5,000 bail with one surety, and ordered to have no contact with the girl.

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  1. Jim Bob says:

    We are seeing stories of this nature far too often. What is wrong with our men (because it is usually men) so much so that they don’t understand the differences between right and wrong when it comes to intimacy and children. To be fair, a lot of young ladies are looking for and more matures these days and the responsibility cannot lie with men alone. Mothers need to be teaching their daughters about self-respect and start treating their daughters like young ladies as opposed to treating them like friends. Similarly, fathers need to be teaching their son’s about treating a woman with respect and that is it a wrong to even consider a girl who is not of age in such a manner…..thats if the fathers are even present in these young men’s lives.

    • PBanks says:

      There’s some truth to this comment, however adult men (or women) need to take responsibility for their actions and if there is an underage person involved, it’s just wrong, and the law is clear on it… regardless of how ‘mature’ the younger person appears to be.

    • read deal says:

      Bermuda need more females the balance is out of wack. need more forin females

  2. mr.speaker says:

    Every week its a new case of this WE NEED A SEX OFFENDERS REGISTRY ASAP.

  3. concerned parents says:

    Sex offenders list asap.
    That will be all

    One day someone will touch the wrong child
    And they will be dealt with by the streets.
    A simple regestry will stop two things

    1. Rape
    2. Murder of a rapist

    • Jane Smith says:

      What is really needed is a list of the young females that are online pretending to be older than they are.

  4. hmmmmm says:

    This is getting to be a little bit to much. I agree with the comments, a sex offenders registry is really needed and quick.. so sickening!

  5. Tricks are for Kids says:

    WE can’t be accountable for the actions of others but we can be accountable for our own…Mothers NEED to talk to their daughters and reach them what is acceptable vs what is not when it comes to their bodies… I agree with the first poster our young ladies are looking more and more mature each day…not that this is an excuse. However how many people ask for ID when they go out with someone these days…with social media there are many young girls out there with “fake” birth dates on their account making them older than what they actually are..parents need to be vigilant with this as well..check your teens accounts on a regular basis and I’m sure that SOME of you will find that your children are not as innocent as they seem…Both our young men AND women need to be taught to respect each other and also what is acceptable….they need to be taught boundaries…..