Tre Houston Makes Top 100 Sprinters List

July 9, 2014

Bermuda’s Harold “Tre” Houston has cracked the top 100 in the International Association of Athletics Federations [IAAF] ranking of the top international sprinters, achieving the placement mere weeks before he gets set to represent Bermuda at the 2014 Commonwealth Games as one of only 18 athletes that will make the trip to Glasgow, Scotland from July 23 to August 3, 2014.

tre houston 2013 bermuda

Houston is currently ranked 68th in the 100 metre category, clocking a run of 10.22 [Wind Assisted] and 61st in the 200 metre category, clocking a time of 20.72 [Wind Assisted], on the latest IAAF World Ranking List posted.

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Houston is well-known for his blazing speed on the track, having set multiple records at the 2013 Island Games, including consecutive records set in the 200 metre run and  100 metre run.

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Articles that link to this one:

  1. Houston Places 36th In Commonwealth Games | | July 28, 2014
  1. Nay says:


  2. Evie says:

    Congratulations Tre!

  3. godson says:

    Well done Tre…

  4. eastside fam says:

    Keep up the good work!!!!Whole island is behind you.

  5. Lauren S says:

    Congrats Cuzziiii

  6. Kathy S. says:

    Well Done Tre!!! Your hard work is paying off. Congrats!

  7. Bermy says:

    Tre, congratulations, what an awesome achievement by an awesome person.

    From: Mr Trott

  8. Future says:

    Wow. Dude has talent AND put in the work. Well done.