Video: Janeiro Tucker Receives Safe Hands Award
[Updated with video] Janeiro Tucker — aka Mr Cup Match — was presented with the 2014 Safe Hands Award today [Aug 5] along with cheque for $1000 and two travel vouchers.
Bermuda HealthCare Services Limited [BHCS] and Brown-Darrell Clinic sponsored the award this year, which was first established in 1998 and is presented to the Cup Match player whose catching performance contributed the most to his team’s success.
Mr. Tucker is the eleventh Somerset player to win the Safe Hands Award, and has won the award twice previously, first in 1998 and again in 2003.
BHCS Founder and Executive Chairman, Dr. Ewart Brown said, “Janeiro Tucker was the first winner of The Safe Hands Award in 1998 and he has continued to shine under the bright lights of Cup Match.
Dr. Brown said his “catches this year brings his overall catch total to 26, breaking the previous record and placing Janeiro at the top of the all time catch list. Janeiro Tucker is not only this year’s Safe Hands Award winner, but he has also arguably earned himself the new nickname of Mr. Cup Match.”
Judge Dennis Wainright remarked, “I would like to thank Bermuda HealthCare Services and Brown Darrell Clinic for their continued support of the Safe Hands Cup Match Award. Their support is greatly appreciated by the players and this is award has become an important part of our Cup Match tradition.”
Congratulation once again Janeiro on your accomplishments. (Without any doubt the rightfully deserving gifts / awards.)
I have a question: Did George O’Brien receive something for his well performance in balling,? If not, then I believe he need be…
Totally agree there (and I am a Somerset Fan!)
Typo: …well performance and bowling?
Well done Janeiro. I also think there should be a bowling award.