Coral Beach Club “Looking For 30 New Staff”

March 19, 2015

Coral Beach & Tennis Club said they are looking for 30 new staff members, and will be holding a job fair on Wednesday March 25th from 4pm – 8pm.

General Manager Nik Bhola said, “Coral Beach & Tennis Club is looking for 30 new staff members!  With that we thought it would be a great idea to host a job fair and invite prospective employees to come, have a look at the Club and submit applications.

“As Coral Beach is a private club many persons are not familiar with the property and this seemed a good opportunity to profile our beautiful property.

Coral Beach Club Bermuda

The job fair will take place on Wednesday March 25th from 4 – 8 pm in the Club’s Beach Terrace Restaurant.

Prospective employees are expected to arrive prepared to be interviewed on the spot, they should bring a resume and two references with them.   Coral Beach & Tennis Club will have managers and support staff available to assist and guide persons through the property and the process.

Nik Bhola continued, “We encourage anyone who has a passion for service to come by and meet our team.  We have reached out to our partners at the BHI, The Department of Workforce Development and the media to make sure we get the word out.

“Some positions are seasonal like the Beach & Retail attendants but most are full time.  Persons not able to attend should email their resumes to”

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Comments (37)

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  1. ivory tower says:

    yes…each applicant will need a resume that somehow exactly matches the posting as advertised…for the applicable position of course.

    • jt says:

      Negative attitudes with chip in tow need not apply.

    • Barracuda says:

      No job for you!

    • Raymond Ray says:

      Them wanting to apply must first know what positions Coral Beach Club wish to fulfill. And by all means these positions will be advertised on the Government web page plus the in News for Bermudians / spouse of Bermudians right?

    • Get off the wall says:

      Having a resume at all and showing up on time would be a start.

    • Xaxa says:

      The only way to be guaranteed to NOT get the job is to not apply

    • ? says:

      “each applicant will need a resume that somehow exactly matches the posting as advertised”

      that’s usually how it works.
      A chef applying for position of electrical engineer probably won’t get it.

  2. Wondering says:

    Please let the people know what positions you are looking for so they can prepare to be interviewed on the spot.

    • Raw Onion says:

      What sort of advice is that? I’m sure if you cant figure out what type of jobs there are at a small hotel then you need not apply because you will NEVER be ready. If you can’t be bothered to take a chance and just show up with the required materials and the right attitude, then just stay home.

      • Todd says:

        Nonsense! it would make a GRESAT deal of sense to provide a list of job openings.

        • Politricks says:

          If you aren’t interested in finding out by attending then don’t go, but don’t complain and whinge when you don’t get a position.

        • ann says:

          As always, Please someone do the work for me I don’t feel I should have to actually take the time to show up. They told you in the article where to look, no matter how hard people try to give Bermudian’s work they still complain, no wonder there are so many unemployed, LAZY!

    • Creamy says:

      “The people” could always pick up the phone and call Coral Beach if ” the people” are interested in applying.

  3. Sky Pilot says:

    30 Jobs doing WHAT exactly and Full Time or Part Time?

    • jt says:

      I would expect that anyone who is genuinely interested will contact Coral Beach and find out….or at least attend the job fair and arrive with their resume and be prepared to demonstrate that they would be a quality employee.

      • Todd says:

        It would be much more efficient to list the job openings and minimum requirements.

        • jt says:

          Wouldn’t that be for the employer to decide? It is their time and their money after all.
          Perhaps when those with the sceptical attitudes offer up 30 jobs they will choose a different approach, as is their right.

        • Creamy says:

          Oh well. If making a phone call is too much work, don’t bother.
          Someone who can be bothered will get the job.

        • Xaxa says:

          My goodness! Shall we hand deliver it to your doorstep? If you need a job and can’t be bothered to do the legwork for it, you must be more comfortable than the next job-seeker.

      • Politricks says:

        That would constitute initiative and not be handing everything on a plate.

        • ivory tower says:

          yes politricks you know exactly about that don’t you? Your whole life you have had hings handed to you on a plate. I know who you are. Are you professing to be a self made man? Your daddy never helped you out huh?

          • Politricks says:

            Yes I am.

            Daddy died a long time ago and the only thing he left me was memories.

            Momma is pushing senior citizen age and is still renting.

            You’re ignorant to assume you know who I am.

            Get back in your tower.

            • Truth Hurts says:

              …with your ‘the world owes me’ passport. (ivory tower)

  4. Next says:

    Yeah so…how did Fairmonts job fair turn out? I never saw a follow up. All smoke and mirrors.

  5. Lois Frederick says:

    Heard the manager on the radio talking at length about all the different jobs available. Attitude it seems will play a big role in who they pick. If the applicants are outgoing and keen and it shows, there will be openings for them. Those will exceptional people skills are what’s needed at a place like that. The manager said that they would be looking at applications from young and old and in between. Dust off those resume!

  6. D says:

    smh I applied there when it was advertised 2 weeks ago

  7. Observer says:

    I thought that a job “fair” is an event where all the available jobs would be described and potential applicants could ask questions and then determine whether or not they would be interested. If you can’t make the effort to get off your backside and go to the job fair then you are obviously not really interested in the first place.

  8. Huh says:

    “30 new staff” , afraid to say, does not sound like they are looking for “Bermudians” ?

    • jt says:

      How so?

    • Lois Frederick says:

      Have you ever been there? There are many Bermudian staff that have worked at Coral Beach for many decades, and they provide first class service too. That fact alone dispels your false assumption.

  9. Positions currently available:

    1 Chef De Partie – Full time and Seasonal
    2 Chef De Rang (waiter) – Full time
    3 BellPerson – Full time
    4 Front Desk Agent – Full time
    5 Beach Attendant – Seasonal
    6 Tennis Attendant – Full time
    7 Public Space – Full time
    8 Room Attendant – Full time
    9 House Person – Part time
    10 Assistant Gardener – Part time
    11 Horticulturist – Full time
    12 Retail Attendant – Seasonal – Part time

    • Raymond Ray says:

      @ “General Manager”: If your post is true I want to thank you for posting it. So maybe now we will see many Bermudians fulfilling,(if not all) most of them vacant spots…

    • wondering says:

      Okay people you have your list pick out 1 or more positions learn everything you can about Coral Beach, Google the position your interested in, or talk to someone in that position, cover up your tattoos, speak properly, I’m rooting for you!

  10. Edmund Wells says:

    As always, the comments reveal so much more than the article itself.

    “Why don’t they list all of the jobs? They should list the qualifications”
    “I can tell they don’t want to hire Bermudians”
    “I went to another job fair and didn’t get a job, so job fairs are smoke and mirrors”

    Comments like these, with all of the veiled resentment and entitlement they convey, suggest that many are happier to blame someone else for their situation than to take positive, constructive steps to change it. And to blame someone else BEFORE they’ve even taken any action.

    To everyone commenting here: Ask yourself this- if you were completely dependent on the success of a business you owned, would you hire yourself? For some, the answer is an unqualified yes. For others, it might be worthwhile to think about things from the employer’s perspective.


  11. Lillian says:

    Is the email address correct that is published?? Email saying underliverable…

  12. Deeee says:

    The email does not deliver to the given address.

  13. 19&wants to work says:

    I don’t see how all these job fairs are coming up but all those who already have full time jobs R applying for the jobs but why do you give those who don’t have jobs a chance all these people that have jobs already is making it harder for those who don’t & for us young people every1 says U.S. young people need get out & work but when we get the chance to apply u have the people that have jobs already getting first call that’s not fair at all & bermudians should never say us young people need 2 go out & work cause when we try What Happens? We have no lock because all the full time workers got the positions.. SMH