2 Hour Video: BTUC Host Meeting At Clearwater
The Bermuda Trade Union Congress [BTUC] is hosting a series of events in celebration of International Workers Day, including three public meetings, the first of which was held last night [April 27] at Clearwater Middle School in St. David’s.
Topics at the meetings will include the “adverse effects of immigration policies and need for immigration reform, PPPs and privatization, and government’s attack on workers.”
Panelists at last night’s meeting included BIU President Chris Furbert, BPSU President Jason Hayward and Bermuda Union of Teachers President Shannon James. A
ll meetings are scheduled to start at 6.30pm and the remaining two will be held tonight at St. Paul’s A.M.E. Centennial Hall, and on April 29 at Sandys Secondary School Hall.
The full video from last night’s meeting is below:
After 4 minutes into this 2 hrs. video one will see right off the bat it is an anti O.B.A. event. Yes, just “another stick in the spokes”. Anything to “humbug progress” and that’s blatantly clear.
That which is being accomplished by One Bermuda Alliance is good but self-centered individuals do not want the O.B.A. to succeed, (in-spite of the fact they’ve proven to be doing the right thing for everyone whether they want to believe me or not.)
It was the Progressive Labour Party that opened the floodgates allowing blue-collar worker on Island and now they want to blame the O.B.A. for permitting these people on the Island and their,(P.L.P) screw-ups…
I know, let us allow the Unions to run the Island. We’ll be a third world country in 2 years.
I couldn’t believe my ears tonight when listening to Mr. Chris Furbert complain about the Paget Post Office being closed without,(basically) Government getting the B.I.U. permission
The Government had said quite clearly, “no-one will be made jobless” e.g. they’ll be re-located and yes, still employed by Government. So Mr. Chris Furbert, “what’s da beef”?
Easy Stormin Norman, he just said its respectful to have consultation before making a critical decision.
What’s the critical decisions, it does not impact workers jobs, just where they do their jobs. Honest to god, I could not help but swear loudly and repeatedly every time CF basically state that the government should be seeking the BIU’s permission everytime they want to blow their nose. They aren’t happy when they are consulted and the government doesn’t do exactly what they want them to do, they aren’t happy when the government makes decisions that have no adverse impact on their members… basically CF isn’t happy because he thinks he should be running the government. There was no disrespect shown to the unions or their members on this matter, it’s all in the head of a small group of wannabe leaders who don’t respect anyone who doesn’t follow their lead.
what, are we in kindergarten?
They basically tried that already, we ended up with an out of control unemployment and economy, and spiralling public debt.
we had a union grocery store…remember?…..please explain to me how that failed….be honest
Because Piggly Wiggly/ Market Place was more attractive, so the union grocery store is the only business in Bermuda that failed ?
Just asking……
It failed when the economy was strong, well before the recession, try again
Must have had unionized cashiers, probably only served 10 people a day smoke breaks lunch breaks doctors visits an sick days add up quick. The union doesn’t like to pay out to its supporters, come to think of it when has it paid out without serious returns stipulated.
How can I get a job as a union head .
sounds like your a glorified shrink without the couch and 20 times the pay roll. The only downside is you have to shake the tree once and a while so it will keep bearing fruit.
1:39:09 have a listen to this, this is the mentality that brings bermuda further down.
We need to set laws in place that prevent these Bermudians from destroying our fragile economy.
The OBA may have its faults however they are doing a better job by far than the previous governent, perhaps the Bermudian public were tipped off by a woman wearing camo fatigues calling for an election to the direction of the plp agenda.
Everyone should listen to this at 1.39.09. People who would deliberately saboutage the AC to further their own agenda.
Talk about cutting off your own nose. Ignorance of the highest order.
People like this should be locked up for their own safety.
These are very INTELLIGENT people you know.
We as Bermuda OWE $2Billion dollars
We as Bermuda are $1Billion dollars UNDER-funded civil service pension
We as Bermuda are $2Billion dollars UNDER-funded Government pensions.
We as Bermuda are $1Billion dollars spending by Government per year.
We as Bermuda are $800Million income and still borrowing $220Million
to give to the Government BLOOD-SUCKING workers.
And this can go on forever as it is nice to live in LA LA LAND where it is all about ME ME ME and we can spread it thicker than dunkleys manure.