Seven Videos: Bermuda Heroes Weekend Events

June 16, 2015

The first ever Bermuda Heroes Weekend took place this past weekend, with the event proving to be quite the success, with thousands of people coming out and enjoying the festivities.

The 4-day event kicked off on Friday night with a stage show in Hamilton, which was followed by the early morning J’Ouvert celebrations in Dockyard , the Parade of Bands in Dockyard on Saturday, the Pan In The Park in Victoria Park, and the Raft-Up off Admiralty House. You can view all our coverage of Bermuda Heroes Weekend here.

Parade of Bands

Pan In The Park

Bermuda Heroes Weekend In Dockyard #1

Bermuda Heroes Weekend In Dockyard #2

Bermuda Heroes Weekend Opening Night #1

Bermuda Heroes Weekend Opening Night #2

Bermuda National Heroes Induction Ceremony

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  1. Mike says:

    Great work Bernews.

    I hope the best for this event in years to come. Can’t wait for BHW2016!

  2. Islander says:

    This was one of the greatest events held in Bermuda I look forward to next years events. Well done Organizers Well Done
    Observation on Friday night there was congestion in the street and on the sidewalks where people were walking back and forth it would be good to have designated area for walkers either between barriers or use the store fronts (not the side walk) as a passage way other than that GO BERMUDA

  3. Huh says:

    MARDI GRAS next!!

  4. Raymond Ray says:

    I’d listened to a comment made by. Rev. Dr. Maria Seaman of “Shekinah Worship International Ministries” (SWIM)on ZBMTV where she’d said how much we have and continue to change as a people.
    As Bermudians, we annually display “our culture” with an array of costumes etc. so as we may enjoy our / Bermuda’s heritage. This is usually held on the 24th. of May and it’s been going on for countless years, and hopefully will also continues.
    I agree with Rev. Dr. Maria Seaman statement in reference to how we as a “people” mustn’t allow this carnival atmosphere of the West Indies to become so influential upon our young and not so young…The somewhat obscene dancing in the streets and the drinking while walking in public e.g in view of children. It’s totally unethical in Bermuda. I along with others do feel this needs to be confined to an area such as Bernard Park, where it’ll be available to them that wish to partake and not “shoved down the throats” of a vast majority of families who don’t wish to be witnessing this type of behavior/s in the public streets…