Cup Match Holiday: Public Urged To Drive Safely

July 26, 2016

On the eve of the Cup Match holiday weekend, the Bermuda Hospitals Board and the Bermuda Road Safety Council are urging the public to drive safely and responsibly.

“We urge the public not to drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol,” said Bermuda Road Safety Council Chairperson Erica Rance Mills. “Please remember you are also at risk of causing an accident if you are tired or distracted.”

bermuda roads street generic 4234323241

“Our statistics from the first of the year up to 12 July revealed that 837 victims required attention in the Emergency Department as a result of road traffic accidents,” said BHB Chief of Emergency Services Dr Edward Schultz.

“Eighty-two of those victims had to be admitted to the Acute Care Wing for treatment and 16 had to be admitted to our Intensive Care Unit.”

“We would like everyone to have a festive but safe holiday,” said BHB Chief Operating Officer Scott Pearman.

“Observing the rules of the road and driving with focused attention on the road will go a long way to keeping you and everyone around you safe and out of the Emergency Department.”


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  1. Terry says:

    And don’t forget on the water also.


  2. sage says:

    Still not taking statistics for alcohols’ role in accidents?

    • Terry says:


    • Toodle-oo says:

      Because you intentionally refuse to ever acknowledge the role of any other mind altering substances and their contribution to road crashes , and I can easily think of 5-6 without trying , but instead constantly rail against alcohol your posts are way past mindless and are very irritating .

      • sage says:

        I do? That is why the hospital refuses to take stats which categorizes substances individually and just says “alcohol and drugs”? Drunk driving apologists are more than irritating and personify mindlessness.

  3. Real Deal says:

    I think the sun is going to be taken guys out this year, its going to be blazing hot..

    We need to make sure everyone stays hydrated especially the cricket players.

    I had a dream of people passing out last night.

  4. lively bermuda says:

    think smart

  5. Gustav says:

    never ever drink and drive !!!

    • sage says:

      What of the legal limit of 0.8? Mixed message to the youth?

  6. JUNK YARD DOG says:

    There is talk about Driving smart.
    There is talk about the heat and the blazing hot Sun.
    There is talk about Drugs.
    There is Talk about Alcohol.

    What is cup match all about, it is just a game being used to send a message ?

    11th Of November at 11 am also sends a message of remembrance of those millions who died on behalf of 6 million Jewish slaves.

    Cup match is a celebration of events in history.
    Cup match is for some a celebration of love.
    Cup match is for some a celebration of hatred.

    The time is long over due for some the people of this island to, Move on.
    Get a life. Celebrate the future. Unite with a common goal with the belief in the future , living in the past is not progress.

    Because our very existence as a country depends on it.

    Celebrate Cup match with love for all in your harts for ever.