2017 Summer Bus Passes Required On June 28

June 26, 2017

The Department of Public Transportation reminds people that, starting on June 28, students wishing to travel by bus at no charge must present a valid 2017 Summer Bus Pass to bus operators.

A Government spokesperson said, “The Department of Public Transportation reminds all parents and students that starting this week Wednesday June 28, 2017, students wishing to travel by bus at no charge must present a valid 2017 Summer Bus Pass to bus operators. Failure to present the Pass will mean the student must pay the relevant fare.

“Summer passes have already been distributed to all public and private primary, middle and secondary schools, in addition to all home schools and the Bermuda College.

“Parents or students should liaise with their respective school offices to collect them.

“In addition to their bus passes, Bermuda College students must continue to present their valid college ID to bus operators in order to travel at no charge.”

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  1. Game Changer2017 says:

    Free,Free,Free. The era of the entitlement..

    • Cranberry says:

      Its not about entitlement – its about helping people and less paperwork – cash counting etc etc…

      • PBanks says:

        Printing off and laminating a bunch of student summer passes doesn’t sound like less paperwork :)

        This whole free transportation (for students) was one of the most awkwardly implemented schemes of the past several years. And it continues.

  2. mrs smith says:

    As of today, my daughter has not been issued hers.

    • Cranberry says:

      She needs to check with the school – as they don’t just issue them to all and sundry – they have to ask..

  3. NO MORE WAR says:

    Herb PTB and Gov here’s an idea why not just allow all children under 17 to ride the bus free. That way you would save money printing up 10,000 free bus passes. Come on it isn’t that difficult.

    • Kiverja says:


      Many schools send the passes through the postal mail along with the students’ report cards which makes it IMPOSSIBLE for the children to be in possession of their summer bus passes by June 28th! (Report cards were mailed at the beginning of THIS week.)

    • Cranberry says:

      Tut Tut – now that smacks of forward planning!!!

    • A Chap called Vanz says:

      Because some 16 year olds look over 20.

  4. Riley says:

    They will never carry the passes, because they do not have to. They lack responsibility, and get rude and sometimes violent when the drivers insist they pay. People want to blame lack of jobs and rap music for the state of the youth, no – blame it on the ingrained sense of entitlement. You all created these monsters, don’t blame outside sources.

    There are many ways to support the locals without turning them into helpless idiots. Sell them the student tickets – which yes, they still make – at discount rate. That way, if they do not have tickets, they do not ride the bus. Or they pay. Make them pay. All of them.