BLDC Staff Help Cleanup At Clearwater School

September 10, 2017

The Bermuda Land Development Company Limited [BLDC] said they were “delighted” to have taken part in the public school “Work Rallies” cleanup effort recently initiated by Angela Young, and supported by Diallo Rabain, Minister of Education, and Lt. Col. David Burch, Minister of Public Works.

“This is a wonderful way to bring our community together for a worthy cause,” said Francis R. Mussenden, BLDC’s Chief Executive Officer. “So many Bermudians have expressed their willingness to offer a helping hand, and we are proud to do our part to ensure our students’ learning environment is clean and safe.”

BLDC volunteers cut grass and trim trees on the Clearwater Middle School grounds

BLDC cleanup at Clearwater Bermuda Sept 2017 (2)

This volunteer effort has addressed schools island-wide, and BLDC chose to focus its efforts on Clearwater Middle School in St. David’s. “Clearwater is our neighbourhood school,” says Mr. Mussenden. “It is home to over a hundred students, and the only middle school in the island’s east end.”

BLDC CFO, Anthony Richardson, helps out with landscaping duties at the Clearwater Middle School

BLDC cleanup at Clearwater Bermuda Sept 2017 (3)

A team of 20 BLDC volunteers participated on Thursday, September 7 to ensure the school is ready to welcome students when classes begin on September 11.

Working under the direction of PTSA president and Work Rallies coordinator Ms. Nakisha Burgess, BLDC’s team cleaned hall and gym lockers, organized the assembly hall and storage area, and addressed various landscaping needs.

“At the end of the day, BLDC staff were happy to have helped out!,” BLDC said.

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