Packwood Home Unveils Portrait Of Lady Swan

April 15, 2018

On Monday, 2nd April, former Premier Sir John Swan was at the Packwood Home in Somerset to unveil a portrait of his late wife, Lady Jacqueline Swan, who was a member of the Home’s Board of Trustees for 25 years, serving with distinction as chairperson for most of that period.

Lady Swan Bermuda April 12 2018 (1)

A spokesperson said, “The Packwood Home will be forever indebted to Lady Swan. The professionalism of the Packwood Home staff and the quality of its facilities are attributable in so many ways to her dedication and steadfast leadership.

“She worked tirelessly to ensure that the Home was responsibly, carefully and caringly managed for the benefit of Bermuda’s senior residents. She was a great example and inspiration, always emphasizing the value of service to the elderly and infirm and the importance of public service.

Lady Swan Bermuda April 12 2018 (2)

“Sir John was accompanied by his children Allison, Nicholas and Amanda. Mr. Gary Pitman, Chairman of the Packwood Board of Trustees and the Board Members, Mrs. Annette Barclay, Mrs. Angela Tucker Mrs. Catherine Lord, Mrs. Suzette Edmead-Fisher, Mrs. Paul Tucker, Mr. Robert Horton, Dr. John Cann, former Board Members Mrs. Gloria Pearman and Mr. Jack Frazer.

“In addition, Mrs. Gaylia Landry the Home’s Director of Nursing, the Home staff and the Home’s residents also were among those who attended the unveiling.

Lady Swan Bermuda April 12 2018 (3)

Packwood Home has a Super Raffles will be drawn Tuesday, 29th May at the Packwood Home.

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