Video: Govt Provides $60K In Funding For KBB
Earlier today [Sept 18] the Minister of Public Works Lt/Col David Burch presented a $60,000 cheque to Keep Bermuda Beautiful [KBB] to assist with their waste collection and awareness efforts, and said they have “have committed to continue this funding through 2020.”
Noting the important work KBB does in the community, the Minister said, “I am pleased therefore to reinstate the Government’s annual funding for the KBB in the amount of $60,000. We have committed to continue this funding through 2020.”
During the presentation, Minister Burch said, “Everyone in this community will know that this year has been a particularly challenging one with waste management – so quite simply we in the Ministry need all the help we can get.
“So it was a very easy decision for me to approve the reinstatement of KBB grant funding that had been suspended in 2014. Keep Bermuda Beautiful, more commonly known to most as the KBB has been doing an outstanding job trying to keep our island free of litter, garbage and waste for more than fifty years.
“However, they do so much more than that, their youth program, is another where they provide classroom and assembly presentations in our schools, educating on the dangers that trash and marine debris are having on our environment,” the Minister added.
Minister Burch, Waste Manager Clarkston Trott and KBB Board Members: Anne Hyde, Amy Shillingford, Roger Todd, Ashley Harris, Susan Black, Sian Blackmore and Stefan Smith
“The KBB After School Hour provides our young people with required service hours and allows them to work towards their Duke of Edinburgh Award, while cultivating a generation that will keep our environment clean, healthy and safe.
“The ‘Adopt-A-Spot’ platform, which encourages residents to adopt an area such as beaches, parks and neighborhoods can also be adopted by families, schools, companies or individuals is just another method that KBB utilizes in beautifying our Bermuda.”
Minister Burch continued, “Since 2016, the KBB has performed over 300 cleanups, they have reached more than 30,000 homes and their number of volunteers doubled in 2017, to almost 750 people, this speaks volumes about their progress.
“The results of these cleanups are quite impressive and our railway trails have been one benefactor of this effort. Along with other agencies and researchers, KBB collects data on the marine pollution problem and this information is shared globally to assist other jurisdictions in the ongoing effort to save our environment.
“As some of you may be aware, it is my mission to have all of us actively play our part in reducing our waste, litter, to reuse and recycle ….. all initiatives that the KBB has been at the forefront of.
“I note the success of the KBB’s largest cleanup event of the year this past Saturday – the annual International Coastal Cleanup – we will meet shortly to explore how we can have greater cooperation between the Ministry and KBB over and beyond grant funding.
“I am pleased therefore to reinstate the Government’s annual funding for the KBB in the amount of $60,000. We have committed to continue this funding through 2020. I am certain that any future government will see the extreme value of supporting such a worthwhile cause and continue funding beyond then.”
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$60,000 meanwhile out schools cannot even get $60 worth of card stock. What a joke.
Great news – wonderful to see that Minister Burch and his PLP colleagues acknowledge the clear value of KBB, Ms. Anne Hyde, KBB Volunteers, and KBB Directors.
Bermuda benefits every day from their focus, dedication and caring. Thank you KBB!
It is easy to write a cheque, especially if it isn’t your own money.
What about the national debt?
Well done
Of course, queues continue at Tynes Bay and a $ drop in the ocean for clean up is meaningless
What are the sanitation workers doing with the time,we have a smaller population and only one pick up
They must be getting together with the bus drivers who have no buses to drive
Gotta give credit where credit is due. Well done for this one, Burch! What we really need is a massive education campaign on literring and it’s effects on the environment both on land and in our oceans. We should also throw in proper boating etiquette.
I’d like to see it be made mandatory that everyone need a fishing license in order to fish anywhere. This will cut down on people taking undersized fish and may even prevent the massacre we saw the other day with the rockfish.
Was this Burch’s idea to give a small cheque to divert the attention away from the trash and rats scattered across the island.
This has got to be Burch’s idea to divert the attention away from himself from the trash and rats that are scattered across this island.