$75K Donation For Living Centre For Families
Habitat for Humanity and the Women’s Resource Centre said they are “delighted to announce the first large donations toward the creation of our shelter for homeless families; the Transformational Living Centre for Families, which will be located in the former Pembroke Rest Home.”
“Our first donation of $25,000 came from David Ezekiel and David Pickering from the IAS Foundation,” a spokesperson said.
“Following that, and again without even making a request, we received a call from the CEO of Tiger Re, Jim Stanard pledging $50,000 just last week. Jim Stanard was one of the founders of Habitat Bermuda and served as its first Chairman. Having left Bermuda, he now sits on the Board of Habitat for Humanity International.”
“We have been overwhelmed by the support that we have received for this project already and we have not even launched our fundraising campaign yet,” commented Elaine Butterfield.
“Apart from these two very generous gifts, we have received numerous offers of building materials, doors, windows, flooring, lighting, solar panels as well as pledges to provide labour from so many companies,” added Sheelagh Cooper .
They added, “This kind of enthusiasm and support from both the local and international sector so early in the game is hugely gratifying and really serves to underscore the overall recognition of the need for this kind of safety net for our most vulnerable families.
“Now that we have possession of the building, the clean-up has started and we have already had three corporate teams come to our assistance.”
For further information please contact swarnerhabitatbermuda@gmail.com or telephone 296-0256
A real good news story. Thank you David, David and Jim.
Truly wonderful news!