Network Outage In NY Impacts Local Internet
A network outage in New York impacted internet and mobile data speeds in Bermuda today, and while One’s technical teams immediately began redirecting data traffic away from the damaged circuit, reduced data speeds continued until approximately 2:30pm.
A spokesperson said, “Just after 11am ADT on May 1, 2019 One Communications was alerted to an outage at a major 3rd party network provider in New York City which impacted New York State, parts of Iowa, and several providers in Bermuda. The outage impacted data speeds on ISP Broadband and mobile services, for both residential and corporate customers with One Communications.
“One’s technical teams and systems immediately began redirecting data traffic away from the damaged circuit to maintain connectivity, but reduced data speeds caused by increased latency continued until approximately 2:30pm. At that time, One’s engineers were able to complete the optimization of rerouted traffic to resolve issues for all customers.
“One Communications has a diverse and robust traffic management system in place, and so only a subset of customers were impacted by the outage. FibreWire Internet and TV customers were not impacted.”
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